there are 73 test results in the site speed history now, but only the first 44 results will be rendered in the performance graph. So the last test results won’t be drawn.
How can I configure the graph?
my WordPress installation is receiving the test results from WebPageTest.org on a daily basis, but the chart and the dashboard shows the values of the initial first test one week ago.
I’ve activated the logging:
Message Date
Site Speed Monitor test data received. 29. January 2019 – 20:19
Site Speed Monitor test started. 29. January 2019 – 20:19
First View
Repeat View
Last Run
22. Januar 2019
Any suggestions to get it run?
is it possible to monitor multiple pages of one website?
– Homepage
– Product pages
– …
The plug-in runs great on all my sites (thank you so much).
Unfortunately I’m able to get the results of the tests only on the plug-in backend panel as I’m not receiving the e-mails with the results even if I properly set a valid e-mail address.
I’ve tried to see if I could get some information about that by activating the plug-in own log but unfortunately there’s no mention to the e-mails sent (or not sent).
All the other plug-ins are able to regularly send e-mail notification (backup plug-in, security plug-in, contact forms, …). I have to say that on all my sites I’m using a plug-in to reroute the php wp_mail() function to an external SMTP server, but this has never caused any problem with any other plug-in and anyway there’s no trace of e-mail sent from the site speed monitor plug-in in the smtp e-mail plug-in log files (while all the e-mails from the other plug-ins are correctly tracked) so it looks like the plug-in is not sending the e-mails at all.
Any hint about what could cause this problem?
Many thanks again and keep up with the great work.