I installed the smart related posts thumbnails plugin, and it works fine. But instead of it only showing on single posts, I’d like for it to show on my main page with all of my blog posts also. I’ve also installed the Post Layout plugin, and it works fine. If I had the code I needed for smart related posts thumbnails, I could plug it in where I want it with the post layout plugin to solve that.
Also, when you hoover over the related post, it shows an excerpt of the text, but also shows the html. Is there a way to either turn off the text or make it so the html doesn’t show?
my blog is at https://www.TraciBunkers.com/blog
Smart Related Posts Thumbnails plugin stopped working after I moved my WordPress blog to HostGator, i tried deactivating and reactivating it, didn’t work. I tried deleting and reinstalling, didn’t work. What can I do ?
Any help is appreciated.
Look here:
The plugins seems to work but there simply aren’t any thumbs (jpgs) showing..