Will Simple Yearly Archive will be tested with WP 6.7.1.?
Thanks for answer and best regards
Is this plugin abandoned because it hasn’t been updated in a long time?
]]>Hi there,
I don’t want to display the year on top the list. How can I get rid of it?
Current it say “2024“. I don’t want to display that. Please see below.
Retractable Screen Blog
]]>Is it possible to exclude a post type with this plugin? I have tried obvious phrasing in the shortcode but to no avail.
I want to exclude ‘status’ post types from the archive. A
Any help will be appreciated.
]]>Is there a way to reorder posts within the year lists? We’ve tried changing the publish date but that doesn’t do anything.
]]>Hi there. First of all THANK YOU for this plugin…really nice work and support. My question is… Can i have a url parameter passed to the linked years? For example “/2023/?post_type=my_post_type”. Now we only get the “/2023/” as link. How can i do that?
Thanks in advance.
I find your plugin very simple and effective.
However, I have a problem with the ” Expandable years ” function.
When I activate it, only one line is displayed with a link for each year and the whole page is empty underneath!
Clicking on a year doesn’t display anything.
On the opposite, when I deactivate the collapse mode, everything is displayed without any problem.
This is really frustrating because I’d like to work like in your demonstration here https://www.schloebe.de/archiv/
Thanks for your help
Regards – Jean-Paul
]]>Hi. Is is possible to configure the display to be like this:
Articles by Month
2024: J F M A M J J A S O N D
2023: J F M A M J J A S O N D
2022: J F M A M J J A S O N D
and so on.
The English-language letter for each month would be a link to the standard monthly archive page. If a month doesn’t have posts, then it’s not a link. The year itself is not a link.
Doable? Thanks.
]]>Thank you, Oliver, for this useful plugin! I kindly ask if it is possible to change the order of the date and the post title:
Title (separator) Date
Many thanks! ??
Can I only show the linked year without all post title and top menu?
For exmaple, only
Thank you
This is information that WordPress sent:
When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
WordPress version 6.2.2
Active theme: Twenty Twelve (version 3.9)
Current plugin: Simple Yearly Archive (version 2.2.1)
PHP version 5.6.40
Error Details
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 119 of the file /home2/mirror38/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/simple-yearly-archive/simple-yearly-archive.php. Error message: Default value for parameters with a class type hint can only be NULL
Thank you very much for your help. This is great plugin.
]]>This is the problem
PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $posttype follows optional parameter $excludeCat in /kunden/xxxxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/simple-yearly-archive/simple-yearly-archive.php on line 117
Is there a code snippet or a filter I can use to display last modified posts on the archive page?
Actually the plugin only shows the last posts created.
Let’s say I created a post on June 2023, it will appear in June 2023 on the archive page. But if I update a post published on may 2023 I would like it to be displayed in June 2023 section also.
Is there a way to achieve that?
by accident I realised today that the “collapsible years”-option in the sidebar of “Blog” is not working anymore. It does not list anything. Most likely quite a time long, I don’t know because I did not check it since a while (- my fault, should know it better, the webmastering stuff).
Any ideas?
Greetings, Maria
]]>Running the plugin in PHP 8.0 Produces the following Deprecated log entry:
Deprecated: Required parameter $posttype follows optional parameter $excludeCat in /wp-content/plugins/simple-yearly-archive/simple-yearly-archive.php on line 117
The problematic line reads as follows in the latest release:
public function get($format, $excludeCat = '', $includeCat = '', $posttype, $dateformat)
I suggest the following change to the method declaration:
public function get($format, $excludeCat = '', $includeCat = '', $posttype = '', $dateformat = '')
For full compliance you should do something more like:
public function get(string $format, string $excludeCat = ”, string $includeCat = ”, string $posttype = ”, string $dateformat = ”): string
]]>Currently, I am using this plug-in on my homepage. It takes a long long time to draw because it is showing 1200+ posts. I would be willing to pay a fee for you to create pagination. In the Options page, I could set the number of posts that would show before having a continued on next page link. I also would like that link at the top, and at the bottom of the post listings. Please advise. My email is g @ d i g . c o m (Remove spaces)
Many thanks, Greg
just activated your plugin in order to get an archive nice and neatly.
Unfortunately, obviousely, I’m not able to get this plugin running as it should be.
2. When I click to a year in order to get my post displayed -> nothing happens, no posts are showing up.
3. I also would like to have the years collapsing -> checkbox with this option in the settings is on.
Documentation at least not helpful for me.
Do I have to “develop” anything?
I have setup your plugin and put on page where I want to be archive. But problem is that I see this archive on every page on site on top of page. I use newspaper theme.
]]>Can i make the years be bold?
Is it possible to have a collapsed list with years, with only linked years, and not expanding the list when I click the year. Clicking the year should go to year archive page.
]]>Hi there,
I want to show the years with link to seperate pages. However, when clicking 2017, 2018 or 2021 I get a 404 error. How can that be?
Best Regards,
Hello, I’m using this plugin shortcode:
[SimpleYearlyArchive type="yearly"]
with linked years option turned on in the option panel on one particular category of my posts.
I’ve also added a rewrite endpoint with
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'year', EP_CATEGORIES );
so now I have urls like this on yearly archives:
where “news” it’s the category base for posts in permaliks options, “bacheca” is a category term and the year value is automatically used in the query var “year”, so I can do a
to get the current shown year.
The question is: how can I add a “current” class to shortcode generated links so I can highlight the link corresponding to the current shown year archive?
Something similar to the “current-item” class in wordpress menus.
Thanks, Daniele.
]]>Hello, I’ve tried [SimpleYearlyArchive include=”2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010″] but the page shows “no post found”. Global archive works nicely but as I have a lot of posts, it takes too much time to show.
Great and simple plugin!
As there is no CSS plugin file, how can I add a FontAwesome icon before the comments counter in the commas.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I love this plugin! I have a writing site, and all I want to do is list posts so they’re easy to find. The yearly archive is just perfect. I would really like to add another page, with posts listed by category, with just the same simplicity. Do you suppose this could be done? ??
bei der deutschen übersetzung wird mindestens die “Leerausgabe” nicht
übersetzt: No posts found.
Ich finde den String auch gar nicht im .po-File? Gibt es ein aktuelleres
Language-File für Deutsch?
Herzliche Grü?e
Hi there,
Is it possible to have the current year expanded by default?
i am interested in a list of years for my archive, just like on your demo. however the years are all appearing on the same line. how can i get each year to appear on its own line?
Reading the forum I’ve successfully changed the years and post title colors to white in the expanded list. I can’t seem to figure out how to change the months color to white. I have a collapsed year format which expands to show month and post title.
I think I could do it myself if I could find out where the names of the sya containers are stored so I could find the correct format for months in the list. (for instance knowing sya_yearslist changes the years, I would expect something like sya_months to change the months)
]]>Hi and thank you for the plugin.
But what are the settings “Die Archivanzeige anpassen” for?
Regardless of what I put there it has no effect at all!
Only the settings in the widget area do have an effect in my case.
Or do these settings have no effect in the sidebar?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: after some time of testing ??
I have to use the respective shortcode and apply the settings then.
In the sidebar I may use either the plugin widget…
…or the text widget with the shortcode.
For an appropriate spacing between the year digits I may use
<div> </div>