The Plugin “Smart Countdown FX” appears to be abandoned (updated 10 February 2020, tested to WP 5.3.11).
Is it the case?
Would you suggest another one?
Hello, Not sure what is the issue. I have PHP version 7.2.31-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 114 of the file /var/www//wp-content/plugins/smart-countdown-fx/includes/helper.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string() in /var/www//wp-content/plugins/smart-countdown-fx/includes/helper.php:114
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www//wp-content/plugins/smart-countdown-fx/smartcountdownfx.php(106): SmartCountdown_Helper::getCounterConfig(Array)
#1 /var/www//wp-content/plugins/smart-countdown-fx/smartcountdownfx.php(975): SmartCountdown_Widget->widget(Array, Array)
#2 /var/www//wp-includes/shortcodes.php(343): SmartCountdown_Widget::short_code(Array, ”, ‘smartcountdown’)
#3 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)
#4 /var/www//wp-includes/shortcodes.php(218): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(smartc…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[et_pb_secti…’)
#5 /var/www//wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): do_shortcode(‘[et_pb_secti…’)
Thank you.
]]>Hello – How can I get the option for the this wonderful plugin to use google calendar? I’m having a hard time finding where that’s available to me.
What i’d really love is if I could use my calendar events pluging “Modern Events Calendar” from webnus which is already pulling in google calendar events, however the countdown display that comes with the plugin is not what I expect.
Great plugin!
Only issue I have found is that the numbers don’t populate when placing the timer in locations where it gets loaded via ajax into a block, like in the WooCoomerce cart on the site. If you update the cart the timer gets reloaded, but only the seconds will show up. All the other blocks stay blank.
]]>I love this plugin! The only concern is with the widget not working. When I don’t use the widget and use a shortcode everything works wonderfully well. I can insert the widget and configure it (with the same setting I used in the shortcode). But when I view it on the front page of my site it is invisible. I have tried using the shortcode and the Widget side-by-side. The shortcode I can see but not the widget (actually now that I think about it the Title appears and that’s all).
As I said, I still have the shortcode but the widget would be much easier. By way I am using both with Recurring events and I also use SiteOrigin’s page builder.
]]>It’d be nice to have a Gutenberg block, or at least update it to indicate that it’s not dead (the recurring add-on is clearly being developed, so even if there’s no work on this main plugin, the project is clearly not dead) IT’s also annoying to get notices that it’s “abandoned” from MainWP and occasionally WF.
]]>Does your countdown clock display horizontal?
]]>Hey there, so I’ve had an absolute nightmare of an issue with my hosting provider, who took down my small websites due to excessive CPU usage. After much back and forth with them, they said the issue appears to be related to your plugin.
Regarding the issue at hand, I can confirm that the main cause for the resource overuse are the numerous admin-ajax.php executions which [name] already included in his last report. The previously shown slow database queries do point towards a performance problem with your website, but they are a result of the same script execution spike.
All of them are related to the execution of an event called scd_query_next_event. According to our checks, it is a part of the smart-countdown-fx plugin which is currently installed in your WordPress application. The problematic code in this case related to one of its widgets as shown here:
” add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_scd_query_next_event’, ‘SmartCountdown_Widget::queryNextEvent’ );
add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_scd_query_next_event’, ‘SmartCountdown_Widget::queryNextEvent’ );”For example, the web traffic statistics of [main site] show it had 22,514 unique visitors for September. However, even if we take only the script executions related to the scd_query_next_event task and disregard each other PHP script, we get a total of 563,059 executions up to this point:
I’m still trying to get access to my account to disable the plugin until a fix can be made, but I thought you should know. (It’s been great up until this point!)
Also, could your plugin affect how comments are displayed at all? On this website only (which is the only one I use it on), all of my posts display the comments for the very first post ever made on the site (4 years ago). I thought it was a problem with the SG Optimizer plugin, as it happened every time the cache was cleared, but they’re insisting it’s not, and yours is the only different plugin I can think of.
]]>I have a contest that runs weekly for 48 hours. However, it looks like I can only use this for 24-hour events? Am I missing something? Or would it be possible to update?
]]>This plugin is almost perfect. Just that its hard if its for different language. I think it would be better to add an option where we can change the labels (example: Hours to Horas). Coz sometimes we need some pages to be spanish but don’t need to add language plugin.
Is this possible or not? Thanks
]]>Hi, Alex.
Can you help me add translation for Vietnamese language into the plugin?
I am providing you the singular and plural translations of the needed strings.
year: N?m (singular) N?m (plural)
month: Tháng (singular) Tháng (plural)
week: Tu?n (singular) Tu?n (plural)
day: Ngày (singular) Ngày (plural)
hour: Gi? (singular) Gi? (plural)
minute: Phút (singular) Phút (plural)
second: Giay (singular) Giay (plural)
Thank you for help.
]]>I’ve been trying to get a countdown timer on my front page, but have run into several issues that I haven’t been able to figure out. I need help!
I have created a new .xml file that is identical to shortcode_compact_titles_inline.xml
, with the exception of line 14, which I’ve changed to <labels_pos>right</labels_pos>
. Using the shortcode [smartcountdown import_config="scd_easy_recurrence::2" layout_preset="shortcode_compact_titles_inline_labels_right.xml" title_before_down="Hang in there! Just" units="days,hours,minutes" title_after_down="until the next stream." /]
, the result is this: image
So far, so good! Now I’d like to add some styling, but that’s where I run into trouble!
Using the shortcode [smartcountdown import_config="scd_easy_recurrence::2" layout_preset="shortcode_compact_titles_inline_labels_right.xml" text_before_size="20" title_before_down="Hang in there! Just" digits_size="20" labels_size="20" units="days,hours,minutes" text_after_size="20" title_after_down="until the next stream." /]
results in this: image
How can I fix the following issues?
does not seem to affect the size of the text at all, which causes it to also be misaligned, as well as being too small.widget_style="text-align:center;"
and widget_style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"
do not result in it being centered on the page.I am confident that I must be doing something wrong, could you please help me resolve this? Thanks so much!
]]>Timer shows spinner for a second, then disappears. Nothing shows. I have it set to use a Google Calendar to pick up the times for showing/ending, but nothing shows.
Screenshot – (All other fields below are blank)
My website https://slopiewnie.pl
I use cache plugin WP Fastest Cache and countdown plugin.
However, the counter always starts from the same moment. I need to have the cache enabled so that the page loads faster.
Fastest Cache forum suggests that “plugin should count via Ajax.”
]]>FYI, I think you mistakingly said that style values in the shortcode should be separated by a comma when they should be separated by semicolons.
One or more CSS rules separated and ended by comma. Avoid font-size rule, use digits size option instead. Not all styles will have effect for image-base digits.
Thanks for your help on this plugin!
]]>Hi! Great plugin. I have a quick question. Is there a way to hide the Month, Week, Day, etc using CSS?
I want to set something for a year out as a demo contest. But, I would only rather show the days, hours and seconds. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
]]>When loading the page, the plugin displays the spinner but does not display the countdown.
URL: https://cbcharrison.org/watch-live/
Browser: Mac Chrome
Widget Settings:
Title: Countdown
Event date and time: 2017-09-10 00:00:00
Counter display mode: Countdown No Limi
Counter animation profile: Sliding Text Fade
Widget layout preset: Sidebar
Display counter units:
Hello, Alex
Can you add translation for Bulgarian language into the plugin?
I am providing you the singular and plural translations of the needed strings.
year: Година (singular) Години (plural)
month: Месец (singular) Месеци (plural)
week: Седмица (singular) Седмици (plural)
day: Ден (singular) Дни (plural)
hour: Час (singular) Часа (plural)
minute: Минута (singular) Минути (plural)
second: Секунда (singular) Секунди (plural)
Thank you in advance!
Is there a way to make it inline with other text in a paragraph?
Right now the timer goes below the text like it adds a line break. Example:
The time ends in:
1 hour 3 mins
I want it to go like this:
The time ends in: 1 hour 3 mins
Is this possible?
Hi there,
I would neet some help setting up Smart Countdown FX on a multilingual website. I am using the “Polylang” plugin. The languages are English and Polish.
I could think of 3 ways:
1. The plugin will detect the laguage of the post or page (this is stored in WordPress when using the Polylang plugin). That would be most convenient.
2. The language of the counter will be set using a shortcode. For example: language=”PL”
3. All labels text can be defined using shortcodes. For example: units_labels_text=”roku,miesi?c,tydzień,dni,godzin,minut,sekund”
What do you think?
]]>hello, can you add the translate?
year = ???
years = ????
week = ????
weeks = ??????
day = ???
days = ????
hour = ???
hours = ????
minute = ???
minutes = ????
second = ????
seconds = ?????
Does this plugin supports events manager.
If not how can we make using any snippet for widget area.
Hi –
First – Awesome plugin – very cool for our site.
This was working fine with Simple Calendar (on the same page) until recently.
Now, if I enable Simple Calendar, Smart Countdown FX won’t work at all.
(I’ve left Smart Countdown FX Google Calendar Bridge active whilst doing this)
Not sure which one is the issue, so just FYI in case you need to look at it.
(I did all the usual – de-activated all other plugins, tried one of the default themes – 2014 I think – and it’s just Simple Calendar & Smart FX that don’t play)
If both plugins are enabled, then even if I have the Simple Calendar shortcode on a separate page to the Smart FX Countdown Timer :- Simple Calendar will display, but FX Countdown timer does not (get the spinning wheel then nothing).
I’ll cross-post this over at the Simple Calendar plugin page to make them aware also.
Again – awesome plugin man, thanks ??
]]>Message from our Host WPEngine:
At present, the load on the server is very high and if left unchecked could begin to cause performance and stability issues for the environment as a whole. Looking at the hits to the server from today, the top result by far is from admin-ajax
From the URLs of those requests, the scd_query_next_event action is repeatedly being mentioned; an action which I’ve found reference to in the smart-countdown-fx plugin. I’ve included the results from my search of the install’s file system below:
1590: action : ‘scd_query_next_event’,
90: add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_scd_query_next_event’, ‘SmartCountdown_Widget::queryNextEvent’ );
91: add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_scd_query_next_event’, ‘SmartCountdown_Widget::queryNextEvent’ );
628: ‘nonce’ => wp_create_nonce ( ‘scd_query_next_event’ )
655: if (! check_ajax_referer ( ‘scd_query_next_event’, ‘smartcountdown_nonce’, false )) {
At this point, I would definitely recommend reducing that number of calls to admin-ajax. It’s simply far too many for your server to handle.
Dear developer, maybe you can help to resolve this issue?
When implementing click_url=@https://test.com” or click_url=”https://www.test.com”
url is being opened in new tab with url as follow: https://www.mywebsite.com/”https://www.test.com”
Is it a bug or I’m doing something wrong?
As far i know it is possible to use wordpress plugin functionality via shortcodes that are called directly in php in e.g. header.
How to call this countdown functionality in any place on my wordpress page?
]]>Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for this great plugin!
Is it possible to add a Brazilian Portuguese version for the countdown?
The translation would be:
year: ano (singular) anos (plural)
month: mês (singular) meses (plural)
week: semana (singular) semanas (plural)
day: dia (singular) dias (plural)
hour: hora (singular) horas (plural)
minute: minuto (singular) minutos (plural)
second: segundo (singular) segundos (plural)
Thank you!
I saw in another thread that you could translate it to Dutch with Poedit (whatever that is :)). Could you translate it to Spanish?
This would be the translation:
year: a?o (singular) a?os (plural)
month: mes (singular) meses (plural)
week: semana (singular) semanas (plural)
day: día (singular) días (plural)
hour: hora (singular) horas (plural)
minute: minuto (singular) minutos (plural)
second: segundo (singular) segundos (plural)
]]>Can your plugin go off of a users time zone on their computer or phone rather than the wordpress timezone? I have need to have a countdown timer go at 9am each day when the user loads the page….but 9am the local time
]]>Hey, is there any chance i can add a Pageload countdown?
Such as from Pageload Countdown 10 Minutes…?