Rating: 2 stars
Add a link to autor page, slow loading and limited configuration options
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I like and use the Plugin. Very easy configuration and it’s work with google rich snippet.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I’m sorry, but every plugin that use an iframe to implement a feature are considered by me as deprecated.
And more the voting process missing of fundamental text feedbacks: for example, “you have already voted” or “give your vote here” or “x voted” etc..; the adv snippets.com not possible to hide by admin ui is the top of useless.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin integrates rich snippet rating in a very easy way in the content elements you want. It has some nice customizing features (every hex color possible, 5 different sizes and even orientation). If you want rich snippets it is highly recommendable to install that plugin.