Every time I try and scan the QR Code from my profile page using the Android app I get “bad base-64”.
Broken with WordPress 6.0.2 ?
I enabled troubleshooting mode so only plugin enabled and same issue.
Edit: Disabled fully every plugin but SQRL and same problem.
Using the Windows App I get “SQRL was unable to successfully connect to and communicate with the website.”.
]]>The users register and log in through my account page from WooCommerce.
I installed the SQRL plugin but the option to log in with SQRL does not show up on my account page.
Is there any way to enable it?
Thank you!
]]>Getting an “Incorrect QR code, try again” error message when scanning on Android.
WP version 5.7.1
WP plugin version 2.1.0
Anroid app version 1.7.2
Does the server-side provide any logs to help me with what I might have misconfigured on my server? I’m not getting any errors thrown in my Apache logs. Is there some logs or place I can view how its falling down?
]]>First off: what a shame that this site itself doesn’t do SQRL logins!
This is almost certainly either a misconfiguration on my part, or a lack of understanding, or a conflict with one of my plugins. I successfully installed the plugin (props for making it a no-brainer), and immediately logged in using my SQRL identity. I declined to then “register”, and continued as garbled-random-user-name. So far, so good!
Unfortunately, I’m now allowed to post comments on posts with this anonymous user account, something that I don’t ordinarily allow – the level of spam floating around these days is so ridiculous that within minutes (I kid you not) of firing up my shiny brand new blog, I was getting hit. Hence I require that only logged-in users can comment, and admin approval before they can log in for the first time. While I doubt that the average hackbot will be aware of this chink, I doubt it’s expected behaviour.
For context, I’m on WP 5.4.2, SQRL Login 2.1.0, and use Theme My Login v7.1 and WP Approve User v7.
Any steer you could give me on how to stitch this hole closed would me much appreciated!
]]>Can someone help me with a suggestion or two on how to edit the login page that is presented with this plugin active? In particular, I’d like to remove the Google Play and Windows “get it” logos and re-word the text about SQRL login.
I’m a server kinda guy, so all the front-end stuff is beyond me. ??
]]>Something has changed with iThemes Security with the latest update.
I get this error in iThemes Security when I use SQRL login which I have used since day one of the WP plugin.
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 34 of the file /home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/modules/user-groups/Match/Match_Target.php.
Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to iThemesSecurity\User_Groups\Match_Target::for_user() must be an instance of WP_User, bool given,
called in /home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-fingerprinting.php on line 170 and defined in
/home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/modules/user-groups/Match/Match_Target.php:34 Stack trace: #0
/home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/lib/class-itsec-lib-fingerprinting.php(170): iThemesSecurity\User_Groups\Match_Target::for_user(false) #1
/home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/pro/fingerprinting/class-itsec-fingerprinting.php(196): ITSEC_Lib_Fingerprinting::applies_to_user(‘2’) #2
/home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): ITSEC_Fingerprinting->attach_fingerprint_to_session(Array, ‘2’) #3
/home/bowlftcc/eventsbyblaze/wp-includes/plugin.php(206): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #4 /home/bowlftcc/
Hello! I am running a site on a web provider that currently only supports up to PHP 7.1. I would like to support SQRL logins if possible. I see in the plug-in description that this SQRL plugin requires a minimum of PHP 7.2. Before I consider whether I should move to a different web provider, I was wondering if there’s any possibility that this plugin will work with PHP 7.1. If there’s a specific function of the code that requires 7.2, would you be able to tell me what it is? I’d perhaps be interested in seeing if I could write code to reduce the requirement to 7.1.
I’m also considering just waiting for the web provider to upgrade to 7.2 or higher, but queries so far have not yielded any immediate results.
Appreciate the help and info!
I’ve installed the SQRL Login plugin and am getting the following error on the site login page. At present I am not able to login using SQRL.
Notice: Undefined index: redirect_to in /home/MYHOSTHERE/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sqrl-login/sqrl-login.php on line 280
Could this be because I’m running a WP Multisite?
Any help is appreciated
]]>I’m testing this on my own blog. First time using SQRL. I keep getting “This logon page has expired”. I refresh, still no good. Start a new instance of the browser (Chrome) still no good. Switch to IE, still same issue, expired logon page.
Other notes: Windows 7, SQRL client not permanently installed but is running in the tray.