What was the reason, that users need to be defined extra and not taken from WP directly ?
Members of the site shall find a page where the form is offered (or pops up on selecting an item from a list)
I also do not get emails after submit
]]>The calendar shows WHAT is booked as color background.
Better is:
– List of items in the day
– Each item it’s own color (I understand that on many items this is too much – we should then have a crop and also have a Item calendar – see later)
– mousouver reveals detals such as
– Until when
– There should be a shortcode for showing a table for each item/type, so someone interested in XYZ can see, when a particular item is booked
– same shall apply for a type: List all items of a type and when they are booked, so we easily see, when something is vacant (think of a vertical calendar with configurable date range for all lists)
Is this request out of scope ?
I hoped this plugin was my solution for a booking tool as all the others seem crap, not useful or commercial (>100 $ !!)
]]>I am writing this comment is expectation, that it was intended that this plugin shall be generic booking tool for all sorts of “items”.
I find the “items” very much limited to only locations.
If you’re a club and want to manage lending equipment, then this tool is cumbersome.
Items need location. OK, location where it can be picked up is a workaround, but then we should be then able to define a location separately to re-use. Typing it every time is bad.
]]>This plugin makes me logout after its activation and then I couldn’t login more. At last I got to remove it from plugins folder to make wordpress work!
I tested this plugin on a network enabled version of wordpress 3.1.2 on my localhost!
There are no instructions, just a loop of adding your email addresses
Bookings option asks for email address
View Users shows email addresses
New user option asks for email address
ABout says nothing but license info
Where is the form?