Rating: 5 stars
A great addition to Aksimet. I enter a list of stop words and there are no more comments and links that Aksimet does not consider spam. I hope that the developer will continue to support the plugin.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Un plugin sencillo que hace lo que dice y solo lo que dice, cosa que se agradece en estos tiempos.
Estaba sufriendo un ataque de spam a los comentarios con la misma frase “Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?”.
Lo instalé, a?adí la línea “Como puedo iniciar sesión”, y listo.
Muchas gracias, Predrag.
Rating: 5 stars
I chose this plugin instead of Akismet.
I have not received any more spam since installation.
It works great!
Thank you for this spamcatcher
I use thema ‘Mantra’.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Finally I have found a spam fighting plugin which is easy to handle, and which works like promised.
I had tried different solutions, which did not seem to do anything or were disappointing by their weak functionalities. But this plugin here (Stop Comment Spam) is very easy to configure, because all you have to do is to type in your bad keywords. And it is very effective:
It rejects comments which contain one or more of the defined words from the filter – the comments do not pass through to your blog, which means, they are not put into the moderation, so you don’t have to delete all that annoying stuff.
Fantastic, and exactly what I was searching for! Thanks for your good work!