Is there a way to only enable for backend?
]]>hello guys, i need help with this plugin i just installed and all the buttons seems ok, but when i clic it in microsoft edge scroll just a little bit even if i change the size of the scroll in the options and firefox dont do anything
]]>Hello Team,
Hope you are doing great,
Today we have received this message that there seems to be a security issue regarding your plugin. We are currently using this plugin in one of our clients website and I was wondering if you had an update planned for this particular security issue.
Looking forward to hear from you.
We have already updated the the plugin to latest version to 1.4, clear cache but still it is not fixed please help us.
I don’t like the styling (especially the dots!!)
So here is how to change the icons
1. Upload new images (PNG with a transparent background if you want transparent ones)
2. Mark down the width and height of your new image
2. Change your site CSS (Simple CSS plugin is good) to the following:
NOTE: Change the URL, width, height,
.page-scroll-buttons button.one-page-up {
background-image: url('/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/arrow-up-1.png');
.page-scroll-buttons button.one-page-down {
background-image: url('/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/arrow-down-1.png');
.one-page-up, .one-page-down {
width:20px !important;
height:38px !important;
button:not(:hover):not(:active):not(.has-background) {
background-color:unset !important;
button:focus {
outline:unset !important;
Feel free to steal these arrows if you want
Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons
Version: 1.4
Author: Mark Senff
Last Updated: 6 months ago
Requires WordPress Version: 3.8 or higher
Compatible up to: 5.7.3
My Current version: 5.8.1
Last checked on October 13, 2021 at 11:41 am.
Word Press gives Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.
I humbly request you to reolve the issue ASAP.
Thanks & Regards.
Today we have received this message that there seems to be a security issue regarding your plugin. We are currently using this plugin in one of our clients website and I was wondering if you had an update planned for this particular security issue.
Looking forward to hear from you.
]]>The down link is not working on my site.
]]>Hi. Our host’s virus scanner is signalling about malware, and is pointing the finger at the smooth-page-scroll plugin. Our programmer suggests deleting the plugin, but I would like to keep it. Any suggestions as to why this should be? Can you point me to a solution? Thanks.
this Plugin is exaclty what i′m looking for.
But, i don′t know if it′s working properly with latest WordPress Version (i mean security reasons), because it seems that there is no update anymore…
Does anyone know if this is a problem?
And does anyone know an Alternative to this Plugin?
Maybe one were it′s also possible to change the colour of the buttons and the transparancy?? (or is it even possible in this plugin?)
Hi! After update to WordPress 5.6 buttons disappeared. Problem is caused by update of JQuery. Even plugin Enable jQuery Migrate Helper didn’t help. Can you fix the plugin?
]]>I’m trying to remove the scroll down button on this website; it’s the white rectangle filling the bottom portion of the screen with the centred blue arrow. I’ve tried removing all of the plugins and none of them did anything. Any suggestions on how to remove it?
]]>We tested it. Only with this plug-in turned on do we get https / mixed content warnings. How to fix?
Can i use the Buttons only in Backend?
]]>Would it be possible to add transparency % to the 3 buttons ?
thanks in advance for your help
How could I move the 3 buttons (top, up, down) 50 pixelsup from bottom ? There is already a div at bottom ??
Thanks in advance for the bit of code I am missing…
Hi there,
is it possible for the arrows to be visible on one page only(homepage)?
It’s not really a problem, just thought having the arrows on every page/post to be kind of unnecessary. Thanks in advance!
btw, really love your plugin. I’ve been trying to find a plugin like this for days :DD
]]>Dear friend,
thanks for your offer to check weather another Plugin is blocking yours or why the buttons do not sjow in my page.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi, the only plugin which works with one click installation.
I need some help.
I am trying to replicate the scroll down button from this site – shorturl.at/jmsx4
I want to disable or hide the buttons when clicked at the top? it shouldnt show at bottom sections and only at top? just like above reference. Our site – shorturl.at/cevLW
]]>Good evening,
At te backend i see the images. At the frontend the images (buttons) are missing. I only see buttons in the color of the site, no text, scroll effect works. I disabled all the plugins, didn’t solve it. When i change the value of the ‘text-indent:-99999px;’ I see the text top, up and down.
Can this be solved?
My site has a menu on the left side. It is longer than a screen – and used to scroll just fine – now it doesn’t. I installed plug=in hoping to scroll menu.
How do I make the menu scroll. The site is shearwater-sailing.com
]]>Dear Sir/Madam,
Plugins works on desktop but not on mobile properly. Button show until I scroll to bottom of page.
Best regards,
]]>i want to do like this https://jsfiddle.net/shlomohassid/6r1h687k/ and https://jsfiddle.net/shlomohassid/6r1h687k/ .
is it possible to do in this plugin?
i’m very glad i found this plugin. Im Setting up an WP-Installation based on the Twenty Seventeen Theme. Your Plugin is big help as i use this Page only as one big/long page as an Presentation System.
But actually i have the problem that all 3 Icons stay gray after i clicked one of them.
For example:
1. i see the normal Arrow-Down Icon
2. I click/touch it
3. After i release the click the icon has changed to a completely gray icon that will not change back to the image before
4. When i click/touch somewhere else on the screen the icon then changes back to initial image.
Could you please give me an advice what to do about that? I need the icon image displayed all of the time, whether i click it or not.
Thanks in advance
I love the plugin and hope to use it. We’ve been using a “jump to bottom” button which jumps to the “Make a comment” form at the bottom of the page. Users love it. Are there any plans to add such a button? It’s really just the flip side of the jump to top button except that the bottom is where you leave comments, not the true bottom of the page/where the footer is.
]]>Very cool plug-in! I’ve customised it a bit already, but struggling with changing the position. Ideally I need it with the following values:
right: 3%
bottom: 35%
I’ve tried the following:
.page-scroll-buttons button {
bottom: 35%;
right: 3%;
I also tried px values, but nothing changes.
Please help? J
]]>Hi there!
I’ve read all topics but nor of them worked for me. I want to show arrow on left side and only on homescreen. Which css need to be edited to achieve it?
Thanks very much!
I want to change the color of button to #dd003b and smilarly for arrow it should be #ffff with opacity to both but i am not able to find how to change it.
please help.
Thank you.
thank you for this beautiful and helpful plugin.
A short question, I tried to do the Buttons smaller but this is not really possible.
I f I go from 45px to 40px then the Design is disturbed, the proportions are not right then.
See screenshot https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/1764971/b79c4e0d763597059dc022f24f096a9a
What or how can I do this the right way.
Or maybe you can ad a function which we can change the size in %.
Best D.
]]>As I have a fixed footer I cannot see the down arrow. Is there any way I could move the icons, and if so where to edit the code to achieve this.
Thanks in advance
Hi Mark,
I have been using your plugin for quite a long time and it is much appreciated ??
Following problem: updated to WordPress 4.5 and using theme Moesia Version: 1.35 and your Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons Version 1.2.1.
Plugin worked flawlessly until WordPress update?
With theme 2015 your buttons reappear again?
Any ideas? Anything I can tweek?
Here’s a LINK to the site running 4.5.1
Thanks STUart