hello, does this plugin support historical dates (prior to 1970)?
the text box starts directly inside the bubble for some themes. So it overlaps have of the bubble.
The issue is fixed if you change the width in .svt-cd-timeline-content from 45% to 40%.
]]>All of the events goes left and I don’t no why :D.
There is a picture and how the looks like in wordpress.
[svt-event title=”Den f?rste kirke” date=”?/?/1200″ class=”svt-cd-green” ] Hvorn?r den f?rste kirke er blevet bygget i Hobro, ved man ikke, men ved vikingeborgen “Fyrkat” findes b?de hedenske og kristne grave, s? det antages, at der f?rst har v?ret en tr?kirke, der i det 12. ?rhundrede er blevet erstattet af en kvaderstenskirke. [/svt-event]
[svt-event title=”Omtalt i det Danske Atlas” date=”?/?/1767-1813″ class=”svt-cd-green” ] Kirken omtales bl.a. i “Danske Atlas” fra 1767, hvor det hedder “Kirken er ikkun liden, men indvendig ziirlig, har et lidet Taarn, men indvendig ikke hv?lvet.” Kirken forfaldt, da byen i sidste ?rhundrede var meget fattig. Der havde v?ret storbrande i 1812 og 1813, og krigshandlinger var heller ikke g?et sporl?st hen. [/svt-event]
[svt-event title=”Nedrevning ” date=”26/05/2017″ class=”svt-cd-yellow” ] I 1846 var kirken ved at falde sammen, s? den blev revet ned i 1848. Arkitekt for den nye kirke blev bygningsinspekt?r for Jylland, G. Bindesb?ll, som is?r er kendt for Thorvaldsens Museum. Bindesb?ll havde hentet inspiration mange steder fra, og han forbandt de forskellige stilarter p? sin egen m?de, s? der fremkom et dristigt og harmonisk hele. Kirken blev indviet den 31. oktober 1852. [/svt-event]
]]>How can I change the icon used in the timeline: cd-icon-location.svg
I have attempted to load a new image and call it the same name, but it does not display.
]]>Just added this plugin, and when I try to activate it I get
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in [path]/wp-content/plugins/simple-vertical-timeline/admin/svt-settings.php on line 80
i removed the full path and just put [path] for the purpose of this question.
any ideas?
]]>We noticed that the plugin doesn’t seem to prioritize loading for special styles (that’s our guess) because for a second when the page loads, you see all unstyled text, then the custom styling we wrote shows up. Is there any fix for this?
In the top image of this page the content is place both to the left and right of the timeline. How do you do this?
]]>I am testing your plugin and like it a lot.
On my 17″ screen however the content doesn’t align as it should. I enlose a screenshot via the link: