Hi, when I use simple product it worked fine and the URL shows to the user. but when switch to Variable product, no URL filed shows up to the user, I tried to make a custom field but still not working
]]>After updating WordPress to version 6.7, the plugin stopped working. It does not collect or send data to service providers. The problem occurs on doarmowyj and on the paid API plugin. On the plugin admin page, the following error occurs on the API ORDERS tab;
Warning: Attempt to read property “error” on null in?/home/…/…/…/-ohb4/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smm-api/includes/admin/class.smapi-smm-orders-list-table.php?on line?276
Hello, I want to discuss a problem and see if you can provide a solution or address an issue with your plugin. I installed it yesterday and used it a couple of times to test if it worked, and it did without any issues. Then I purchased the pro version and was building my website, but today, when it came time to add products, the plugin simply doesn’t work. Orders are not being placed. I’ve checked everything: my API, the URL, everything, multiple times. I even created a new website from scratch to test it, and the problem is that requests are not being made. Can you check if it can be fixed? Since I purchased the pro version and now I can’t enjoy this fantastic plugin.
I’m using smm-api v8.09 and it seems is not working anymore. The orders are not placed automatically on api panel anymore. I’ve been looking for the new version 8.0.11 but I can find it even on softnwords.com.
Please help
]]>Good morning, I purchased the premium version of the plugin, I can’t overwrite the quantity field, on a variable product.
The language of my site is Italian, I tried and put it in English with the same result.
The SSM plugin works okay when somebody place an order, the plugin automatically create the order on API but Woocommerce doesn’t receive auto update when the order is completed. I have to login to WordPress admin and refresh API order page to send email automatically to the customer through Woocommerce.
]]>Page inaccessible
]]>I have successfully imported the service using Api
I have tried to pay the order successfully
but why is the order not automatically transferred to smm website for processing?
I have a problem connecting this plugin to smmgeniuspanel.com, is it possible to guide me and tell me how to connect?
problem deplicate order
Hello good time
I have a problem connecting this plugin to justanotherpanel.com, is it possible to guide me and tell me how to connect?
can someone explain to me how the subscription option works?`I have activated the option in the settings.when I call the service I have set to link, so it is also angeteigt in the overview.in the ürodukteinstellung I have activated smm sub. when I now call the service kabb I see no difference to a service without activated subscription option. have I forgotten something or done something wrong?
i add the plugin smm api
its not work never
i cant add any server
]]>Greetings. I really need serious support here , i got the premium version. At first i was using stripe and all orders were auto sended at smm panel and working good. Nowdays stripe banned me cause selling followers and i am using VivaWallet payment method which has intergration with woocommerce BUT my orders DO not auto go at smm panel . Please give me a solution or i can even pay you to modify the plugin and work with vivawallet payment method instead of stripe . My email is [email protected]
]]>I can’t add same service id twice like 7702 for 500 reviews for amazon and 7702 250 reviews for amzon but just setting diffrent min-max
]]>Hello !
When i use variables for quantity it says in api order
Api order
Api Status
Server Data missing
I haven’t sleep yet and you dont reply your mails idk what to do
]]>I noticed this, when adding an api server. What is the standard link for this URL. I can’t find it anywhere in my api docs. Could you please send me an example.
I have prepared products in woocommerce.
I have imported all the services from JAP, but if I put the service in the product, it doesn’t stay saved. It always goes back to the original one. I will send pictures. I am really desperate.
I have my Quantity set too 1000 and upwards on all of my products and most of them trigger the exact amount of followers I need. But with some products it says “Quantity less than minimal 10” although the item name is “Facebook Followers – 1000” for example. So that means that it knows its 1000 followers, but still thinks its under the quantity. I have everything set up the same for all of my products and checked that the API service is correct. Please answer me on here or via email how to resolve this and please don’t tell me to email you because I already did.
]]>Hi, I would like to thank you for the plugins and I′d like even to donate. But I am needing your help, I am having two problems.
1- How does the SMM will understand to who they need to send the Instagram followers for exemple when my client buy from my website? Do I need to add a field somewhere?
2- Through Woocommers I am not able give the client the possibility to choose the quantity of followers they need. So I have created different products with the same ID code, but with different quantities. Do I need to assign them an attribute. What do you recomend me to do, in order to help the SMM understand the quantity.
Looking forward to work with you,
after set up variants and attributes. after set service in variant and save and update product site, smm service automaticly change for another service.
]]>How to Connect Your SMM Panel to WooCommerce? (Best Method – 2023)
In this short guide, I will show you the easiest and fastest way to connect SMM panel websites to your Woocommerce store.
Step-by-Step Guide
<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>
Hello, there is a problem with SMMS API & WOOCOMMERCE and the WOOCOMMERCE cart, the checkout button is not displayed in the cart, even though I have configured the plugin correctly, I cannot identify the problem?
This is a test product link
]]>SMM API SERVICE ITEM is empty for all but the first variation, so I cannot select anything.
]]>I have already purchased the paid plugin but nothing has been sent to my email from you
invoice ID: WC-16086
]]>I use this server with this API documentation: https://sourcesmm.com/api
how should i configure and what information should i fill when adding the server? my wordpress is in PT-BR
I’ve already tried what he suggests, I can connect via API, I can even download and import services, but I can’t send orders and orders don’t appear in API ORDERS. what am I doing wrong?
have images attached my whatsapp +5581996444732 or telegram tmnethost. I am very grateful for the support.
Good to see this plugin back to the WordPress website.
I have some questions/problems
1- I checked the plugin with my own SMM panel, it perfectly sent the order to the SMM website through the API, but after i marked the order as completed, the wordpress website still show the order is processing and the status didn’t change after 48h, what should i do?
2- In the SMM panels price is per 1000 but when you want to order you can order whatever you want, but in this plugin 1 count as 1000 , that mean if customer select 1000, the wordpress count it as 1000000 , how can I fix this?
3- some services like custom comment needs additional box, does this plugin support this to show additional box for custom things?
I’m trying to use this plugin and also added the API server and the product. but it is giving me a critical error when I try to save the product.
<p>There has been a critical error on this website.</p><p>Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.</p>action=server_product_list&f_smapi_server_name_option=6060
Can you please help me with this and also tell me if this issue will be solved in the premium version or not?
]]>Hello again
I just want to know when I will receive the premium plugin because i pay for this more than 8 hours ago
Thank you
Hello and thank you for the great job …. but i have this error and i dont know how to fix this
Warning: Undefined array key "var_smm_customer_input_field_text" in /home/*******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smm-api/includes/class.smms-wc-subscription-cart.php on line 320
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smm-api/includes/class.smms-wc-subscription-cart.php:320) in /home/*******/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1421
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/smm-api/includes/class.smms-wc-subscription-cart.php:320) in /home/*******/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1424
I use WordPress and woocommerce
]]>Hi, can I change the profit % settings somehow? Is it included in the premium version? Great plugin, thanks.