Hi, what is the CSS to align the excerpt image on the left instead of in the center? We’re redoing a site and this will help a lot.
Thank you!
]]>This plugin is fantastic, thank you for making it.
However there is one complaint I have! If you go to wordpress > edit page > add block > latest posts then click “post content settings” in the right toolbar, click display excerpt. It does not use the excerpt word count saved from Storefront Blog Excerpt plugin and the slider does not work.
I hope you can add compatibility with “latest posts” block on wordpress under “edit page”, it would make the plugin PERFECT!
]]>Hi, I have installed my website on WordPress but I am facing an issue, the navigation bar is not showing at the end of the post. Is this Plugin helpful to resolve this issue?
]]>I installed this plugin about a month ago and it was working fine. The plugin isn’t working right now. The main blog page’s posts don’t link anywhere now. I haven’t changed anything on the site besides regular updates. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I keep getting the error Sorry, you can’t activate this plugin unless you have installed the Storefront theme.
But I AM using the storefront theme. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin, but I still get the same error….
]]>I installed the plugin, but as soon as it activates get a 500 error. When I look at plugins it says its installed but every time I click on it I receive the same error. I have tested whether it’g bugging out with other plugins through elimination but even when I’m not running any I still get the same error! Has any one experience this too, or does the plugin just need to be updated to run with the current version of WordPress?
]]>I have my posts currently set only to display on the blog page. (Homepage is the stock Storefront homepage) Clicking the “Read More” button takes you to the post, but it still only shows the excerpt rather than the entire post. The “Read More” button there, just reloads the page with the excerpt. When I’m logged in as Admin though, I can see the entire post properly. I don’t have restrictions on the post visibility. It is set to public.
]]>Hello, I am trying to display an excerpt on my homepage (using Beaver Builder), but when I add this widget to my homepage, It only displays a thumbnail picture (the image size cannot be changed when selecting different featured image sizes – customize > Blog Excerpt). Also, no paragraph is displayed although I have set the minimum word count to 55. Can someone please help?
Kind Regards,
]]>Hi this is a great plugin. I am using this plugin along with Storefront Blog Customizer to add my blog posts to my Homepage. The excerpt looks great but the “read more” button just takes you right back to the Homepage instead of to the actual blog post. It’s working just fine on the actual blog post page. The blog title as well as the thumbnail both take you to the blog post. Is there a setting I’m missing somewhere?
Thanks in advance for your help!
It seems that the ‘read more” link is picking up the other button link on the page.
We use Storefront Parallax Hero and the “see our full range” button has the same url as the read more links.
the plugin works well, but I can’t assign to post thumbnail an <a href with port’s permalink. how can I achieve it?
]]>I’m creating storefront child theme by myself. A very basic child theme, a functions.php and style.css file. The child theme runs without a problem.
But when I try to activate this plugin, it says:
"Sorry, you can’t activate this plugin unless you have installed the Storefront theme."
This is my style.css content:
Theme Name: Storefront Child Theme
Theme URI: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/storefront/?_ga=2.117121861.2123701926.1501626121-661578052.1501626121
Description: Storefront Child Theme
Author: Woocommerce
Author URI: https://www.woothemes.com
Template: Storefront
Version: 2.2.4
@import url("../storefront/style.css");
How to resolve this?
Thank you
Having updated the Storefront theme to version 2.24, the featured image now appears at the top of its associated blog page, whereas i do not think it did before. How can i remove it?
]]>I’m using the magazine layout with 2 columns so featured image is only 373px wide, but the source is loading the full-size image (1024px wide). Is there a way to tell it to load the medium-size image instead?
]]>I’m trying to translate the Read more button text using using WPML’s String Translation. I don’t see it appearing in the strings translation after scanning the plugin. Can you tell me if the plugin is using gettext functions?
]]>Thanks for this plugin. I’m seeing extra <p></p> thrown in before and after the extract. I think it is an error, and messing up my CSS. Here is the code:
‘<div class=”entry-content” itemprop=”articleBody”>
<img ….><p></p><p>Text</p>
Below is the relevant system information:
### WordPress Environment ###
WC Version: 2.5.1
WP Version: 4.4.1
### Active Plugins (63) ###
User Switching in Admin Bar: by Mark Wilkinson – 1.0.6
Adminer: by Frank Bültge – 1.4.3
Advanced Responsive Video Embedder: by Nicolas Jonas – 6.3.9
Awesome Support: by ThemeAvenue – 3.2.9
BackWPup: by Inpsyde GmbH – 3.2.3
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iThemes Security: by iThemes – 5.2.0
Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd: by SeedProd – 4.2.1
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Contact Form 7 Datepicker: by Aurel Canciu – 2.5.1
Contact Form 7: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 4.3.1
Cookie Notice: by dFactory – 1.2.34
Duplicate Post: by Enrico Battocchi – 2.6
Duplicator: by LifeInTheGrid – 1.1.0
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Events Manager: by Marcus Sykes – 5.6.2
Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator: by Philippe Bernard – 1.3.2
Flat Rate per State/Country/Region for WooCommerce: by Webdados –
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: by Alin Marcu –
Listo: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 1.1
MailPoet – Contact Form 7 Integration: by Jesse Pearson –
MailPoet WooCommerce Add-on: by Sébastien Dumont – 3.0.2
Meta Slider: by Matcha Labs – 3.3.6
Nav Menu Roles: by Kathy Darling – 1.7.4
Our Team: by WooThemes – 1.4.1
PayPal for WooCommerce: by Angell EYE –
Really Simple CAPTCHA: by Takayuki Miyoshi –
Regenerate Thumbnails: by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 2.2.6
Responsive Lightbox: by dFactory – 1.6.6
Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget: by Lucy Tomás – 3.3.3
WPML Multilingual CMS: by OnTheGoSystems – 3.3.5
Storefront Blog Customiser: by WooThemes – 1.1.2
Storefront Blog Excerpt: by WooAssist – 1.1.0
Storefront Designer: by WooThemes – 1.7.3
Storefront Site Logo: by Wooassist – 1.2.0
Storefront Top Bar: by WooAssist – 1.0.0
Storefront WooCommerce Customiser: by WooThemes – 1.8.1
TinyMCE Advanced: by Andrew Ozz – 4.2.8
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User Switching: by John Blackbourn – 1.0.9
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WooCommerce Menu Extension: by August Infotech – 1.3
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WooCommerce: by WooThemes – 2.5.1
WooThemes Helper: by WooThemes – 1.5.9
WordPress Importer: by wordpressdotorg – 0.6.1
Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 3.0.7
WP Edit: by Josh Lobe – 3.7
WP Google Fonts: by Noah Kagan – v3.1.4
WP-Optimize: by Ruhani Rabin –
WP Security Audit Log: by WP White Security – 2.3.2
WPML Media: by OnTheGoSystems – 2.1.18
WPML Sticky Links: by OnTheGoSystems – 1.3.17
WPML String Translation: by OnTheGoSystems – 2.3.5
WPML Translation Management: by OnTheGoSystems – 2.1.4
MailPoet Newsletters: by MailPoet – 2.6.19
YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews: by Yithemes – 1.1.9
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: by Yithemes – 2.0.13
YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier: by Yithemes – 1.2.16
ZenCache: by ZenCache / WebSharks
Inc. – 151107
### Theme ###
Child Theme: ?
Parent Theme Name: Storefront
Parent Theme Version: 1.6.1
IMO should ??
I fixed it locally so as:
$content = ( has_excerpt( get_the_ID() ) ) ? get_the_excerpt() : get_the_content();
<p><?php echo wp_trim_words( $content, get_theme_mod( 'woa_sf_blog_excerpt_word_count', 55 ), get_theme_mod( 'woa_sf_blog_excerpt_end', '…' ) ); ?></p>
$content = do_shortcode( ( has_excerpt( get_the_ID() ) ) ? get_the_excerpt() : get_the_content() );
$content = wp_trim_words( $content, get_theme_mod( 'woa_sf_blog_excerpt_word_count', 55 ), get_theme_mod( 'woa_sf_blog_excerpt_end', '…' ) );
$content = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $content);
<p><?php echo $content ?></p>
Now is perfect ??
]]>I think this should be fixed ?? Please…!
In function public function post_excerpt()
$content = ( has_excerpt( get_the_ID() ) ) ? get_the_excerpt() : get_the_content();
should be:
$content = do_shortcode( ( has_excerpt( get_the_ID() ) ) ? get_the_excerpt() : get_the_content() );
I am new to self host wordpress website and blog world. I start to use a Woocommerce storefront theme to make a simple paypal button product selling website with a simple blog in the website. Do any one in the forum know how to customize that blog page inside storefront theme. I do a search over the internet but do not found anything. Can anyone help me to point to the right direction?