We purchased the Support Ticket Pro and did not receive a code to activate or instructions on where to download the pro. I’ve sent emails through the support site and still haven’t received any support. Please let me know who I need to contact.
]]>I would like to add file upload to the form, since no such module, I tried to add it but have not had satisfactory results would be so kind to help me =)
Thank you for the useful plugin.
I got the plugin translated into Farsi(persian).
I sent the files to author.
Dear Sir,
When I am trying to activate my Zopim account through wordpress 3.4.1,it’s showing one issue.Can you tell me the way how to check this problem.I have given error-
Could not activate account. The wordpress installation was unable to contact Zopim servers. Please check with your server administrator to ensure that PHP Curl is installed and permissions are set correctly.
]]>Miyoshi, thanks for this great plugin…
how can I have the email of the sender show in the body of the email message?
or have it posted as part of the Email Body included in the Message body
or make it so that the Name of the sender is highlighted with an email link of his/her email? right now there’s no way to know what the email of the sender is.
I’d really appreciate it if you can show me how to do that.
]]>The default from email address is [email protected]. Can I change this to be [email protected]? I don’t want to change it for the whole of wordpress just for this plugin only.
]]>How to allow other user role (ex. Author) to have admin rights to only reply to ticket submitter?
I do have other support agents and I would like them to reply to the ticket submitter but not to create forms. How to allow them to do this?
]]>I have searched the forum and cannot info regrading the generation of a loop after submit pressed.
Submit does redirect to another page that includes ticket confirmation such as user and email but it forces users to fill in another textbox again and resubmit — this redirects/or lops again : it shows info for both previous requests (confirmations) and again forces user to input text into text box and press submit — there is no resolution.
Your help will be greatly appreciated!!
]]>Hi thr,
Your plugin is excellent, good job and everything works good except the loading icon that keeps loading forever.
It sends the ticket and everything rest works really good but no confirmation as it shows in contact form 7 that “sended successfully” also if we press send button without entering anything in the fields it should validate and give some sort of message like it does on contact form 7.
I would like to give suggestion that it would be great if it sends an email either defined in your plugin or use the wordpress general settings email on submission of ticket.
Im using wordpress 3.1.3 (latest at the moment)
Thanks alot.
]]>Please help — is this an issue of global/local functions interfering with each other?
This is browser message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_users() (previously declared in /home2/microsno/public_html/wp-includes/user.php:632) in /home2/microsno/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyten/index.php(4) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code on line 1182
I’m french speaking and from the province of Québec. I have a french translation available for anyone who is interested.
It’s not perfect and it’s french Canadian so it might not be suitable for all french speaking countries, but at least it’s a start.
]]>Ok. This is a really nice little plugin and does the basics of what we want to do. I would be willing to hire someone to take the core and bring it all the way up to where it needs to be. I am tired of waiting and I can’t find another plugin with this level of cleanness and simplicity.
Who supports this idea?
… and any advice on how to move forward?
]]>hi all
a few months ago I started using a support ticket using the plugin, I searched the forums if there was an option for show tickets at the contact page and saw that there was no taking the decision to set myself the code.
The following code can be inserted into a wordpress theme that allows sidebar and widgets.
Paste this code into the sidebar.php file in your theme folder.
<li id="meta" class="widget-container">
<h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Tickets', 'twentyten' ); ?></h3>
<?php global $current_user;
// tickets php code
// the name of variables can be changed
$cedu = $current_user->ID ;
//db connect
//there is a function called $wpdb but it dont
// for me $db=mysqli_connect('localhost','username','passworp','name_of_databse');
$consulta="select * from wp_suptic_tickets where user_id = '$cedu' ";
if( $num_res == 0 ){
echo " ";
for($i=0; $i<$num_res; $i++)
echo'<li> number of ticket: ';
echo' '.$fila['id'].'</li> ';
echo'<li> Subject: ';
echo'<a href="?page_id='.$fila['page_id'].'&ticket='.$fila['id'].'&accesskey='.$fila['access_key'].'">'.$fila['subject'].'</a></li>';
} //corchete de cierre del else
} //corchete de cierre del if
you can see that in this image: https://i.imgur.com/7DfNH.png
note: sorry for my english, i used a translator because i am from colombia and my native language is spanish.
note2: im working to integrate it in the profile wordpress panel.
if u have question feel free to write
note3: if u want to donate to me, my paypal is: [email protected]
thanks, Santiago
]]>How can I translate the email that is sent?
I downloaded the pt_BR translation and even went into the PO file, but did not find anything regarding the email messages.
Thank You!
le ticket une fois créé n’est pas visionnable par l’utilisateur s’il n’est pas administrateur.
after create a new ticket by a new user, we can’t see it “You are not allowed to see this ticket.”
Boa noite,
Fiz a tradu??o para português do brasil ( pt_BR ) deste plugin.
Caso alguem tenha interesse, fiz um post com os arquivos em meu blog:
]]>I tried setting up the support tickets form, but for some reason the form gets stuck when all the field are inputted, doesn’t give any message that the ticket was created at the top or refreshes even. Example:
]]>why can’t the ticket support allow you to input an email you wish all new ticket alerts to sent to?
Can I define a ticket inbox in a page, like the one in de wp-admin page, where users could see theirs tickets only? How?
Can I add attachments to a ticket? How?
]]>submit button does not work.
]]>I will donate $5 toward fixing this and adding some of the features requested.
like a custom thank you page
not deleting the closed tickets.
the ability to edit the email notifications.
Is there a (simple) way to enable multiple-file uploads?
]]>Hi, all of plugin is runnig, but NO redirection after submit ticket. it’s staying on the from page.
thank’s for help.
I tried to use this plugin but found i couldn’t make any changes to the forms. When i tried to “update form” I just got redirected to the main page of my website and the updates weren’t saved. So what’s the problem? Help?
]]>After hitting submit, on the front end submission, the page just stays there. just the ajax loader gif appears right below the “send” submit button…any ideas?
however, i ticket is generated, and emails are sent.