Ever since the update i cant get rid of the warnings
Important! Please check you configuration for Social Connect Widget on the settings page. | Hide Notice
Warning: Missing argument 1 for socialConnect_npLink(), called in /home/thedrain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/inc/settings.php on line 17 and defined in /home/thedrain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/inc/functions.php on line 150
Warning: Missing argument 2 for socialConnect_npLink(), called in /home/thedrain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/inc/settings.php on line 17 and defined in /home/thedrain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/inc/functions.php on line 150
]]>Wordfence found the following new issues
Alert generated at Thursday 26th of March 2015 at 10:39:57 AM
* Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/inc/output.php
* Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/social-connect-widget/readme.txt
That normal? Since the update i cant get rid of the notification on the top of the screen that says
“Important! Please check you configuration for Social Connect Widget on the settings page. | Hide Notice”
Is this plugin multisite compatible?
]]>Hello – I didn’t see a “Contact Us” link, as you said there was in the descriptoin, so I am trying this.
My site is private, for family, and I don’t use social networking and really this site isn’t about that. BUt, this is just what I have been looking for if it is customizable. I have two other sites and I need an easy way to link to them and I could substitue my favicons in this and I have it!
Would this work for me? Thanks, Jim
]]>Any plans to add Soundcloud icon to your service?
Many thanks