How do I undo the rebuild of buddypress files?
I need it back the way it was.
]]>The suffusion theme will load the bp global.js which might cause issues. For me the issue was undefined functions because jquery was loaded more than once.
I fixed this by adding the following to the functions.php of the child theme:
//buddypress fix:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'GD_remove_scripts', 999);
add_theme_support( 'buddypress' );
//buddypress fix:
function GD_remove_scripts(){
wp_dequeue_script( 'suffusion-bp-ajax-js' );
line 52 in members-loop.php:
replace with this for the page to work in all cases:
<?php if ((!has_action('bp_directory_members_actions', 'bp_member_add_friend_button')) && (bp_is_active('friends'))) bp_member_add_friend_button(); ?>
]]>Function: bp_is_member()
Used in wp-content/plugins/suffusion-buddypress-pack/suffusion-bp-pack.php on line 526.
Use bp_is_user instead.
Deprecated in version 1.5.
Function: bp_is_profile_edit()
Used in wp-content/plugins/suffusion-buddypress-pack/suffusion-bp-pack.php on line 530.
Use bp_is_user_profile_edit() instead.
Deprecated in version 1.5.
Function: bp_is_change_avatar()
Used in wp-content/plugins/suffusion-buddypress-pack/suffusion-bp-pack.php on line 531.
Use bp_is_user_change_avatar() instead.
Deprecated in version 1.5.
Function: bp_is_friend_requests()
Used in wp-content/plugins/suffusion-buddypress-pack/suffusion-bp-pack.php on line 551.
Use bp_is_user_friend_requests() instead.
Deprecated in version 1.5.
]]>With the Suffusion theme being as close to a FrameWork as you can get, and better than most pseudo-FrameWorks out there, and with BuddyPress continually upgrading their plugin, this BuddyPress Pack is another fantastic development by Sayontan.