Just want to let you know that your read more about the plugin at https:// www(dot)wpfruits(dot)com / downloads / wp-plugins / sticky-notification-bar-for-wordpress / ?ref=wp
is being flagged by Chrome as a Malware link. Don’t see any issues with the plugin itself but rather there may be an issue on your own website. The Wordfence plugin is also flagging your readme.txt file solely because of the link above.
Actually now it looks like your entire site is being flagged.
]]>I can’t find the shortcode anywhere..
Would you mind posting it here?
Thank you.
]]>Hi there – I’ve just installed the plugin but can’t find the options to do a few changees:
– change text colour. You’ve included background colour change but how do we change text colour?
– how do I remove the small WPF logo on the left hand side?
– and how do I change the font of the sticky bar menu? I’m comfortable to do basic CSS changes.
Thanks so much!
The bar appears as a white line on the top in Chrome. Please, help me appear it.
I’m having trouble with the following sticky navigation in the ebriefs on our site. These can be found in the following locations:
When you select a title on the right hand side the page navigates down to that section but the sticky navigation disappears. Has anyone else come across this?
Another example of this happening is within this brief: https://www.intouchaccounting.com/resources/ebriefs/combining-salary-dividends/
If anyone can offer advice on stopping this I’d be very grateful.
Many thanks,
]]>The plugin causes the browser to show a warning on SSL pages. Is there a way to prevent this?
]]>I have a custom menu in the sidebar area. When I activate this plugin the alignment of the sidebar menu items is broken.
]]>I’d like to add a hyperlink in the bar. However, when I attempt to insert the code text certain parts of the code are converted to ascii. Is there a fix or way to insert HTML or basic links within the sticky bar?
]]>Thanks to the team for creating a nice plugin like this. The plugin is very useful but it has a major problem which will force people to stop using it. the plugin breaks quit a few popular themes. even after getting rid of CLEARFIX class (a known issue with this plugin). When I change the mobile view from landscape to portrait, half of the bar disappears.
Plugin developers deserves respect for their effort. If they fix this particular issue, this can be one of the best available sticky bar plugin available.
]]>how to change height of the bar?
]]>Hi !!!
Your plugin is truly awesome, and most of the fixes and evolutions that I could think of were already mentioned in other tickets.
I have a problem though, I am running most of my blogs with Elegant Themes templates, used by many, and most of them use a “clearfix” class for their main body area. Thus, your own .clearfix class enters in conflict with theirs (especially for the css line to display the .clearfix as inline-block, it breaks footers in a few ET themes), and since it is a very common name for a class may I suggest that you change in for something more “stick notification bar” specific (.snclearfix will do the trick perfectly ;-))
Quite easy to fix I think, and you open yourself to more than 200k potential customers since lots of guys in ET are looking for your awesome bar since ET doesn’t implement a “appearing on scroll” top menu in their themes (and lets face it, yours is quite neatly designed” ??
Thanks guys ! Keep up the good work !
]]>Is there any known issue with using a caching program like w3 cache? It seems to me as the cookie is not being properly set or read but Im not sure why. If I dismiss the sticky bar, it still continues to display.
]]>I was wondering if there is a way to add additional social icons and a way to remove the WPF logo on the left hand side?
Thank you!
]]>When I try to put my logo on the notification bar, it doesn’t work.
What is the recommended size of the logo?
]]>1. instead of just close permanently button, a minimize temporarily button would be great!
2. Activate/Deactivate button
]]>Not to worry
Hi The plugin looks great but it would be nice not to activate it before I have added all the links, images and menu to it.