Its looking good in content slider widge for my new website that was hosted on WordPress Please give me suggestion about it because it looks like old but still useful?
]]>Got this error message when trying to update Slidedeck.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SlideDeckWidget in /home/cjasblog/public_html/wp-content/plugins/slidedeck/lib/widget.php on line 195
Now I can’t log in at all.
]]>Randomly, on my site, slidedeck takes up to 20 seconds to load.
The file taking so long is
I have both MaxCDN and w3tc, can I use them to cache it, since as I see it only is an icon?
]]>So, I’m running SlideDeck Lite 2 on WordPress 3.4.1 – the problem is: the rss feed @ doesn’t show any posts. I’ve deactivated the plugin and everything works fine. I also validated the feed with and without the plugin activated. With: there’s an error
XML parsing error: <unknown>:1489:88: not well-formed (invalid token)
This is a valid RSS feed
How can we solve this?
I am encountering a problem with images. Everything was working fine before I updated my WordPress to 3.5.
Now it looks like WordPress have updated their upload manager, and I am not able to put any images into the slides (doesn’t matter if the image is already in the media library or if it’s a fresh upload). It just doesn’t show up in the slider space when I press ‘insert’.
The only way it works is if i put the image in through the text editor (html) using html.
I hope this will be fixed soon. Thank you!
]]>Is that right? thanks
]]>I am using SlideDeck Pro for WordPress.
I see the post title but not the pictures and the slider is not working.
Please help.
Here is my site:
]]>Hello, I’d like to know if it works with WPML language plugin in a WP multisite.
]]>I have try to put a slider inside a post and now i need to add a arrow on that slide. more than auto slide and mouse sliding.
Please help me on this. ASAP.
]]>Works find in Chrome, but IE cannot handle this plugin.
]]>Hi, I’m having a problem with the slide deck, it doesn’t seem to get de height I declare in the theme code snippet. I can’t find the solution.
Can anyone help me?
I can’t seem to find the correct image size for slide deck lite.
Every time I upload an image, despite of being in the size of the slide deck, it doesn’t work at all. It shrinks, a lot of background appears.
Anyone with this problem?
]]>SD isn’t showing images from featured posts in WP 3.4.0+ versions. What would be the possible solution. I assume it’s the jQuery conflict, but HOW TO SOLVE IT?
Anybody, please suggest.
]]>Hi all,
I tried to desactivate SlideDeck plugin using this code in functions.php file :
function site_init(){
if (!is_admin()) {
add_action('init', 'site_init');
The function is executed but SlideDeck plugin is still registered in wp, style present in $GLOBALS[‘wp_scripts’] and style calling slidedeck js file.
This make me crazy.
]]>When Using the SD I’m trying to install an I
CentOS. 5.3
PHP 3.5.10
MySql 5.0.45
WP 3.4
Place the post with only one SlideDeck and works normally, but when I include an SD smart he is in error, not the SD’s mostrandos The layout and breaking
Does anyone have any idea or experienced a similar problem?
]]>I want to add only one slide – is this possible? Currently minimum is set to 3 – so if I add only one it will not display.
Thank you for this wonderful plugin!!!
]]>I want to create a custom post slider with recent or random posts in slides
I have 1000s of those custom posts and want to display random post in slides
Slides must use featured image and post title, option to select number of slides will be great
]]>On my blog I sometimes embed video tutorials. I just found out that Slidedeck overlaps the video when slides scroll.
For example, you can see it here:
Is it because I added iframes to slides?
]]>Message deleted as I was in error. A false alarm
]]>The slide stay the same forever with slide 1.
A lot Javascript errors showing in my Firebug windows e.g. ‘”jQuery(“#SlideDeck_131_179″).slidedeck is not a function … …alse, transition: ‘linear’ } );</script><script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery( ‘…’
]]>Quite a nice plugin although I haven’t fully tested it. What is NOT mentioned in the description though (probably in the documentation, but let; face the truth, you should not have skipped it in the description), is that in the free version the vertical sliders and most of the skins have an embedded watermark. I do not object to it being there, it is a free plugin of course, but, being straightforward, not something I like.
]]>In december I added this plugin on and It did work properly on my iPad and iPhone and it still does at the first one, but on the last one it suddenly acts weird.
I don’t think I changed something that caused that problem, but it couldn’t be just out of the sudden. But I don’t know what it is. Anyone?
]]>Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /data/1000/web1133/www/ on line 105
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]]>Every time I attempt to add text to a slidedeck the text disappears. Oddly, the problem only occurs in the text box for Slide 1. The others work fine.
]]>Plug-in authors have been aware for nearly a year that there’s a conflict with rotating between landscape & portrait mode in Safari, but haven’t offered a fix. Plug-in crashes the browser altogether. It’s a shame. Would be great on iPad.
]]>Client bought this and asked me to configure, on a clean updated WordPress.
1. Editing slide , deleted 2 slides, added 2 vertical ones, uploaded an image to each, hit update and plugin page goes blank.
2. Add 2 vertical slides with 2 sub-slides and an image in each, hit update, image in first slide is gone. Preview button is buggy. Insert into post button works only occasionally.
3. Advertise “skins” when they are clearly just layouts.
4. Very limited control, for a pro version it is not configurable for categories, tags, taxonomies, custom fields.
5. No short-codes or function parameters of any kind besides width and height.
6. Vertical slides are buggy when output to post/pages.
7. Very poor documentation with regards to WordPress, then again there are really no options with this plugin.
Seriously this plugin would be OK if it was free, but because you charge for a pro version it is very questionable.
ps. Your WordPress vertical slide demo on your own site is broken….
]]>I’ve created a slidedeck and embedded the shortcode on a page. But, when viewing the page, the content do not show. The slides work fine on the page (ie proper look based on skin, they slide, etc) otherwise. Just do not show the content I created.
When previewed under SlideDeck edit mode, everything works fine. The content I created do show on the slides.
]]>The slidedeck works flawlessly in horizontal mode. I need to make a new version that slides the content vertically to save real estate on the homepage. I make my four vertical slides, copy the info from the horizontal slides that work perfectly fine, I hit UPDATE and then BOOM! All of my text, content, options, everything is MIA! It erases everything. I’ve tried multiple times with various methods.
Are there any conflicts with other plug-ins (the site has quite a few installed)? Is there something I’m missing within the plugin? It seems to let me save 2 vertical slides but after that erases the content.
Quite frustrated as I love the damn thing. Please, any assistance would be appreciated! I’ll return the favor if someone can help me out. I really appreciate it!
The site in question:
Thanks! ~Shane
]]>I have a website hosted by Bluehost ( that uses the WordPress platform and my SlideDeck plugin isn’t showing up properly. I am fairly sure it has nothing to do with the plugin because I’ve tried several other sliders and they always show up as tiled images with clumps of words instead of an animated slideshow.
I placed the SlideDeck on my home page (in my index.php template) and moved it around to a few other places to see if that was the problem but it looks weird everywhere. The preview of the SlideDeck looks fine (it is wonky for a second then straightens itself out). I have also played with the width and the positioning in my stylesheet but I’ve hit a brick wall. Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Is there any translation available in other lamguages and how can I install it?