Hi, this is a beginner’s question. I installed SBP and immediately saw an improvement in PageSpeed performance. Then I changed some options, worked on some pages and turned on SBP again, with the same settings. Yet, now I do not see the improvement any more. I cleared cache and tried again, but no change. What might be the cause? Thank you for your help!
]]>Hi there,
after enabling Assets -> Optimize Javascript -> Everything, my Adsense Ads are disappearing. I tried to exclude “adsbygoogle.js”, but that didn’t help.
What can I do to make ads appear again?
Thanks in advance!
I believe I tried your plugin a while back and decided on another direction. I’m doing a database cleanup and wanted to know if these are yours and can they be safely deleted:
Hello, I get this warning -The following plugin(s) is not compatible with Breeze- BUT I have installed it and everything seems to work fine, which function could cause a problem to be sure that I didn’t enabled it ? Thank you for your help.
]]>hello, thanks for the plugin, it seems to work perfectly with woocommerce. Is there a page to know what are the best settings for woocommerce or can we share our settings here for others and for you to tell us if you find something wrong with our settings ? Thanks again !
]]>Guten Tag,
ich erhalte aktuell folgenden Warnmeldung:
PHP Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /kunden/123456_12345/wp/wp-content/plugins/speed-booster-pack/vendor/simplehtmldom/simplehtmldom/HtmlDocument.php on line 270
Gibt es dafür eine L?sung? Da ich im Moment eine überschreitung der maximalen PHP-Prozesse habe (WARNING: [pool php81_domain.de] server reached max_children setting (6), consider raising it) muss ich jeder Warnmeldung nachgehen um den Fehler zu finden.
Viele Grüsse
]]>Hi, I use Speed Booster Pack & Autoptimize and they work great together in combination.
But there is one issue with lazy load (lazyload.js).
The issue seems to be related with lazy load of script files and when they are aggregated.
I excluded the lazyload.js file in Autoptimize, but the issue still arrives when I enable aggregation of JS files in Autoptimize.
Key issue is how Speed Booster Pack loads the inline JavaScript.
wp_add_inline_script( 'sbp-lazy-load', $lazy_loader_script );
This will load the inline code AFTER the lazyload.js file.
The documentation states, the inline code must come BEFORE loading the async script: https://github.com/verlok/vanilla-lazyload#using-an-async-script
So my fix currently is to modify the plugin and add the inline before the script:
wp_add_inline_script( 'sbp-lazy-load', $lazy_loader_script, 'before' );
Seems like Google Chrome can handle both cases, but Firefox won’t init the script and it is never executed.
Would be great to have this fixed in the next version.
just to clarify:
If the script is loaded async, then this issue happens.
Usually the script is not loaded async (or defer) and then this won’t be an issue. But when async is used, the script will execute immediately and will ignore the inline code AFTER the script tag. Therefore it must be placed BEFORE. ??
Guten Tag,
im WP_DEBUG mode wird mir folgender Fehler angezeigt:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property dynWid::$wpml is deprecated in /kunden/XXXXXX_XXXXX/wp/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/classes/dynwid_class.php on line 95
Wie kann ich diesen Fehler beheben?
Viele Grüsse
]]>hi. I try to hide the x-powered header by php.ini and htaccess but speed booster pack plugin always show the x-powered header. Is there any option to hide that?
here is the response header:
Server configuration 46% achieved
HTTP redirects
Critically important
The checked page does not redirect to another URL.
The redirect of URLs with www and non-www subdomain is configured correctly.
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
Somewhat important
This page loads 19 CSS files. This may affect the page load time negatively.
This page loads 35 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
The page response time is excellent with 0.19 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (312 kB).
HTTP Response Header
Name Value
date Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:23:28 GMT
content-type text/html; charset=UTF-8
transfer-encoding chunked
connection keep-alive
x-powered-by Speed Booster Pack v4.5.6
cf-cache-status DYNAMIC
report-to {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?
nel {"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
server cloudflare
cf-ray 7e9bdcb7b8589159-FRA
content-encoding gzip
alt-svc h3=":443"; ma=86400
statuscode 200
http_version HTTP/1.1
How do I enable the admin bar back again while being logged in? My
Cache logged in users is OFF.
]]>when I removed the Speed Booster plugin from the website but it still caches the old Speed Booster plugin, I used wp rocket to clear the cache but still cached the Speed Booster plugin, please help me to solve it
I use Elementor and JetEngine.
I added my own SVG icons to the elementor pages. When using Speedbooster, I get text before those icons : noise followed by a number…
Any idea where this is coming from ?
I searched around the web and couldn’t find an answer to a question I have. I was wanting to know if this can be used along with a caching plugin like Comet Cache, or other caching plugins?
Would there be any potential issues or settings that would need to be adjusted?
Any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Two questions please:
Hello! I want to know if Speed Booster Pack is compatible with Elementor version 3.6 (free version) and if it is compatible also with W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize plugin?
I newbie on WordPress. Hoping you can help me. Thanks.
]]>Great plugin, but in admin panel, in every page a tooltip box pop up about “Subscribing”.
I clicked and subscribed. I clicked cancel, But every time it comes again,
It’s so annoying
After update 4.5.4 images don’t load if active lazy load. Cache cleaned.
]]>I use this plugin on many sites(over 500). All of them that are utilizing ajax have the same issue. Even with every option in SPB disabled, it still breaks. It works fine if you are logged in, but it does not work for non-logged in users.
This is not an issue with my code performing the ajax requests. I have both the wp_ajax_ and wp_ajax_nopriv calls and it was working on all sites previously. Disabling SPB is the only solution I have found.
Whenever a non-logged in user performs an ajax request, the request gets redirected to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=spb-settings, which then gets redirected to /wp-login.php. Not sure why this would be happening, but it is breaking every AJAX request.
I have created a sandbox environment with a copy of one of the sites we are having the issue with. All plugins except for ACF Pro and SPB are disabled. Every setting in SPB is set to disabled.
The following page while it is loaded few weird letters appears for seconds, before the page is loaded perfectly: https://sweetandsouronline.com/shop/
Apparently the issue is mostly caused by cumulative layout shift or in short CLS.
Even though I tried your plugin but that didn’t solve the issue.
Do you think you can help me with that please?
You need to clear you browser cache and history every time you want to make a test.
?fters kommt eine wei?e Seite, sobald ich einen Artikel anklicke. Oder eine Kategorie. Es betrifft aber nur einen oder zwei Artikel. Nicht alle. Startseite funktioniert immer.
Wenn ich den Cache leere, ist alles wieder Ok.
Ich brauche auch nur irgendeinen Artikel, egal welcher, aktualisieren, dann ist das Problem auch weg.
Das Problem besteht nur, als Gast.
Bin ich als Admin eingeloggt, ist das Problem nicht.
“Warm up cache on clear” => wenn ich das aktiviere, ist das Problem nie. Aber leider bekomme ich im Adminbereich einen 500er Fehler wenn ich das Menü aktualisiere :/
K?nnt ihr mir sagen, woran das liegt?
Lg sassie
Seite: FCL-Magazin
Hello! I have a video uploaded locally that is the background in a section added with the Getwid plugin. If I turn on “Lazy load media”, the video is not displayed. I have put the URL of the video in the exclusion. After that, the video appeared. Can you please tell me if this is the right step on my part or will this behavior be fixed in the future?
]]>Hello! I am using Astra theme. If I enable “Minify HTML”, then the “Boxed” and “Content Boxed” layout breaks.
]]>Does the lazyload option affect the iframe?
I’m using your plugin only for caching, all the optimization I’m doing with Perfmatters, does this look good?
Can I continue like this or are there things that can only be optimized by your plugin?
]]>When we use Really Simple SSL plugin with mixed content fixing, along with Speed Booster Caching we get an error on the SSL padlock informing us there is mixed insecure content. It happens whenever Speed Booster Cache is enabled and disabling it removes the error and brings back the https for all content.
Didnt notice this immediately but it happens on individual sites and multisite installs with no other common plugins installed. Not sure if this was a change to RS-SSL or SB but the only practical solution so far is turn off Speed Booster Caching which limits its usefulness ??
Any ideas or advice? Normal obvious things like clearing cache does not help.
]]>What a perfect plugin is the Speed Booster Pack plugin. Can we expect the option for activating Redis Object Cache inside this plugin?
]]>I am adding critical css for individual page but it is not working. I am adding Critical Css in page edit mode in Critical Css for this content (Custom) option but Critical Css is not adding in that page. Can you help me in this regard.
Hi, I would like to suggest a function for the plugin.
I’m using it on a subscription site, but logged in users don’t have access to the cache, pages are generated on every visit, right?
I split it into 2 subscriptions, one GOLD and one SILVER.
https://github.com/wp-media/wp-rocket-helpers/tree/master/cache/wp-rocket-cache-common-cache-loggedin Here at this link I found a code that makes WP-ROCKET deliver the same cache to all users, but in my case I need it to be delivered by ROLE and not for all ROLES.
Do you think it’s possible to do this with your plugin?
]]>Hi, your plugin changes static asset headers like .CSS .JS .IMG .GIF ?
It’s just that Cloudflare isn’t caching and some .CSS of Elementor.
If your plugin doesn’t influence this then I suggest that it can manage these headers to force Cache these assets.
Alright? I have no idea, but is it possible to cache specific AJAX requests?
I’m using JetSmartFilters from Crocoblock company, they use a lot of ajax for dynamic content, but that generates too many queries in the DB, is there a way to keep a cache that lasts 30 minutes for example?