I don’t understand what happened, but I have 54k cron jobs from this plugin :
And I can’t find a way to remove them…
Also and maybe it is linked… I cannot deactivate the plugin from the admin because it times out…
]]>Hi, is this plugin compatible with, or even needed, when using GA4?
First of all, thanks for a great plug in ??
Do you plan to fix the vulnerability reported by Wordfence? It looks like it should be fixd ASAP.
Many thanks!
I think I reported this before but can’t find my previous post here.
I’m getting this error:
]]>WordPress WSRS: error when getting blacklist: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5000 milliseconds
Hi folks,
Getting this error today when the plugin tries to update list:
WordPress WSRS: error when getting blacklist: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
Hi and thanks for this great plugin!
When I add a URL in my site’s plugin settings are they automatically added to the global database or is there a way to submit my own list somehow?
]]>Hi Krzysztof,
Stop Referrer Spam is awesome. I’ve been debugging some other plugins with far worse problems, while I was doing that I noticed this in my logs:
PHP Notice
Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER
Since installation I no longer have data in Google Analytics
I’ve added sites (1 per line) to custom urls and Im still getting spam from those domains. Please help. Thank You
Does the Custom URLs area support any wildcard format? For example *.xyz
]]>Hi there
I have installed your plugin ?? But, I am being constantly spammed by some sites not currrently on your blacklist.
Can I submit sites to you for inclusion?