my server crashed today because the disk was full, and when I went to check it out I noticed THOUSANDS of rejected messages in the mail queue, and was able to trace all of them to the email sharing module. Someone was able to send a ton of emails by posting to
I have turned off your plugin for now, but do you have any way to protect against this?
]]>I’m still using Slim JP on a couple of sites and it still runs beautifully for now, but I just found out about this plugin. Is the slideshow feature still available? It was activated by enabling the Shortcode Embeds module and it becomes an option in the drop down menu when creating a WordPress image gallery. If not, could you work on it? It was one of the reasons why I use Slim JP.
Also, I loved the tiled gallery feature. I read here on the forum that there is another plugin called, Tiled Gallery Carousel Without Jetpack, but it doesn’t look like it is maintained very often. Do you have any more information about it?
Thank you.
]]>I wanted to try the carousel and see if I could make a portfolio, since another plug in that is called Portfolio doesn’t work with Cannyon. But, the widget for carousel doesn’t show up either. Any suggestions?
]]>For some reason the Contact Form details sent to the “Feedback” area and email are being left out and/or being placed in the wrong order.
Any help is appreciated.
I have this module working on other WordPress site, but for some reason on this WordPress site it breaks page menu links. Every now and then when clicking on menu items that were created with the page widget in menus I get a “404: Not found error.”
It does break the Akismet plugin settings page on all my WordPress sites. When I disable Slimpack the Akismet settings page reappears. It is a shame because I would love to the use Slimpack features.
]]>If I activate this plugin, /index.php?xml_sitemap=params=, the link Google XML Sitemaps make, shows empty page.
This does not happen when Jetpack is activated.
]]>I installed slimpack on a fresh wordpress install. I then attempted to configure Kismet. Unfortunately when I selected the setup link for Akisment I get the following error “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
If I deactivate slim pack, Kismet works.
]]>Just downloaded and ticked omnisearch as active. Don’t know how to access it. I don’t see it anywhere.
]]>I like know if is slideshow in the pack.
If no is for request it.
I use tiled gallery plugin but no have update in 2 years.
And the plugin create multiple size versions of images (7 and more) and I think no is responsive because link to full.
If you can add the Tiled without Photon will be great, and more complete.
Thanks for the plugin.
]]>As I said in the subject, if Infinite Scroll is disabled then Beautiful Math doesn’t work –> Latex expression is not replaced with the picture. If Infinite Scroll is enabled, then Latex works as expected.
Theme Twenty Sixteen. Unfortunatelly I have local WP install so I can’t send you the link.
Just a feedback about the latest release.
There is a notice display.
Notice: Undefined index: jp_infinite_scroll in …/wp-content/plugins/slimpack/slimpack.php on line 306
You can edit wp-config.php, and add following line if you like hide it before will be corrected :
I hope this help,
Hey everyone,
As you have probably noticed I don’t have enough time to update Slimpack in time. It’s not a priority for me. I find I have to do regular updates to copy and paste core files from Jetpack to Slimpack, it’s boring for me.
However there seems to be a lot of new features adding to Jetpack, I want some maintainers who’re willing to update Slimpack the way it deserves.
If you’re interested, just let me know through this issue.
On contact form 7, after click on add new form, I get the following message with Slimpack activated :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Jetpack::is_module() in ………./wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/jetpack.php on line 9
I replace Slipack by Jetpack and all is ok.
Any one have the same problem ?
]]>It was driving me crazy, but I finally figured out it was this plugin that was breaking my Contact Form 7 admin, i.e. I went back and did a clean install of everything and it broke when I installed Slimpack. I know that Jetpack causes Javascript issues that can be resolved by disabling the built in contact form, but that still doesn’t work with Slimpack.
Do you have a solution for this? I’d really like the idea of this plugin, but not if it breaks other tools I need.
]]>I’m just asking as I tried a few alternatives and they al dropped out after a while leaving me stranded.
i.e. I used to use Slim Jetpack which stopped development about 1 year ago and then switched to which in turn seems to have stopped development so I’m a bit weary of trying new repalcements that disappear after a while…
]]>It looks like the email i sent with the share by email functionality does not work. The emails are never received by the email addresse filled in …
]]>Hi, I’m eager to try your plugin!
I noticed Tiled Galleries in the “Dropped Modules” section on the plugin description.
If you want to include it, check out – – for inspiration