I’m logged in to WordPress admin panel (Polish language set) and go to plugins section, when I choose Settings for Social Icons Widget & Block by WPZOOM plugin, WordPress opens page /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wpzoom-social-icons-widget with note in Polish “Nie mo?na wczyta? wpzoom-social-icons-widget.” (“Could not load wpzoom-social-icons-widget.”)
WordPress 6.7, PHP 8.3
]]>How can I edit the widget-title when I use it as Shortcode in my blog?
It says “Follow us” and I can’t find where I can edit this so something else like my merch or social media
Does not work on WordPress 6.5.5, plugin installs and activates, but after adding it to widgets it does not allow to change any setting, cant change icons and cant even change the links. After pushing apply button it just resets all changes back to default. Reinstall does not help.
]]>Hello! I’ve installed the plugin, however the ability to view the icons, change the links and add icons doesn’t seem to work in the Ultimatum theme. When I save the widget into my footer theme, I can view the default icons on the website, but I’m unable to view and change the social media links/icons in the backend.
Is there a solution? Or is the plugin just incompatible with the Ultimatum theme?
]]>Hi, I’m looking to install a URL link to a social media profile on Bluesky and would like to use the new Bluesky icon that is featured in the Font Awesome V6 update (https://fontawesome.com/icons/bluesky?f=brands&s=solid). When will this be possible in this plugin? Thanks.
]]>The mouseover for the LinkedIn icon shows an ‘X’, which should be ‘LinkedIn’:
<a class="zoom-social_icons-list__link" target="_blank" title="X">
<span class="screen-reader-text">linkedin</span>
<span class="zoom-social_icons-list-span social-icon socicon socicon-linkedin" data-hover-rule="background-color" data-hover-color="#0077B5" style="background-color : #0077B5; font-size: 18px; padding:8px" role="img" aria-label="LinkedIn" data-old-color="rgb(0, 119, 181)"></span>
Dear all,
I have just set up my Icons to link my 2 ebay Shops on the website. The preview in the editor looks great but on the webiste I can only see the account name. The place where the icons should be is invisible, but clickable.
Chaning the icons, colour, appearance,… does not help. I have also cleared all caches and run the Jetpack critical CCS but still the same problem.
Do you have any idea?
Kindest regards
]]>Hi there,
love this plugin, would you consider to add the icons of Chinese social media sites?
Thank you!
]]>footer of page on left you can’t even see them. and color option doesn’t work either.
]]>I am using the “Social Icons Widget & Block by WPZOOM” plugin, but my social media icons are not showing up on all my pages. The circle is there, but the icon image is not displaying. I tried the CSS solution provided in an earlier request, but the issue persisted. Below are samples.
]]>If possible, a Pixelfed icon (part of fediverse) would be much appreciated.
For information about Pixelfed in case needed: https://pixelfed.org/
]]>Does this plugin support adding social sharing icons to WooCommerce products as well as having links to my social media pages?
]]>Hi there,
I am trying to add social media icons with labels horizontally to my site footer but they only display vertically no matter what I do:
I see others have had this issue and it was fixed with CSS but I have tried both of these and neither works:
Option 1:
.zoom-social-icons-list- .zoom-social_icons-list__item {
display: inline-block !important;
} colophon.site-footer li::before {
display: none;
} colophon.site-footer li {
padding-left: 0;
Option 2:
.widget .zoom-social-icons-list {
display: block;
Feels like it should be a basic setting in the plugin/widget, since even the standard WP social icons widget has it. Unfortunately that one causes weird alignment issues so I cannot use it.
Thanks! ??
Will you be updating the twitter icon to teh new Twitter x icon?
]]>add icon for vc.ru, plz
]]>Hello Pavel. I’m having the exact same problem again. I think you might have you updated the plugin and left out this fix! Please let me know asap
Mark M @ BermudaStream
]]>Per AISEO Analysis, I am marked down for 1 CSS not being minified. I see it’s yours. Is there something I can do to fix this? I have Page Optimize, WP Optimize, and Jetpack Boost so it’s weird none of them can minify it.
Thank you for any help or suggestions.
]]>Is there any way for this plugin to work as navigation block? Since navigation menu has native social icons to use, but Social Icons Block does not appear there… Thanks
]]>Social Icons Widget & Block by WPZOOM
“This block contains unexpected or invalid content.”
I am getting this error constantly
Please advise regarding a solution
Thanks in Advance
Mark M @ BermudaStream
]]>For some reason, icons look fine on desktop, but are appearing as emoji’s on mobile view. Any idea why or how to fix??
]]>Hi there
I’ve dropboxed svg files for 5 icons that are currently missing. May I request that you add these please?
They are:
arrrt.io (Will soon change its name to artgram. The dropboxed icon is their new logo)
Here is the link to simple white svg logos for the 5 above sites:
Thank you
]]>I am only using socicon and narrowed it down in the settings to only load.
From the apache logs and the webbrowser I can see the following be loaded: - - [16/Jan/2023:20:49:45 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom/assets/font/socicon.ttf?v=4.2.9 HTTP/2.0" 200 74928 "" - - [16/Jan/2023:20:49:45 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom/assets/font/socicon.woff?v=4.2.9 HTTP/2.0" 200 75005 "" - - [16/Jan/2023:20:49:46 +0100] "GET /wp-content/plugins/social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom/assets/font/socicon.ttf?v=4.1.1 HTTP/2.0" 200 74928 "…autoptimize_5d8c314738b9734664242b43f623f661.css"
3 font files each 75K are loaded, serving only one font!
Triggered by:
./social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom/social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom.php:if ( wp_style_is( 'wpzoom-social-icons-socicon' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'wpzoom-social-icons-font-socicon-ttf', WPZOOM_SOCIAL_ICONS_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/font/socicon.ttf?v=' . WPZOOM_SOCIAL_ICONS_PLUGIN_VERSION, array(), null );
wp_enqueue_style( 'wpzoom-social-icons-font-socicon-woff', WPZOOM_SOCIAL_ICONS_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/font/socicon.woff?v=' . WPZOOM_SOCIAL_ICONS_PLUGIN_VERSION, array(), null );
./social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom/assets/css/wpzoom-socicon.css:@font-face {
font-family: 'wpzoom-socicon';
src: url('../font/socicon.eot?v=4.1.1');
src: url('../font/socicon.eot?v=4.1.1') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../font/socicon.ttf?v=4.1.1') format('truetype'),
url('../font/socicon.woff?v=4.1.1') format('woff'),
url('../font/socicon.svg?v=4.1.1#socicon') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
text-transform: initial;
font-display: block;
The lines above in “social-icons-widget-by-wpzoom.php” could be remarked without any issues, reducing the font loading with 150KB.
The css could be improved to load the woff, instead of the ttf, by changing the order, although with no gain due to the same size. But maybe a compressed woff2 might be available.
Can you please comment/improve font loading.
My client’s website is using this plugin by WPZOOM.
WPZOOM says their plugins are all GDPR-compliant and it’s true I’m not seeing any calls to google servers on the website’s pages.
However, I know the plugin makes use of FontAwesome. Is it loaded through Google and therefore not GDPR-compliant, or are the icon sets saved locally and WPZOOM serves them locally, so the plugin is compliant?
Thanks a lot for any help!
The Mastodon decentralized social media platform has a way to “verify” a profile that requires a link on a website pointing to the Masto profile.
But that link code must include rel=”me” –?so I’d like to find a way to add that without hacking the plugin itself.
Anyone have experience with this?
Or could the developer add a rel=”me” option, or a “custom rel” field?
]]>stable full translated to pt-br. please accepted
]]>Thanks for a nice plugin. Can I change the icons and put mine. We have a company and we want to deliver our design. Or is it available in the Pro version.
I’m just wondering whether there any css to shorten the length of the border-bottom for my social media icons.
The other footer the border-bottom appear exactly as the size of the menu text while the social media the border look longer than the icons.
Any help will be much appreciated
Thx in advance
Can you advise please how to add alt= for the icons eg alt=”Twitter”? It’s tripping an error in site Accessibility scans.
]]>Hi! This plugin works great with most social media icon sets, but if I use FontAwesome Brands icons, for some reason, it shows as a box with an X instead of the icon, or the icon just plain doesn’t show up and is empty. As there’s some icons that are only available in the FontAwesome Brands set, I can’t switch to a different icon set. I’m unsure what the issue is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
]]>Any custom CSS that will make the underlines go away on the icons? thanks!