I’ve tested on several browsers, but a colleague is testing in Chrome on PC and isn’t able to enter card details to the modal popup…
]]>Is there a way to input the card details before placing the order? I find this strange and it does not help with conversion.
]]>If a customer pays through Sumup’s gateway, after payment confirmation is sent:
I had reported this issue before and was told that the problem stemmed from Woocommerc and was not your responsibility. This seems very strange to me as all other payment methods work correctly, on this site and all other sites I manage.
I look forward to your support thank you.
When a customer makes a purchase on the WooCommerce website, the purchase process goes smoothly with the SumUp integration at checkout, however, the following actions do not happen:
– Emails are not triggered after a purchase
– WooCommerce keeps marking the order as “Pending Payment” even though the payment was processed correctly and is listed as “completed” in the SumUp dashboard.
Eventually the order reaches the payment timeout limit in WooCommerce and the order changes to “cancelled” status. Even though the payment was made correctly and appears as such in the Sumup dashboard.
Regarding the site context, no other plugin has been changed, we use the latest version currently available (2.6.6) and STMP is correctly configured. The error appeared and continues since the last two versions of the Sumup plugin.
Thanks in advance.
After clicking the “Connect Account” button on the Woocommerce payments page, it redirects to my sumup account and I click the connect button on the redirected page. However, I only get the error message “Please try again to connect”. I can’t solve this problem for a long time. Does anyone have any information about this?
]]>Recentemente fiz a instala??o do plugin e configurei tudo corretamente e funciona. Porém, ao selecionar um reembolso ou cancelamento do pedido, ou ainda alterar para qualquer outro status dá um erro e ele n?o cancela a assinatura no Woo Subscription e o erro é no plugin, pois testei o Stripe e funciona normalmente, assim como outros meios com compatibilidade com Woo Subscriptions.
]]>At checkout, it asks for zip code
I can’t make a payment
It says wrong zip code
How do I fix it ?
]]>Hi All
I know it has been asked before but could not see the answer – how to I get the callback to go to the order received page with order details shown?
When choosing Sumup as payment option the button is just spinning, but nothing happens. No error message or error log. I’ve tested both the popup and the embedded payment version.
Our Sumup Account should be connected correctly, since we used the simple integration option. And have used Sumup on another plattform before.
The external file sdk.js (https://gateway.sumup.com/gateway/ecom/card/v2/sdk.js?ver=2.6.1) is loaded on all pages on wordpress. It was not the case before… It should be great if this javascript file could be loaded only on specific pages like cart, checkout.
Every time I press the checkout button, I can’t complete it because I get the following error: “Invalid request. Invalid param ‘action”.
This prevents any transaction from being successfully completed on the website.
I need to be able to solve this problem
Credit card payment no longer works since the last update 3 days ago the following error message is displayed on the order page “Invalid request. Invalid param ‘action’.” Everything was working fine before this update :/
]]>Las casillas para introducir los datos de pago (nombre, fecha caducidad CCV) se muestran solo después de hacer clic en “place order”
Estas casillas deberían aparecer una vez que se selecciona el método de pago.
]]>When installing Version 2.5.9 it gives me a fatal error in WordPress
Has something been updated and do I need to update it now for it to work?
]]>I have may clients who tried to buy but in checkout, it says order failed after entering cc details. How to fix this?
As it is working fine. only sometimes issue is coming.
Also it takes a lot of time to load form to enter cc details.
Version 2.5.3 of the plugin is putting loads of warnings into our PHP error logs.
File: includes/class-wc-sumup-block-gateway.php
Line: 161 & 162
The array settings array might not always contain the “enable_pix” or “open_payment_modal” keys. Can you please put some checking to see if those array keys exist (or populate them with sensible defaults)?
]]>Please help us with the following problem.
As an order is placed and payed by SumUp the following happens:
As I check the order, I see the followings:
“SumUp checkout id: xxxxxxxxxxxxx”
And later:
“Unpaid order canceled – time limit reached. Order status was Before Payment, then Canceled.”
The error log looks like:
==== SumUp Version: 2.5 ====
Client ID: xxxxxx
=== Start Log ===
Missed $checkout_data on Thank You. Merchant Id: #####. Order ID: xxxx $checkout_data:
=== End Log ===
Woocommerce : 8.8.3
WordPress: 6.5.3
Creating an account during checkout is disabled
I’d like to refund an order from the WooCommerce back office, just by editing an order and refunding it partially or completely.
Is this possible ?
Or do I have to connect to Sumup merchant account, and refund manually after modifiying the order ?
thanks for your time !
I have installed WooCommerce and the SumUp extension on a client’s website (WordPress 6.5). The SumUp plugin is up to date.
I have created the required oAuth element on the SumUp platform, and copied/pasted client ID and client secret in the application settings.
When I click on the save button, I receive an error message “Credentials are not valid. Please check and try again.”. On the dashboard, I have an other error message “SumUp Gateway is not configured properly.”
We tried to chat with the SumUp support team, but they can’t solve it.
Everything has been checked and rechecked, so I fear there is an issue with the plugin.
]]>Hi, I try to use Sumup Plugin.
I have this error : Missing scope: payments. Please contact support team.
I have setup WooCommerce and I am trying to use SumUp as the payment method.?
When configuring the OAuth app details – in the SumUp configuration screen it as asking for “Authorized redirect URL” so the user is successfully sent back to the WooCommerce checkout screen and shown their order.?
I assume this needs to be the order-received endpoint – so I set it to “https://www.hatherleighcarnival.co.uk/checkout/order-received/”
When I put a test order through, the payment is taken, and the order confirmation email is sent, but it returns the browser to basket screen and shows an empty basket after payment is made.?
I presume its because I’ve got the Authorized redirect URL set incorrectly?
Can you let me know what I need to set the “Authorized redirect URL” to be for this to work properly so the user is shown their order confirmation after payment.
Thanks in advance.
]]>if a customer pays for an order with sumup I receive two identical confirmation emails, while if the customer pays with another payment method only one email arrives.
plugin version 2.4.2
Hi folks, I use the sumup payment gateway on my website and previously had no issues. As of a few weeks ago, in the checkout, the boxes where you enter card information just don’t appear. The only thing displayed is “pay with debit/credit card”, nothing else.
I have tested every plugin for conflicts and nothing came to light. I have also contacted sumup who were absolutely useless in helping resolve the issue.
Any pointers on how to fix it?
]]>When using checkoutWc, the summary plugin returns the following error:
Uncaught TypeError (in promise): o.wc_checkout_form.blockOnSubmit is not a function
in Object.sumupCheckoutSubmit (sumup-process-checkout.min.js?ver=2.4.2:1:494)
in HTMLFormElement.initSubmitProcess (sumup-process-checkout.min.js?ver=2.4.2:1:376)
in HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:40035)
in v.handle (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:38006)
in Object.trigger (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:70124)
in e..triggerHandler (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:70811)
in l.completeOrderSubmitHandler (checkout-3ce576fcd6afa8858cb9.js?ver=d325dd65d21caaf76e5caeec965bd837:1:166710)
in HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:40035)
in v.handle (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:38006)
in Object.trigger (jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2:70124)
Would there be any provisional solution?
I’ve setup everything as per required and per instructions.
I get this error message…
Missing scope: payments. Please contact support team.
]]>I get the following message when submitting payment using this plugin.
This appears in red below the payment button after it is pressed. All the details are completed on the form correctly
What should the Authorized redirect URL be, can you help please?
Why does the “Test Mode” box disappear in version 2.1?
]]>We have setup and installed the plugin but when you try to checkout using SumUp you get this message – Error processing checkout. Please try again. This is before you even get to be asked to enter payment details in.
When I try to validate the order by selecting the Sumup payment method, I get the following error message: ‘Payment scope not activated’.
I have filled in all the necessary fields in the extension parameters.
Could you please help me find the cause of the problem?