Today I managed to blacklist myself and my host provider, while having the option to ban ip address from accessing the whole site turned on.
I only knew this happened because for some reason this affected my ability to post links to facebook. Needless to say it took about an hour to figure out what the problem was.
I was still able to access my site while logged in. But, when I logged out I got the “You’ve been banned by SpammerBlocker screen”. Luckily, I got that or I may have never figured out what was going on.
I switched the SpammerBlocker options back to block ip address from commenting only and everything went to normal, including my ability to post links to facebook.
I use two facebook plugins, WordPress Social Sharing Optimization (WPSSO) and SEO Facebook Comments, which may somehow contribute to what happened.
Anyhow, I realized it was very hard for me to find my own ip address in the list of banned ips. I also realized I am not able to whitelist certain ips either.
Since I am still not sure exactly how I managed to ban myself and my host provider as well it would be nice to have a whitelist feature and the ability to search the banned ip database.
Otherwise this is a Topnotch plugin! Thank you for making it.
]]>I installed this plugin and it immediately recognized all spam in my spam box and indexed the offending IP addresses. But every day since, it doesn’t add the new IP addresses and I have to manually enter them.
]]>I used to use an earlier version of this plugin, but everything stopped working with 1.5. So, I dug into the code and believe I have resolved the following (test on WP v3.9.1):
More testing is needed to verify that new IPs are properly added and then blocked. Auto-duplication seems to work properly.
Is Lelkoun still around and updating this plugin? Interested in the fixes?
]]>I’ve added many IP address to the manual block list but users using those addresses still keep spamming my site. I even add the IP address a couple of times to make sure it gets on the list. It would great if the plugin worked in conjunction with BP Registration Options so you don’t have to do a copy/paste.
]]>This plugin is pretty worthless because it neither allows to add IP ranges (or at least IP wildcards like “” or “*.*” and because you have to add each IP one by one instead of a textarea where you simply copy and paste a bunch of IPs, one per line.
]]>It was working good and fast. After the update to 1.5 I see that the cron is always on [ 2013-01-06 ] and is not pickig up the spam IP’s from Aksimet.
So I start to notice them by hand. Making a log file [ sb_ip_log.csv ] as always, but it won’t go. the version before 1.5 whas doing well.
Whe checking the server but all whas OKE.
Is the 1.5 Compatible with the WP 3.5 ??????
WordPress 3.4.1 + Buddypress 1.6.1
Wheni i mark as spammer an user (on my buddyoress site) the plugin redirect me at “not found page”.
before of buddypress and wordpress update it work good.
Can you help me? thank you
I recently used WP Debug and i noticed that this plugin has one notice
Notice: Undefined index: sb_uploaded_file in /home/domains/public_html/wp-content/plugins/spammer-blocker/spammer-blocker.php on line 31
Just to let you know
]]>When akismet marks a comment as spam the IP is not getting added. I have removed the plugin and reinstalled and no change. Any ideas?
]]>Yes a BUT.
How to take out the loading Tweet???
It takes to long (almost 3 minutes) before i can go to the on/off key. I whas to late for the cron so have to do it by hand. After 3 minutes waiting on “loading Tweet” I get what i hat to do but stop on the next 3 minutes waitin. Please tell me hou to take that out???
]]>This plug-in blocks comments from everyone. Rec’d emails from people trying to comment that they were getting the “blocked” message. This plug-in is too aggressive. Need a better method of determining a real person trying to comment vs actual spammers.
]]>my ip is been blocked by the spam guard.
apparently its too agressive. I havent left any spam messge and I havent accesed thru this computer for 2 days and last time I accessed this I am still not banned. can you help me with this I would appreciate a response I need to check out my posts
I upgraded to 3.3.1 and it seems as though its not auto banning spammers again?
]]>The I.P detection is buggy as hell.
What a load of trash -_-
well it was myse;lf who got banned. How it happened is beyond me, but can someone please tell me in real understood english what I should do, please
many thanks
]]>I use Akismet to detect spam. Do I have to leave the spam comments in the spam folder for the blocker to work, or can I delete them?
Other than seeing a decrease hopefully in spam comments, how will I know if this plugin is working?
]]>The plugin worked for a few days. Then I’m getting complaints from various readers (I don’t require registration to read the blog), that they are blocked.
Sure enough Spam Blocker is blocking all readers, not just spammers.
Deactivating the plugin does not fix the problem. I’m not sure if it is a cookie stored on the person’s machine that incorrectly flags a valid person as a spammer or not.
This is a serious bug that needs to be addressed.
]]>I got a blocked message from a site I never saw before….I’ve never left a spam message in my life anywhere. Somethings not right with this plugin…
]]>I’d like to be able to manually add and ip address… is that something that’s possible or might be in a future version? Otherwise – an awesome plugin!!!!