I’ve tried to install socialise-this but there are no widgets showing to use, and no widget sets showing to add, and as far as I can see no documentation
]]>I upgraded to v2.2 of Socialized This yesterday. Today I realized that a post I published this morning didn’t get pushed out to twitter. Investigating the Advanced Settings, I saw that my OAuth Consumer Key and Consumer Secret fields were now blank (and that there is now a field called @anywhere API Key, which I have no idea what to do with).
Figuring I’d start from scratch, I revoked access to my old Socialize This app in Twitter. Back in the WP admin, I deleted the old twitter configuration in the plugin’s Settings. I then followed the steps of your OAuth tutorial video to redo it; however, the dev.twitter.com “create an app” section has changed a lot. I did my best and ended up with new OAuth consumer key and secret codes, etc. Beneath the field to put in your callback URL in the new dev.twitter interface, there’s now explanatory text that says
Where should we return after successfully authenticating? For @anywhere applications, only the domain specified in the callback will be used. OAuth 1.0a applications should explicitly specify their oauth_callback URL on the request token step, regardless of the value given here. To restrict your application from using callbacks, leave this field blank.
No idea what any of that means. I put in my blog’s home URL as the callback URL.
I went back and finished putting in the OAuth keys and re-connecting my blog to twitter in the Socialize This settings. I customized the Twitter New Post update template to say
Cheek and Bluster: %permalink%
The test tweet went through OK, and the widgets showed up correctly in my blog. Unfortunately, when I clicked on the twitter icon to tweet my new post, the resulting pop-up window to send the tweet said
Currently Reading https://cheekandbluster.com/wordpress
The same thing happened when I clicked to Facebook icon.I’ve kept the plugin activated, but disabled all the social widgets since they’re not working right. Need help – what should I do now?
]]>A scheduled post of mine was published this morning. I noticed that I’d made a typo in the post excerpt (left out the ampersand before mdash;
). I corrected that and hit “update,” and got the following:
Fatal error: Call to a member function shorten() on a non-object in …/wp-content/plugins/socialize-this/inc/socialize-this-php5-enviroment.php on line 1148
I hit the back button and was brought back to the edit post screen in wp-admin. I tried pasting the “—” at the proper place instead of the HTML entity, but when I hit update I got the same error. I’ve reverted to the published version of the post for now, and all is well (other than the typo), i.e., my blog isn’t broken or anything.
Any thoughts/help will be greatly appreciated. I love the plugin, and how it’s allowed me to use my own custom icons – thanks for the work you’ve done on it, Mike.
]]>Is there anyway to assign specifically which widgets(links) are called into the template using the template tag provided with Socialize This?
<?php show_social_widgets(); ?>
I need a group of social sharing icons in my footer but I also need a set of social profile icons in the primary sidebar. The two types may have similar icons but serve different functions and can’t be in the same spot on the page or they may cause confusion.
Anyone know how this can be done without editing plugin core?
]]>Has anyone else noticed that when you make a post and it updates twitter that the message appears with “+” signs between each letter?
For example, instead of:
Check out our latest post | https://tinyurl.com/3dsdv7h
It appears like this:
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m using this nice plugin (v.1.6.6) and I have WP_DEBUG always true for development.
So I see some warnings that could be deleted quickly.
Open socialize-this-php5-enviroment.php
and edit these lines.
$plugin_page = add_submenu_page('options-general.php', 'Socialize This', 'Socialize This', 10, ST_FILE, array($this, 'socialize_this_settings'));
$plugin_page = add_submenu_page('options-general.php', 'Socialize This', 'Socialize This', 'manage_options', ST_FILE, array($this, 'socialize_this_settings'));
if($_GET['module'] == 'social_widgets'){
if( isset($_GET['module']) && $_GET['module'] == 'social_widgets'){
}elseif($_GET['module'] == ''){
}elseif( !isset($_GET['module']) || $_GET['module'] == ''){
if($_POST['Submit'] === 'Save Settings'){
if( isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] === 'Save Settings'){
I hope it could be useful.
]]>LOVE this plugin but for the life of me can’t figure out why it NEVER…EVER holds it’s settings. Every single time this plugin is updated I have to go back in a reset how many icons appear on a line before dropping the rest down below. Really seems like this should be one of the most basic core features like other plugins….updating shouldn’t in any way alter the settings i’ve already put in.