Hi! I’d like to avoid having multiple posts show from the same site, to avoid flooding the slideshow with content from a single source. Any suggestions for how I could possibly get this to display only one post from each member blog? Basically so it shows the one most recent post from each site in the network, for whatever number of slides are set in the shortcode.
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in G:\xampp\htdocs\dandylad\wp-content\plugins\spdm-shortcode-slider-multisite-master\wp_query_multisite.php on line 81
Please help me ??
Thanks in advance
]]>This plugin has some incredibly awesome functionality! Thank you so much for it!
BUT… I just realized it’s causing some serious issues on whatever page I have the shortcode. Most obviously, the sidebar disappears or moves mostly down the page depending on the shortcode options enabled. Less obviously but more worryingly, the sidebar widget contents are being affected – for example the “recent posts” widget is now no longer pulling posts from the main website it’s on, but instead pulling them from one of the “child” sites!
I tried deleting all the plugin files and reinstalling it twice. It’s still happening. …I am so confused. ??
Help? Please?
]]>Hi! First of all, this plugin is AMAZING and thank you so much!
I’m setting up a network for a few comics some friends are drawing, each with their own site, and this is a great way to have them all featured on the main website as well. My only problem is that the graphics are all different heights, and they get cut off vertically in the slider. Also, given the various heights, it would be really nice to be able to display the thumbnails as a navigation aid at the top, so you wouldn’t have to hunt for them however far down they end up.
I’m thinking of jumping into the plugin php code to see if I can move the thumbnail display and possibly just setting the height of the slider to the maximum height used for any comic, and leaving it to show up as blank space when shorter comics are showing… BUT if there’s a better way to do this I’d appreciate any suggestions or hints!
]]>Functionally its an amazing plugin.
But it didn’t work for me. I tried in posts, pages and short code container.
In the local host environment the following is the error message:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\sitename\wp-content\plugins\spdm-shortcode-slider-multisite\wp_query_multisite.php on line 20 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\sitename\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992
As very limited plugins are available for multisite posts,if it works, this will be the best plugin for multisite post.
Appreciate, if any assistance provided.
]]>I am brand new to WordPress and I am creating my first site. It is a multisite and I have 5 sub sites created already. I want to add the most recent blog posts from each of the sub sites to the main site and it sounds like this plugin is exactly what I need, however, I’m having trouble figuring out how to use it properly. I installed and network activated it already. I see the page under settings that has some examples but I cannot make any of them work…
I have placed this code in a TEXT Widget that files the body section of my home page:
[spdm_slider slider_layout="thumbnails-bottom" post_type="post" sites__in="2,3,4,5,6" hidearrows="yes" ]
Issues – No large main image shows up and the thumbnails at the bottom are broken images. I have tried changing the layout to “numbers-bottom” then I simply get a empty white box in the area where the slider should be.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!