Rating: 4 stars
Some Site Health tests and diagnostic tools are not suited for automated testing, and always to be executed and shown in the Site Health main Status tab. They may also not be pure static information, or limited size suited for the Info tab, like text/log file contents. This excellent, high quality plugin lists such tools, tests and viwers in an accordion under an additional Site Health tab labelled Tools.
This accordion is filterable and hence extendable for developers to add their own special tools. To ensure such modifaction or additions to always work, developers may declare this plgins as a dependcy of their own.
The included tools in version 1.0 are not quite perfect and complete yet, but will most likely be enhanced through constructive feedback from the community.
Immature features:
constant to determin the log file, not assuming debug.log
.and this is excellent. But what about a very large log file?version.php
to be modified on localized installationsA few enhancements and this is five stars from me!