Why this plugin creates the empty page like this?
Why this page is needed and how can I delete it?
Haven’t made any settings changes, just discovered the Google +1 button doesn’t do anything when clicked. Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions?
See here for example: https://skinnyms.com/10-ideas-for-moms-to-make-time-for-workouts/
Where is the data that populates the tables in the admin area stored?
]]>Added social essentials to Yourrock.com, but the Twitter button is not showing tweet counts. Tweeted many time using the button and it still says 0 on every blog post. Can someone please help me? ??
]]>Hey there,
Love the analytics of the tool but for some reason my Pinterest button is now showing up.. also is there any way to change the “Share” text for Facebook to an image? It would be nice if someone liked it and it automatically opened up a sharing box to write a blurb..
Not only did I have the same problem as this user, but it stopped my site from loading in one of my test browsers, and it adds three meta fields to every post and page (two of them quite large), which it doesn’t remove after you disable it! Thank goodness for WP-DBManager allowing me to restore my database from before I started using this plug-in, or my database would have been clogged with this useless meta data forever!
]]>I’m trying to provide some tech support for a user of my plugin and it seems your plugin is loading it’s CSS and Javascript on admin pages other than it’s own, cause all kinds of problems like adding styles to the pages and breaking the Javascript.
I worked for an hour to try to get the two to co-exist and finally had to give up. It would be most helpful if you would load your CSS and Javascript only on your plugin’s pages.
]]>Hello everyone!
I installed the plugin on my site, and it works everywhere … except in the homepage!
What’s could be the problem? I put the code directly in php and, of course, is the same on all pages.
Help me! ??
]]>First i would like to think you for this great plugin, is really work like a charm and i will recommend it to my knowledge, but i have a question, i use a restaurant theme and i would like to know to code to put manually into the html or php…
]]>I am just trying to use the shortcode
” <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[social_essentials]’); ?> “
in my query_post, but I can’t get results, and my query_post prints 3 posts.
Any ideas of what can make the shortcode works in the query_post?
Not sure if it is just conflicting with another plugin, but when I choose the options to add to top of post or top of homepage (either or both), the plugin breaks my site, allowing only the pre-content portion of the page to load.
I’ve tried deactivating other social plugins and it did not fix the issue. Sounds like a good plugin so I hope there’s a fix! ^_^
]]>I have a bit of a problem with Social Essentials – it breaks the flash uploader in WordPress. Flash uploader otherwise works great, but every time Social Essentials is enabled, the flash uploader is gone. I’m using the latest version of Social Essentials. Anyone experiencing similar problems?
]]>I’ve got an issue where none of my preferences for the location (top/bottom) of the bar seem to work. It automatically appears before the content, and if I add it in manually, I get both appearing.
Can anyone help with this? I’m using the Responsive theme by ThemeID.
]]>yes, I use a popup blocker, but why do some buttons get passed it and others don’t. Also, why only one facebook option? I would like BOTH facebook like and share buttons. Also, it would be nice if the call to action could be made with an even smaller size; I find too large of text quite obtrusive rather than enticing. Also, the buttons should be able to be displayed below the text. Also… Oh wait, I guess that’s it.
]]>With display option “Below content on posts” selected I’m experiencing two various placements of the social buttons.
1st wrong: my template blog page lists complete articles and that is how I want, but the buttons appear directly below the title and not the entire post.
2nd correct: inside the post it works just fine with the buttons appearing below the content.
I think the problem comes from my template page that uses get_template_part and has nothing to do with the plugin. Does anyone have some coding remedy?
the part of template-blog.php that I think is messing up
//query posts
'post_type'=> 'post',
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'loop', 'entry') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (function_exists("pagination")) { pagination(); } ?>
Thanks for a great plugin! A few questions:
-Does the plugin validate(w3c)?
-Can stat tracking be disabled?
-Are these stats only viewable from within the plugin?
-Is the stat tracking or any other tracking being utilized by a third party?
Thank you!
]]>The latest version of Social Essentials is making the admin back-end incredibly slow, to the point it is almost impossible to navigate from page to page.
Front end is okay, just the admin screens. When the plugin is deactivated/removed, everything is back to normal.
]]>Showing sometimes only the word “Tweet” in front of the post (and now images) – maybe related to the used theme (Magazine Basic)?
I use Social Essentials on a Network Setup of 4 different websites. When activated it works fine with 3 blogs, but not the fourth – which uses the TwentyEleven v1.3 theme.
In the setup page where it says “Select buttons to show
To setup buttons order – You can use drag and drop. Please click SAVE after changes.” I see absolutely no icons at all.
However the icons DO appear in my other themes.
Please help – I have tried deactivating/reactivating
[ Please do not bump, it’s not permitted here. ]
I am using the latest version of social essentials plugin. I added the button via shortcode to the theme. Why does only facebook button not showing? The other buttons work. Anyone has similar issue? How to solve it?
Thank you
]]>For the past month or so the StumbleUpon button is failing to display on my website (large or small).
Anyone else experienced this problem?
]]>Somehow all my posts automatically add a prefix word ‘tweet’ in the feeds.
Feed URL – https://feeds.feedburner.com/cosmogeekinfo
Blog URL: https://iCosmoGeek.com
The prefix is viewable on the site in the page source (couple lines after feed autodiscovery tags) of individual stories.
( <meta property=”og:description” content=”Tweet … )
The prefix is also visible in Feed URL – (https://icosmogeek.com/feed/). I tried disabling this plugin (essentially when I unchecked Twitter button in Social Essentials setup) and the word went away!
Any fix for that?
]]>The pinterest button isn’t working for me, yet all other buttons are working fine. Do I have to set this up in each post under Social Essentials in order to get it to work? If someone pins my post via the “web” I can see the counter change.
]]>Statistics is showing blanks or zeros for almost all of the grids (including ones that shouldn’t be zero), but the correct counts are shown accurately on the actual post pages.
]]>I’ve noticed that there is something in the code that adds the word “Tweet” in place of the Twitter button at first, but then the button is loaded and the word disappears.
However, the “Tweet” word shows up as part of the content of the post so if you’re doing things like using a custom excerpt, it would look like this….
“TweetThis is the first line of content in the post”
I made a filter to keep “Tweet” from showing up in custom excerpts. However, I also use Simple Facebook Connect, which auto-posts new content to my Facebook fan page and it also pulls the first line of the_content. Sadly, it includes the “Tweet” word in it.
Is there a way that we can remove that from the code so it doesn’t show up anywhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Firstly the padding and position of the FB button is now off.. as if its leaving room for the ‘share’ button.. and the FB button is sized incorrectly.(only half the button shows) Further it does not post to wall as a share… only a linked like.. can you take a look at the code and fix??? or should I just hack. Considering I really loved this plugin until today, I think I’ll just go back to the prior version..
]]>In the class at line 362 there is an error in facebook button dimensions:
.(($this->icon_size == 'small') ? '72' : '47')
but when i select small the with must to be 47:
.(($this->icon_size == 'small') ? '47' : '72')
]]>Missing language selection for Facebook plugin. I have change manually the code