Will this pluggin help me add a background image to Customizr page/elements?
]]>Love this plugin.
But having issue when pages load on HTTPS (e.g. for ecommerce).
This plugin does not insert the image path with HTTPS when it adds its info the HTML page in the HEAD section.
All other parts of my theme, as well as other plugin components (JS, or CSS files) do get the HTTPS at the beginning of their path when connecting to the page via HTTPS.
The non-secure image path referenced by the Subtle Background Patterns plugin causes a security alert from the browser.
Any way to fix, or update the plugin?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>One thing I notice this plugin has difficulty with is themes that break the background into multiple parts. In that case it seem to change the header or nothing at all. Any idea if there is a fix incoming or i’m missing something?
Plugin not display patterns to choose directly from (admin window)
?Or choose an pattern from Subtlepatterns.com:
Select a SubtlePattern as Background?
Window appear with only headers.
WordPress 3.6.1
Theme Twenty Twelve 1.2
Subtle Background Patterns 1.2
]]>My site had stopped loading while giving out this error notice:
Notice: add_custom_background is deprecated since version 3.4! Use add_theme_support( ‘custom-background’, $args ) instead.
I disabled Subtle Background Patterns and am not receiving this notice now. I’m not sure the error is surely caused by this plugin or not, maybe it be one of my themes, but I did find the function “add_custom_background” in subtle_backgrounds.php line 194. I’m not a wordpress coding expert so dunno if its the same function.
Just wanted to post it in-case the developer wants to check. Its an awesomely useful plugin and I hope it gets the appreciation it deserves.
]]>So happy to see this plugin!!! Love it!! But I am getting a thin white border on the edges of my browser in Chrome and Safari on Mac. Firefox looks perfect!
Is this an issue that’s been reported before?
Thanks for the cool plugin!! ??
]]>Hi I have just installed this plugin and selected a pattern from the Subtle pattern archive but nothing is showing on my site just the default pattern that came with the theme. Have I missed something?
]]>How can I change a designs color? Thank you.
]]>When I click to select a pattern, the modal box doesn’t actually display any of the patterns? I get the green bar at the top, and the verbage, but no patterns: https://d.pr/i/gDDU
I’m using Chrome (but same results in Safari).
Self-hosted wordpress install, 3.5.1, with the Mindstream theme from StudioPress, using the Genesis Framework.
]]>when i click “Select a SubtlePattern as Background” button.. getting “Invalid request!” error.
]]>Tell us what would be a nice-to-have for this plugin, we are currently preparing Version 1.1 and would glad to get some input.
]]>Hi Marcus,
Your live mode is great!
But it’s a little annoying integrated into a new theme. Can you please provide a way to default off.
]]>I am getting the following error when I install the plugin:
The plugin generated 12800 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
On every page of the admin panel, the plugin code is dumped on the top of the screen, pushing everything else down. Not only that, it’s dumping the code at the top of the public website.
I deleted the plugin and downloaded it again to give it another try. I got the same results.
Any idea why this would be happening?
]]>There are some problems currently within the plugin servers. So the plugin update file for version 0.2 cannot be found by WordPress. If you are experiencing the issue too, you can download the latest Version 0.3 here:
This is availiable thorugh WordPress. I hope this will get fixed soon!
]]>Hi, thought I should start a new thread for this one.
I’m getting a few issues with the plugin:
The error message comes up and bottom box is displayed always now when logged in and viewing site. It always just saying loading.
]]>Is there a way to remove the intro message (Superb! You have successfully installed…) without modifying the plugin?
It’s going to be included as a required plugin in a theme so was hoping there was a way to override something in functions.php or can add to official version.