I want to add a login and a sign up button to my main menu at the top of the screen.
I tried adding the following css class to the button: “btn btn-cta th-btn” but it is now too big and has the wrong color.
How do I add a login and signup buttons to the main menu? How do I control their colors?
Please Update!
]]>Stratus not working on wordpress 4.0 ,anyone can help me please ?
Hey there – really hoping for some help here as I’ve scoured around and can’t find any answers. I’m looking to stop the autoplay function on Stratus only on specific pages that already have Soundcloud’s autoplay enabled. This of course will thwart both tracks playing at the same time. Of course there are other pages I DO want stratus to autoplay – but music and video pages that I do not. Any way this can be configured?? Would be great! I’m at https://www.jeschneider.com.
I have an issue with the Stratus who don’t load and block some other elements in my home page.
Jquery conflict?
]]>Stratus is continuously not displayed. Works 5 minutes, then again not.
What is wrong with that?
The Stratus Website also has the problem that I describe.
If Stratus does not reappear, some items on my website do not work. That’s all pretty annoying!
]]>Hello can you help me ?
website : arbredesovenance.fr
dans le head
<link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://stratus.heroku.com/css/stratus.css”/></script>
dans le footer
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stratus.heroku.com/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stratus.heroku.com/js/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stratus.heroku.com/js/soundcloud.player.api.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stratus.heroku.com/js/stratus.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
color: ‘000000’,
links: [ { url: ‘https://soundcloud.com/sahiljagtiani/om-namah-shivaya-live-1’ } ]
The audio player is here, great, but it delete the body
Thanks a lot
Just to let you know that your plugin (which is great, by the way!) messed up some features on my website.
Both Jetpack Image Carousel plugin and Facebook widget stopped working
My embed video windows got all stretched.
The moment I deactivated it everything went back to normal…
]]>Hey there. Stratus is working on all of my pages EXCEPT older post pages. Here is an example of a page that it does not work on :
Any suggestions? It’s pretty important that I get this working ASAP, any help is appreciated.
]]>I’ve just added Stratus to https://2013.koortwah.com/ and can’t figure out how to get the scrollbar to disappear in Chrome and Safari, despite putting “overflow-y:hidden” on all the relevant elements. Is there a way “scrolling:’no'” could be added to the settings so that the iframe loads without it?
]]>Hello, I would like to keep my normal Stratus player with all my artist’s soundcloud links. What I want to do now though is this. When someone goes to my site and go to artist page and click on an artist. When he or she view that artist’s page the bottom stratus player will be music of that artist only. How can I go about this?
I would love to use Stratus on my blog, and installed the plugin. Unfortunately, the player doesn’t show up on my blog. I guess the problem could come from my jquery configuration?
My blog is https://doyoulikethatsong.com
]]>Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘stratus’
How can this be fixed? I didn’t have a problem with WAMP but when I uploaded it to my server I started getting this error.
]]>Hi! I’m trying to use this player in my WP site with the PageLines framework. Is this plugin compatible with PageLines? Can’t seem to make it “Appear”!
Thanks for any help!
I have recently been using the stratus player for some projects. It work great but if you don’t have an ajax site it won’t continuously play. I’ve been adding to the stratus script to make it dynamically replace the page content with iframes so that the player will keep playing while you browse the site(almost like smc player). The stratus script I’ve added to works but it wont follow links. I am having a hard time figuring it out so I thought you would be interested in helping finishing it and adding it as an option to your script. I think people would enjoy this option a lot.
Heres what I’ve added:
(function() {
var $;
$ = jQuery;
(function($){var g,d,j=1,a,b=this,f=!1,h="postMessage",e="addEventListener",c,i=b[h]&&!$.browser.opera;$[h]=function(k,l,m){if(!l){return}k=typeof k==="string"?k:$.param(k);m=m||parent;if(i){m[h](k,l.replace(/([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/,"$1"))}else{if(l){m.location=l.replace(/#.*$/,"")+"#"+(+new Date)+(j++)+"&"+k}}};$.receiveMessage=c=function(l,m,k){if(i){if(l){a&&c();a=function(n){if((typeof m==="string"&&n.origin!==m)||($.isFunction(m)&&m(n.origin)===f)){return f}l(n)}}if(b[e]){b[l?e:"removeEventListener"]("message",a,f)}else{b[l?"attachEvent":"detachEvent"]("onmessage",a)}}else{g&&clearInterval(g);g=null;if(l){k=typeof m==="number"?m:typeof k==="number"?k:100;g=setInterval(function(){var o=document.location.hash,n=/^#?\d+&/;if(o!==d&&n.test(o)){d=o;l({data:o.replace(n,"")})}},k)}}}})(jQuery);;
$.fn.stratus = function(settings) {
return $.stratus(settings);
$.stratus = function(settings) {
var root_url, src;
root_url = settings.env === 'development' ? 'https://example.com:3000' : 'https://stratus.sc';
$('head').append("<link rel='stylesheet' href='" + root_url + "/stratus.css' type='text/css'/>");
if (settings.align === 'top') {
$('head').append("<style>#stratus{ top: 0; }</style>");
if (settings.position === 'absolute') {
$('head').append("<style>#stratus{ position: absolute; }</style>");
if (settings.offset) {
$('head').append("<style>#stratus{ " + settings.align + ": " + settings.offset + "px !important; }</style>");
// create raw frame
var frame = $('<iframe id="contentframe" style="height: 100%;width: 100%;bottom: 0;left: 0;position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0;z-index: 1;" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0"><html></html></iframe>');
// store a copy of current document contents
var copiedHead = $('head').clone();
var copiedBody = $('body').clone();
// empty the current document
$(':not(iframe) head *').remove();
$(':not(iframe) body *').remove();
// load the copy into the frame;
// it's not possible to replace the whole HTML element;
// using plain JS DOM function here, since jQuery would strip out any SCRIPT and STYLE tags
$(this).contents().find('html')[0].replaceChild(copiedHead[0] , $(this).contents().find('head')[0]);
$(this).contents().find('html')[0].replaceChild(copiedBody[0] , $(this).contents().find('body')[0]);
$('body').append("<iframe id='stratus' style='height: 50px;width: 100%;bottom: 0;left: 0;position: absolute;right: 0;z-index: 99;' allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='0'>");
src = root_url + '/player?' + $.param(settings, true) + '&link=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href);
src: src
$('a#contentframe').click(function() {
$.postMessage($(this).attr('href'), src, $('iframe#contentframe')[0].contentWindow);
return false;
$('iframe#stratus').load(function() {
return $(this).css({
visibility: 'visible'
$('a#stratus').click(function() {
$.postMessage($(this).attr('href'), src, $('iframe#stratus')[0].contentWindow);
return false;
return $.receiveMessage(function(e) {
return $('#stratus').toggleClass('open');
}, root_url);
Hi –
Is there a way to make it so that a link in the post content to a track causes the track to load in the stratus player?
The player doesn’t load in IE. This is the error:
'console' is undefined
Code: 0
URI: https://stratus.sc/js/player.js
Line 1, Char 13
Any ideas?