Are you still supporting this plugin?
Can you fix the following deprecated jQuery:
jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated /wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-themesmatic/js/social-sharing.js
Please be advised that after 2 years without an update or confirmation of ampatibility, the plugin may be considered abandone by WordPress.
“The Plugin “Social Sharing Buttons by ThemesMatic” appears to be abandoned (updated 27th November 2017, tested to WP ). Type: Plugin Abandoned.”
Can you confirm compatibility with current WordPress and PHP versions and address old support isses that were never answered?
As shown in CSS 3 validation:
h5.themesmatic-sharing-popup-title Parse Error
This is caused by a missing right curly bracket after line 573 in the social-list.php file.
Please add the bracket.
Social Sharing Buttons plug-in appears to have missing or misnamed file.
File not found:
/wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-themesmatic/css/themesmatic-sharing.css: Not Found