Thanks for this plugin.
Is it possible to apply sorting on the front-end ?
can it be solved somehow?
numbered, weighted sort. such as pages.
there are times when individual sorting would be important.
I have been looking for a solution like this, and I appreciate that it lists the sites in Alphabetical Order. However, “Always show primary site first” does list the Main Domain at the to of the list on the Sites Page, but is there anyway for that setting to carry over to the dropdown list in the dashboard?
The dropdown menu is really what I was trying to re-order.
]]>Non-super-admin users, if they login from the home site, see a warning message now:
You attempted to access the “<blogname>” dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access the “<blogname>” dashboard, please contact your network administrator.
It would be nice to show the list of sites on frontend sorting it by category or location?