Hi Rob!
I just now saw your post at:
I hope that you are feeling better!
Hi Brian
I have been seriously ill and for some reason my plugins were not displaying on this site for ages and I have only seen them today. Here is a reply to you which I hope you get to read.
Looking at the source code of the article that was posted on DarkPolitricks.com tonight (4th October) the quotes in the title or body of the editor are not encoded either as WordPress does this on display.
If I look at the source code of the article I can search for Death Spiral and find it wrapped in HTML entities in some places and in others it isn’t e.g
<h4>The End Of Empire: “The Death Spiral Appears Unstoppable”</h4>
and without encoding
<title>The End Of Empire: “The Death Spiral Appears Unstoppable” Dark Politricks</title>
To get a new tweet out without a duplicate Tweet error I edited the content slightly, changed the time of the post, and changed some settings in the TweetBOT admin area:
So the format of the tweet is now
More #altnews on darkpolitricks: %title% %url% %hashtags%
Which returned a new tweet of
More #altnews on darkpolitricks: End Of #Empire “The Death Spiral Appears Unstoppable” https://bit.ly/2koogzv #AmericanEmpire #China
More #altnews on darkpolitricks: End Of #Empire “The Death Spiral Appears Unstoppable” https://t.co/yp59PlWek3 #AmericanEmpire #China
— DarkPolitricks (@darkpolitricks) October 4, 2017
as apposed to the old tweet of
New article on darkpolitricks: The End Of Empire: “The #death Spiral Appears Unstoppable” https://bit.ly/2koogzv #Arab #BritishIndias
New article on darkpolitricks: The End Of Empire: “The #death Spiral Appears Unstoppable” https://t.co/yp59PlWek3 #Arab #BritishIndias
— DarkPolitricks (@darkpolitricks) October 4, 2017
I also had a blank “content analysis” box and “always post” selected and also Tweet Shrink and Text Shrink turned on.
Therefore I don’t think it has anything to do with the plugin as I don’t remove the quotes in the plugin. Have you tried the basic debugging information in my FB page or blog blog.strictly-software.com e.g stuff like removing or de-activating all other plugins or changing the admin options in the plugin and re-posting the article.
Have a go as I just managed to post an article with post tags used as hash tags and both shrink options enabled.
Keep an eye out on my blog and the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/strictlysoftware as WordPress has removed plugins of mine such as the very successful Strictly Auto Tags which can be auto linked to TweetBOT so that tags are found in an imported article, say from a feed, and then used as the #hashtags in the Tweets posted out >> https://www.strictly-software.com/plugins/strictly-auto-tags all automatically. The TweetBOT can detect the presence of the Tagging plugin and wait until tagging is complete, set a delay of 2/5/? seconds before posting the article to allow for caching to take place with whatever caching plugin you use and then the Tweets go out (with a delay inbetween each one if you have the premium version) to prevent Twitter Rushes > https://blog.strictly-software.com/2011/11/twitter-rush-caused-by-tweet-bots.html.
]]>I donated about 14 months ago.
For some reason, some HTML entities tags are not being decoded properly. Perhaps it is the word shortener. Foe example,
<span class="dbrian-postheadericon">A "Quran Roast" Outside The White House Ended Up Being Even Dumber Than You’d Imagine</span>
(copying raw HTML from originating site; note the HTML is actually quotation marks and NOT HTML "
. Also note that the right single quote, also NOT in HTML ‘’’, ‘ ’ ‘ is ignored and/or removed by the word shortener)
A "Quran Roast" Outside The White House Endd Up Bein Even Dumbr Than Ud Imagine
I am passing these through the WP kses filter prior to publishing, if that makes any difference.
I’ve stewed about this for a couple of years now.
Hi there,
I’ve used the Strictly TweetBot on a blog before with no issues. Worked like a charm!
I’ve just installed it on a new blog and each time I make a blog post, the Tweetbot sends duplicate Tweets.
I’ve tried de-activating it, uninstalled it and re-installed it to no avail.
What have I done wrong or what is causing the plugin to double post?
]]>With auto tags turned on it tweets twice, with the first tweet ending with ‘/620-revision-v1/’ which gives a 404 because it doesn’t exist.
This is the plugin message:
2014-Aug-05 20:29:47 – Tweet > [Auto Twitter post for you to ignore ?? https://www.feelthree.com/2014/08/620-revision-v1/ #AutoTwitter] was posted successfully to FeelThree.
2014-Aug-05 20:29:49 – Tweet > [Auto Twitter post for you to ignore ?? https://www.feelthree.com/2014/08/auto-twitter-post-for-you-to-ignore/ #AutoTwitter] was posted successfully to FeelThree.
Also URL shortening doesn’t work for me. The test button returns :
Bit.ly returned an status with an error code: 500. INVALID_LOGIN.
My username and API code appear correct
Last four digits redacted.
]]>I got these error messages when I pressed test configuration. I am also using Strictly Autotags too.
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/strictly-tweetbot/strictly-tweetbot.class.php on line 716 and defined in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1147
]]>Is it possible to add the post author’s name to this string?
%title% %url% %hashtags%
%displayname% %title% %url% %hashtags%
or at least
%user% %title% %url% %hashtags%
]]>I have 5 twitter account. I want to have more options for latency to post (Use WP Cron to Schedule to post) Or/And random post option. I wonder, if you add that feature in the next edition?
I have let JetPack know about this however having Omnisearch from Jetpack enabled might not let you delete Twitter accounts you have set up.
Instead you might see a “you do not have sufficient permission to edit this” error page.
It seems like a rewrite rule is getting mixed up somewhere.
De-activating omnisearch should resolve this.
I thought I would let people know.
When I create a new post, this plugin is sending a tweet. Superb ??
Is there anyway I can make it send a tweet when I edit an old post that was created prior to installing the plugin?
]]>The configuration test says everything’s OK, but I post and it doesn’t show up on any of the twitter accounts.
I can’t find anything bout timing or cron or queing… what do I have to do to get a post to show up on Twitter?
Lin Robinson
I go thru all the steps, everything is verified then when I test the config I get this messagge:
Please re-configure this account. Ensure the Tweetbot Username matches the Twitter Username of Kushandojdotcom
It matches. I’m assuming that because of this issue the plug-in isn’t working. What am i doing wrong?
there are 2 problems with the plugin.
1. If the Plugin Tweet Blender is installed, the plugin crashes with an error in line 8.
2. If i try to do the settings, after sending the setting i get an white screen in the right window. Nothing is saved. Only the navigation is visible.
I try to install the plugin on 4 different servers. On all servers i get the same problem.