Hi, nice plug-in this saves me alot of time coding.
but one problem i notice is that, the splash screen keeps on showing if the website in the url is re-enter. can we put it in to cache mode or session so it shows one time only. even the url is entered.
]]>So i saw this topic was dealt with on an older post that has closed. I am trying to do relatively the same thing but cant find a solution.
Older Post:
Posted 1 year ago #
Hello ,
Is it possible to use “the meta refresh” like this :
<meta HTTP-EQUIV=”Refresh” CONTENT=”3;URL=<?php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>/”>
After 3 seconds , the same page come back
Can someone help me ?
Gabriel Reguly
Posted 1 year ago #
Which theme are you using?
Posted 1 year ago #
I test Simple Splash in test site … and a personal theme
I modified the header.php …
I dont want to click enter to go to my web site
So if I use the Meta refresh with temporisation of 3 seconds …
But I think it ‘s no possible due to referer ….
( my web site for test is here : https://www.bealcost.com/sitetest/)
Best regards …
Gabriel Reguly
Posted 1 year ago #
Hi passimal,
The trouble is that you are redirecting to the home page, the plugin will catch your redirect and once more show you the ‘splash.php’ page.
You should redirect to another page, not the home page.
Why not create a ‘redirect-home.php’ page?
Just add the above code to it, and it should work.
Pay attention to have no empty lines before the code, else it will not work.
Right now my page keeps refreshing over and over, I am using Lotus theme. It can be seen at novomedicaltechnology.socialscoot.com I either need to find a way to make the redirect work or move the main page of website to another directory?? I currently have it setup to go to /home but that is not the main page. Any help would be appreciated!
Excited by your plugin but I wanted to be sure I wouldn’t be losing my SE ranking. What I want to achieve is a splash page that appears before the current WP homepage that allows visitors to choose there territory. Would your plugin effect my rankings and if I use it are 301 redirects necessary?
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Yup, it works on WP 3.2.1, but some tweaks are needed.
If you plan to install this plugin on WP 3.2 and above, it’s strongly recommended that you write a completely new CSS for the splash overlay.
]]>At file simplesplash.php, code is broken for multi site instalations.
Below my fix:
function display_splash() {
$filename = 'splash.php';
if ( $optionsfile = locate_template( array( $filename ) ) ) {
require_once( $optionsfile );
} elseif ( file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $filename ) ) {
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $filename;
$themepath = get_theme_root().'/'.get_template();
if(is_file($themepath.'/'.$filename)) {
}else {
Hello ,
Is it possible to use “the meta refresh” like this :
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;URL=<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">
After 3 seconds , the same page come back
Can someone help me ?