The Stripe Tax plugin is working great for logged in website users with filled-in addresses on their profiles, but not for guests. It gives the fatal/critical error (courtesy of WP_DEBUG):
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Stripe\StripeTaxForWooCommerce\Stripe\Validate::check_customer_details_address_fields(): Argument #1 ($customer_details_address) must be of type array, null given, called in /PATH_TO_WORDPRESS/wp-content/plugins/stripe-tax-for-woocommerce/Stripe/class-calculatetax.php on line 119 and defined in /PATH_TO_WORDPRESS/wp-content/plugins/stripe-tax-for-woocommerce/Stripe/class-validate.php:296
I’ve changed to the Twenty Twenty-Four, disabled every plugin except for WooCommerce, WooCommerce Stripe Gateway, and of course Stripe Tax, but the problem still occurs. The only time it doesn’t occur is if I uncheck “Enable tax collection: Enable Stripe Tax” in the Stripe Tax settings tab in WooCommerce’s settings. Any help or insight is appreciated. Let me know if additional information is needed.
Software Versions:
I would like to try out your new plugin, but unfortunately I can’t log in. I go to the settings page of your plugin and try to connect stripe. I am redirected to stripe and enter all my details and follow the next steps. Finally, I click on ��connect now�� to complete the process on the stripe website. Then I am redirected back to woocoomerce or WordPress, but I am still not logged in.
]]>Hello, there appears to be some sort of conflict with this plugin and adding fees to the cart with the add_fee function.
This issue isn’t present when using WooCommerce’s built in tax feature.
]]>When the latest version of this Stripe Tax for WooCommerce plugin is installed (1.0.7), it breaks the coupon field on the Cart and Checkout pages if they are using the now-default WooCommerce Blocks experience.
When an attempt is made to apply a coupon, the error message appears below the coupon box: “The response is not a valid JSON response”:
An examination of the JSON response shows that this plugin has incorrectly injected a <span class=”stripe_tax_for_woocommerce_message_span_id_calculate_tax_error”> into the response:
1-when I am connected with an admin account the plugin works but for a non-connected user it displays an error
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2- How can I display product taxes in the validation page?
(it only displays taxes on delivery /admin account)
with delivery
without delivery
After installing the current version of this plugin (1.0.7), any attempt to refund a past order before this plugin was enabled generates the following JavaScript error popup: “You passed an empty string for ‘original_transaction’. We assume empty values are an attempt to unset a parameter; however ‘original_transaction’ cannot be unset. You should remove ‘original_transaction’ from your request or supply a non-empty value.”
]]>At checkout, i get an invalid payment error if the coupon has reduced the total the cart to $0