Started using the PublishPress Revisions plugin and found out the Stealth Update box was no more showing up in the Publish box on the right.
Stealth Update haven’t being updated in years is prolly in fault. Not sure if author will read this?
I’m facing a weird issue where I hope anyone can give me a hint to solve it (and yes, I know it’s not the fault of this plugin!):
The autosave function of WordPress seams to change the post_modified database entry of posts (which it’s not supposed to do so, but does anyway, in my case). i.e. the post_modified date is being changed in the database even if I don’t press the “update” button at all!
This of course is rendering the function of the Stealth Update plugin mostly seless as the post_modified date is being change before the plugin even starts working. When I save a posting with the Stealth Update checkbox active prior to autosave (i.e. before the 60 seconds standard autosave interval), the plugin works. But as soon as autosave has fired once, the plugin is useless as the post_modified date has changed already before the plugin starts working …
I’ve been testing for hours now, including deactivating all plugins and checking the theme.
Maybe anyone has an idea what specifically to look for? I’m wondering what can modify the behavior of WordPress’s autosave in this weird way?
Thanks and kind regards
Hi Scott!
I’m back to WP since 3 months and at one point in the process of refeshing a website I was looking for a plugin like this and someone pointed me to your plugin which was exactly what I wanted.
I appreciate this latest update, I think last one was a long time ago. I like the new lock icon as it is easy to see which pages use stealth update but I believe the icon should be next to the Last Modified date/timecolumn instead of Date column because the stealth locks the last modified date and not the original post date, no?
]]>I started to restructure the category and tag assignment of my posts when I noticed that —to my horror— WP was f…ing up the modified dates of all concerned posts.
Since I’ve done this from the QuickEdit UI, I also noticed that Stealth Update isn’t available there.
In the other thread I read that you are planning to reintroduce the checkbox in the QuickEdit at a later time.
This post is to encourage you to do this as soon as you find the time ??
I hacked around a bit in the code of your plugin, and it seems I found a working solution.
In case it helps, here is a patch against version 2.4.2 of your stealth-update.php
--- /Users/tom/Downloads/stealth-update/stealth-update.php 2015-02-22 07:33:06.000000000 +0100
+++ /Users/tom/Downloads/stealth-update-242-mod/stealth-update.php 2015-11-14 01:35:43.000000000 +0100
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'c2c_stealth_update_default' with stealth publish state default (false)
public static function add_ui() {
+ if ( did_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box' ) > 1 ) return;
global $post;
if ( apply_filters( 'c2c_stealth_update_default', false, $post ) ) {
@@ -125,7 +126,6 @@
echo "<div class='misc-pub-section'><label class='selectit c2c-stealth-update' for='" . self::$field . "' title='";
esc_attr_e( 'If checked, the post\'s modification date won\'t be updated to reflect the update when the post is saved.', 'stealth-update' );
echo "'>\n";
- echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . self::$prev_field . "' value='" . esc_attr( $post->post_modified ) . "' />\n";
echo "<input id='" . self::$field . "' type='checkbox' $checked value='1' name='" . self::$field . "' />\n";
_e( 'Stealth update?', 'stealth-update' );
echo '</label></div>' . "\n";
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
update_post_meta( $postarr['ID'], self::$meta_key, $new_value );
// Possibly revert the post_modified date to the previous post_modified date
- if ( isset( $postarr[ self::$field ] ) && $postarr[ self::$field ] && isset( $postarr[ self::$prev_field ] ) ) {
- $data['post_modified'] = $postarr[ self::$prev_field ];
+ if ( isset ( $postarr[ self::$field ] ) ) {
+ $data['post_modified'] = $postarr['post_modified'];
$data['post_modified_gmt'] = get_gmt_from_date( $data['post_modified'] );
I tested it with a couple of post modifications and so far it seems to work fine. But it’s a hack, so no guarantees…
Thanks for this very useful plugin!
]]>Hi Scott,
first of all, I’d like to say thank you for your many, many great plugins. I’ve been using your Stealth plugins since WP 3.1.x., plus nine more at the moment.
I have actually run into a problem now, though.
Since my upgrade to WP 4.1.x, the Stealth Update check-box is being displayed thirteen times on the Quick Edit screen. I guess that’s about a dozen times too often.
Any Idea?
I am currently trying to narrow down possible conflicts with other plugins, and what I notice is that after having disable a few, the number of times the Stealth Update check-box is being displayed has come down to seven.
So, it seems there is some interaction going on in some way …