Hi. Is it possible to display the tree in alphabetical order?
There are pretty clear explanations as to the classes etc needed to style subpages navigations, but I’m still having trouble styling levels within the listing, e.g. Level 1 etc. Could you provide an example I could work with for this purpose?
Many thanks!
]]>thanks for the plugin. we wanted to be able to show other pages in the same group. an “in this section” type widget. the restriction is easy, you just set it to only show pages who have the same parent. here’s what i did (it’s an easy update).
around line 249, add this:
<option value="2" <?php selected($instance['root'], 2); ?>><?php _e('same level pages', 'olt_subpages_navigation'); ?></option>
that adds an option to the select list in the back end.
around line 75, add this:
elseif($root == 2): #all pages
$root_id = "0";
$pages = get_pages("sort_column=menu_order&child_of=".$post->post_parent);
that gets the pages with the same post parent.
]]>How does it determine the sub page order? I can’t seem to figure it out. I tried the dates but thats not it. Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>thanks for this plugin!
it would be great if you could add an option so we can specify how many levels lower the widget should show from the current page. ideally, it would be nice if you could also enter negative values
if levels == 1, then only immediate children are shown
if levels == -1, then only immediate parents are shown
if levels == 0, then all children are shown
The instructions say to refer to usage.html for further instructions on how to use the function calls. Is is possible to get this file?
Thank you.
how do I make a horizontal view?
I want to use your menu (Shortcode) blog full width
put at the top of the post menu
where do I fix this in the code
or where can I find how to do it
I will be grateful if you help
sorry for bad writing (google translate:))
Hi.. i use this plugin in a sidebar widget.. its working fine. Its a nice and very usefull plugin.. but.. how can i exclude pages (parents and childs) from the menu????
Where i should add the php exclude code?
Thanks, hope someone can help me…
]]>Quick fix: You have some filenames wrong. There are places where the source is looking for “subpages-navigation.etc” and the actual filename is “subpage-navigation.etc” (singular.)
]]>No collapse/expand functionality. Images don’t show up either (yes, I did move the css file where it should be).
I also see a class of “.hitarea” in the css but I do not see any such class in the generated HTML, even though I have a nested list of subpages showing.
Any chance to get this to work with WP3?
]]>Installed the plugin and copied the style sheet and images as instructed in the installation information and activated the plugin.
Using Twentyten theme, I put the widget in the sidebar.
Got an error that the variable “lightbox” was not defined. To get around the problem, I inserted the following after the function definition for start_el (about line 320 in subpages-navigation.php):
if (!isset($lightbox)) {
$lightbox = false;
The widget then worked as expected.
I also had a problem with the widget title being displayed even though there were no subpages. So I made another modification to subpages-navigation.php about line 112 or so to only display the title if the $pages array has something in it. The code now reads:
if (count($pages) > 0):
echo $before_widget;
if ( $title )
echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
With this change, no widget title will be displayed unless there is content to be displayed.
With that, the plugin works the way I’d like it to work.
Roland Smith
rolandksmith at gmail dot com