Hi Sedlex,
first of all, many thanks for this great plugin I’ve been using for 2 years now. I tried some else, but I never found such a one meeting my requirements.
As an old and satisfied user, I decided to complete its french translation. I can send you the po & mo files if you contact me : theophil_bethel at yahoo.fr
best regards from France,
diaspora* is a free personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service.
It would be very useful to have support for this in Social Links.
The simplest way to share an URL to a Diaspora pod is by using this form of URL:
https://diasporawebsite.com/bookmarklet/?url='%post_title% - %post_url%'
For example:
https://framasphere.org/bookmarklet/?url='%post_title% - %post_url%'
I can help test this and translate to French and Spanish. You can open a test account at framasphere.org.
Other code can be found at:
Hi all,
I have just noticed on a website where it displays my Flux Rss that in the description of my articles i see the followings :
function forceUpdateSocialLinkz_8321236() { var arguments = { action: ‘forceUpdateSocialLinkz’, id:163 } //POST the data and append the results to the results div var ajaxurl2 =…
function forceUpdateSocialLinkz_768511102() { var arguments = { action: ‘forceUpdateSocialLinkz’, id:13 } //POST the data and append the results to the results div var ajaxurl2 =…
function forceUpdateSocialLinkz_336248782() { var arguments = { action: ‘forceUpdateSocialLinkz’, id:1927 } //POST the data and append the results to the results div var ajaxurl2 =…
function forceUpdateSocialLinkz_631995246() { var arguments = { action: ‘forceUpdateSocialLinkz’, id:1551 } //POST the data and append the results to the results div var ajaxurl2 =…
function forceUpdateSocialLinkz_197315318() { var arguments = { action: ‘forceUpdateSocialLinkz’, id:110 } //POST the data and append the results to the results div var ajaxurl2 =…
If I make a search on google with the following “forceUpdateSocialLinkz” there are 522 results.
Is it possible to fix that ?
]]>How do I add Tumblr to Social Linkz?
]]>Sorry to bother you again!
This is the sequel of the “[resolved]make makedot happy”… No rest allowed during sunday ??
the arguments for the text domain is $this->pluginID which clearly is a dynamic name …
Yes, but it doesn’t matter during .po/.pot files generation: makepot doesn’t care about the domain argument of __() or _e() calls.
It’s very eager: it’ll catch any such call in any files under a specified directory.
if you indicate this variable in the header of the po file, makedot will find the sentences
.po file? Or social-linkz.php…: as soon as a Text Domain field is specified inside the plugin header, makepot will catch the Description field. The value of Text Domain field isn’t relevant here but only at WP run time.
If I am right, the page installed plugin take is text from the readme.txt which cannot use the __ function
WP uses any key provided by a .po file made available through a load_plugin_textdomain (or equivalent) call, as long as:
– there is a Text Domain in the plugin header with a value that matches the domain argument of the load_plugin_textdomain
– this key matches the value of the Description field inside the plugin header.
but wordpress will not understand the link between $this->pluginID and the real value of that string …
Any key in the .po file associated to a domain by a load_plugin_textdomain() call will be catched by __() or _e() calls with this key if this domain is the value provided by $this->pluginID
What do you mean by an entry into the list ?
A key with its translation on the view “Modify translations”
All this stuff works fine: right now, I’m watching a WP website with Social Linkz where its presentation on the page “Installed Plugins” is in french ??
]]>I’m trying to update the file lang/sociallinkz-fr_FR.po. But the plugin header in the file social-linkz/social-linkz.php doesn’t set any entry “Text Domain”. Therefor makedot won’t catch the pugin header’s data.
It’d be nice to set such an entry.
]]>In file social-linkz.php, line 742, Google is misspelled as “Googe”:
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=<?php echo $long_url ; ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(__("Share -%s- on %s", $this->pluginID), htmlentities($titre, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), "Googe+") ; ?>">
When I add Social Links in the widgets, then the generated html code for posts can’t be validated as the same id is used for some links :
– inside the widgets
– inside the post
In file social-linkz/social-linkz.php, there are some ampersands that should be defined as html entities, e.g.:
– for linkedin, ligne 765, 3 times:
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=<?php echo urlencode($long_url) ; ?>&title=<?php echo str_replace('+','%20',urlencode("[Blog] ".$titre)) ; ?>&source=<?php echo urlencode(get_bloginfo('name')) ; ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(__("Share -%s- on %s", $this->pluginID), htmlentities($titre, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), "LinkedIn") ; ?>">
– for viadeo, ligne 788, 3 times:
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.viadeo.com/shareit/share/?url=<?php echo urlencode($long_url) ; ?>&title=<?php echo str_replace('+','%20',urlencode("[Blog] ".$titre)) ; ?>&overview=<?php echo str_replace('+','%20',urlencode("[Blog] ".$titre)) ; ?>" title="<?php echo sprintf(__("Share -%s- on %s", $this->pluginID), htmlentities($titre, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), "Viadeo") ; ?>">
– …
Is it possible to make the social linkz plugin speeder by modifying the script ? Or to run this script after the website has finished to load ?
The plugin : P3 – Plugin Performance Profiler indicates that Social Linkz has a loading time of 1.0824 seconds (60%) !
]]>I have installed the plug-in, but i don’t want the buttons to appear on every page on my website. Other widgets allow you to pick the page(s) you want the widget to appear on. Please help!
how can I exclude the social icons from the feed page?
In the options under “Page to be excluded” I have entered “feed” but the icons are still there.
Thank you for answers!
]]>Since some time now, my share counter are all at ZERO. they had the value of shares but from some time now they show ZERO. I′m not shure if this happened after i updated to wordpress 3.5 of after a plugin upgrade.
I have a plugin on the admin page called WP Social Stats the has a similar system to this plugin. I show the amount of shares off all posts on the website. And this plugin is showing the correct amount of shares, so i think that this isn′t any problem of access permission to external links.
Does anyone have this problem?
]]>Is there a way to post individual icons, that’s not dependent on settings.
I’d like to be able to post ONLY Facebook and Google+ share icons, without the others, even if the settings are set for more icons.
Let me know. Thanks!
Affer updating to the last version of sl my arras theme go crazy dont show the posts number published,drafted,etc…. and no excerpt prom the posted post, it shows only the title of the post if i dezactivate the sl plugin all work fine piece of the post are shown the number of post published, etc… are shown to the right place. How can i downgrade to the previews version ?
]]>I have a confirmation page for an eBook download page. This page is non-indexed no-follow and I want to hide it for people.
How can I prevent the Social Icons to appear on a particular page? Is there HTML code I can add or another solution?
]]>I need a different way to put the code in manually; because my clients don’t need/want to put shortcode in the visual editor. Can you give me instructions aon how to put it in a widget so I can place this widget anywhere in the html?
Or can I use shortcode in a widget as well?
]]>Hello there! I am using Social Linkz on my website, https://www.realisticconversations.com
I am having a little trouble, however. The links are not showing up on my Category pages, https://realisticconversations.com/category/tv-and-film/ but they are showing up on each and every individual posts’ page https://realisticconversations.com/the-wizard-of-oz-prequel/ How do I get them to show up on the category pages?
]]>Love the plugin however I’m unable to find the code to add this to your template manually via php. Thank you.
]]>How can I display these buttons in a widget or somewhere in Template ?
Thanks a lot for your contribution to wordpress.
I’ve installed the Social Linkz pluggin and it works well as I can count the likes on each page of my website. When a visitor activates the like button, it also activates a link on his facebook wall.
I would like to know how to have feedbacks or stats on the visitors that have clicked on this button. How to access on facebook or wordpress to their profiles ?
best regards,
Version fran?aise pour une meilleure compréhension de ma question
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre contribution à l’enrichissement fonctionnelle de wordpress.
J’ai installé le pluggin Social Linkz et on peut effectivement voire s’incrémenter les ‘likes’ sur chacune des pages de mon site lorsqu’un visiteur active ce bouton. Chaque “clic” permet également d’activer un lien sur le mur FB du visiteur qui a activer le like de la page.
J’aimerai pouvoir connaitre les visiteurs qui cliquent sur ce bouton. Comment accéder dans Facebook ou WordPress à ces profils ?
A bient?t,