I’m baffled by the operation of this.I thought it might be useful for our Club which sometimes sends out SMS reminders of Events. We have a Calendar but it only had an email reminder (be good to have an SMS reminder in it).
I installed this and paid the $20 or so (couldn’t see where to get the “for as little as $2”).
I expected to see New > SMS, select a Group and send an SMS off.
I also expected to be easily able to create an SMS “Group” and easily add to it.
Only way I can see to create an SMS group is from existing users. Is this correct?
Only way I can see to send an SMS is through editing the User Group I create through SMSify. Is this correct?
Am I missing something here?
We don’t need or want to create new users unless those users are restricted to a user group and don’t need passwords or email addresses. It’s also very convoluted how to go about using this unless I am missing something.
Can this plugin be customized to work with any other providers offering SMS credits, other than SMS credits from SMSify?