The constructor for this plugin has a major vulnerability that allows anyone to post an update to the sgcwebtools
and sgcgoogleanalytic
values. Anyone can inject code into a website using this plugin and track all visitor activity.
]]>Does this plugin work with wordpress multi site? we have it installed on a multi site set up and it works fine for the main site but on the other network sites it clears out what you enter once you try to save anything in the adwords section.
I have some old conversions whose pages do not exist anymore.
I select the conversions I want to delete, I click delete and I get two popups
1. Delete this row? [I click OK and then I get the 2nd popup]
2. Please select Page
I assume that there is a flaw in the validation. You shouldn’t need to select a page when you select to delete.
WP 4.9.1
Smart Google Analytics Code 3.5
Just updated to PHP 7.0 and am seeing deprecation warnings regarding the identical usage of class and constructor names. This can easily be fixed by renaming the class that is used with the plugin.
For more information see the official PHP docs.
Thanks for fixing this!
]]>I am seeing PHP Notices with regards to accessing properties of a non-object, this is happening in the smart_google_pcc_code
-function and can be fixed by wrapping the function contents in a conditional statement checking for the existence of the post like if ($post) {...}
Please consider fixing this in the next plugin version.
]]>I have read the various support threads and documentation, but it remains not fully clear if you can insert and run both AdWords tracking code AND Analytics tracking code, simultaneously, on the same page for the same contact form?
It would appear that you can, but the exact procedure is unclear:
1) Are the screenshots shown up-to-date with the current version of the plug-in? The current screenshot shows 2 boxes, the top is labeled “Google Analytics”, the bottom is labeled “Webmaster Tools”, and there is no mention of AdWords. So it is unclear where AdWords code should go.
2) What is the exact procedure for inserting both snippets of code (AdWords and Analytics respectively) to have them both operating concurrently? Does one paste one snippet in the top box, and the other in the bottom box? Or, do both code snippets get pasted in the same box, and if so does it matter which order they are pasted in and if there should be space between them?
]]>I am getting the message on my analytics dashboard “The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website’s home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.”
Please let me know how to fix this.
i use the plugin to insert adwords conversion code on my website pages but for some response its work on just on same pages.
example for pages that its work:
and on the following pages i insert the code the same way that i did with the other but its doesn’t work :
Can you help me please , thanks
]]>Smart Google Code Settings
– AdWords Conversion Code Settings
— Please Select Page
1. Please add the displayed links page.
I have three pages in three languages
But the Title the same for all three pages (Title: About).
To be able to distinguish the page, you need to show off their links
/about-eng/ (Title: About)
/about-it/ (Title: About)
/about-ru/ (Title: About)
2. Please add the possibility that the post were also on the list.
In the post, too, sometimes you need to install the code.
3. When you edit a page in the admin panel, you can display the code?
That code can be edited in the settings, plug-in, and when you edit the page.
]]>Smart Google Code Settings
– AdWords Conversion Code Settings
— Name of Conversion
1. Please tell me which means “Name of Conversion”?
2. If you look at the code page site, there is no “Name of Conversion”.
Error 404 Not Found
Oops. Fail. The page cannot be found.
Please check your URL or use the search form below.
]]>Hello, I have a little problem with the conversion adwords pixel on all my thank you page, is visible on the bottom page, how can I do to make it invisible?
This is an example
I tried to used this plugin for conversion and acquisition adwords codes
But the plugin or wordpress changes the & to & and.
Do you have a solution for it ?
Thank you a lot
I just installed this plugin and added only the google adwords conversion code put the Tag Assistant by Google says:
“Non-standard implementation” in the conversion tag and it stills is as not verified in my adwords account.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Please make the possibility of the conversion code Google add posts.
Now, you can add code to the page only.
I installed the plugin as I need it for future Adwords Conversion tracking. Am I able to create Adwords conversion tracking without using the Analytics part? I was unsure if the Analytics code was required (our site already has Analytics code implemented).
Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I wanted to have a conversion name / title like
“My Product” (some description)
but it seems that SGCI cannot handle that, I get a “\” after saving… Nothing major really but I wanted to point it out anyways.
]]>I’m sad. I see so many excellent reviews of this plugin, but I just found and installed it this morning. And can’t find a sign anywhere that it’s working.
I just know it’s the update. I just wish I didn’t have to go out and find another tool. <tears>
Here’s my website, but there’s nothing visible to indicate the problem. https://www.fitfoundation.info
]]>Hi there,
seems like the plugin is throwing some notices – could you check up upon that?
[28-Oct-2013 19:29:07 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: action in ****/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/smart-google-code-inserter/smartgooglecode.php on line 29
[28-Oct-2013 19:29:07 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: action in ****/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/smart-google-code-inserter/smartgooglecode.php on line 33
]]>Hi, thanks for your great plugin.
Just a small question:
I use WPML to translate my site in 2 languages. I have no problem setting up adwords conversion for 1 language but I couldn’t find a way to add another conversion code to the “thank you” page in the other language.
Is this possible?
thank you
]]>Hi there,
was just wondering if you were notified about my comment here:
I didn’t receive any email when you posted so maybe it went south? Would love to get a quick feedback on the issue as I am planning to use your plugin for other sites as well…
Thanks & regards!
]]>This plugin is hugely valuable for me – thank you for making it.
Unfortunately, I recently had an issue where I was unable to add an additional conversion code (I had 3 working). I click the add more button and nothing happens. This is on the current Mac Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Also tried on Chrome on Windows.
I deactivated & reactivated the plugin, which wiped the conversion codes out, and am running into the same issue. I’m able to add one Adwords conversion snippet and save it, but when I click add more, nothing happens. I believe the expected behavior is that a new form opens. Any suggestions?
]]>Updated to version 3.0 today on one site; not only did it wipe out the existing AdWords conversion tracking code (and Bing adCenter) code I had, but I can’t save it back – I save it, it SAYS saved, but the field is empty and the code is not on the Receipts page. Not happy with this upgrade, will go back to writing a function for it or find an old version of the plugin.
]]>Not sure If this is possible, but is there a way to set default tracking code for all posts?
]]>I need to run PHP code in the box in order to include the actual value of the order which has been placed. Will the box support this?
]]>If I add Google Analytics Async tracking will this plugin put it at the bottom of the <head> section?
when php is configured with short_open_tag=Off, the plugin fails, because there’s a short open tag (<? instead of <?php) in line 173 of smartgooglecode.php. Here’s a diff which fixes this:
--- smartgooglecode.php.orig Thu Oct 18 21:54:15 2012
+++ smartgooglecode.php Wed Nov 28 11:40:42 2012
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
<input name="action" value="savegooglecode" type="hidden" />
//Save Google Code Info
]]>https://gateslosangeles.com/confirmation and https://gateslosangeles.com/contact-thank-you
I have just two pages for this site that I want to put two different code snippets of Adwords Conversion Tracking. I have pasted them in with the captions (why captions???), but when I come back to check on them, I am concerned that it seems to be the same code for both pages.
I don’t know if I am communicating this clearly, so I am posting an unlisted youtube video here and hope this clears it up for you what I am concerned about.
Currently, I can only choose “Home” from the drop down list.
Is there anyway I can put the analytic’s code on multiple pages? (or doesn’t it matter with this software?)
Thanks very much for your time.