fixed version for WP 3.9+наборы-смайлов-для-wordpress/
]]>IMPORTANT: due to my job, I’m now too busy to maintain my plugins.
This plugin has been abandoned!
If you are a developer and would like to fork, feel free to do so (under the GPLv3 license). No need to contact me.
]]>This plugin is not compatible with jQuery v1.6.4.
The latest jQuery version that works is jQuery v1.4.4 (which is bundled with WordPress 3.1.4, AFAIK). When I updated the jQuery to v1.6.4, it stops working.
Any chance to make it compatible?
Here is the Javascript included in this plugin:
/* <![CDATA[ */
(function($) {
/* OnClick action */
$("#smilies_toolbar img").click(function() {
var text = $(this).attr('alt');
/* get an html escaped version of the text: */
tempdiv = $('<div/>');
text = tempdiv.text(text).html();
tempdiv.remove(); // Free up memory
var commentbox = $("form[action$=wp-comments.php] textarea:visible");
if (!commentbox.length) return;
$("#smilies_toolbar img").css('cursor', 'pointer');
/* ]]> */
]]>As I see it on other sites this is supposed to show up horizontally but it shows up vertically on my site. Maybe there is some code I am suppose to change manually? I’m not sure, I’m a complete noob to all of this.
I am using Smilies Themer Toolbar on the latest version of WordPress
Here is my site –
I could use any help anyone could provide.
Don’t know what else to say about the issue so if more information is required I would give it, just tell me what you need to know.
]]>Ok i’ve downloaded and installed Smilies Theme dependency plugin and this Smilies Themer Toolbar.
i go to settings for Smilies Themer Toolbar, and only see that it can manage the current existing smilies only.
In order to choose smilies packs, i have to use the Smilies Theme dependency plugin.
The problem with that plugin, is you only can use the available sets provided.
I managed to download one extra set from the developers site but that was it.
I noticed in the folder there was a config file with an array for the shortcodes used for the smilies.
Can’t you take over the Smilies Theme plugin development, to make adding packages easier. And being able to set the shortcodes via a gui in wordpress plugin settings for it, rather than fiddling around with some php file config with arrays and all that ?
It would then be easier especially for newbies who don’t know much about coding.
What i liked best about your plugin, is how you can add it to post/page editor in the top right. And it has a hide/unhide
Also in comments it displays perfectly, and also has a hide/unhide.
Maybe add in an option to optionally instead show a pop up box for hidden smilies. Because maybe the smilies to be displayed there are way too many, so a box would be preferable for those situations.
i also noticed that when i click to add in a smily, it does not automatically add in a spacing before the smily, or after it. It doesn’t display a smily if there is no spacing before and after, so why not make it automatically add the spacings if you click to add a smily in the first place ?
I feel that it’s tedious having to manually add spacings before and after the smily tags, as well as most people may be prone to creating mistakes, and it will just show the code but no smilies.
Maybe add a plugin option whether to show the smilies before or after the comment box, rather than tell us who may not be a programmer, to go mess around with the comments.php file
Anyways it’s a good plugin, but there is still room for improvement.
your plugin’s JS (stt-common.js) has some lines which is not ended by semicolon.
I use some plugins to merge all JS into one big file and I found that your JS breaks everything after that because it doesn’t have semicolons at the end of lines and the final JS becomes a real mess.
Please, fix it. Thanks!
]]>I can’t seem to be able to drag and drop the smilies.