in tweets, some punctuation gets converted into a character code, for example '
for an apostrophe. The plugin doesn’t recognize it, and it thinks it is an ampersand followed by the hashtag #39. Any way to fix this/am I doing to something wrong? The feed is embedded in a php block with
echo do_shortcode('[twitter-feed username="RUTorch" num="15"]');
Any help would be much appreciated. Other than that, I really like the plugin; it’s an extremely simple way to embed a twitter feed for a client who isn’t a programmer and may want to edit it in the future.
]]>Thanks for this very useful plugin however after months of running smoothly today it’s spitting up this error message:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: Empty string supplied as input in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-twitter-feed/simple-twitter-feed.php on line 149
There are no tweets to display for this user.
Version 0.5.1
WordPress 3.4.2
Unfortunately I’m finding that this widget isn’t very reliable. It will often come up with the “This account has no tweets” error (not the exact wording!).
Any ideas why that may be?
Thanks for you plugin it works well.
I’m not entirely sure what the cache time refers to. What do you recommend as a sensible cache time for a twitter feed that is updated say, every hour? I’m presuming about 1800 would be sensible?
Also as a feature request I would love the option to make the title of the widget a link to the account’s Twitter page.
]]>Thanks for the simple plugin. It would be cool if you added the timestamp to the end of each post. For example “3 days ago” or “20 minutes ago”.
]]>Thanks for the plugin. I’ve noticed if you change the handle it still only displays tweets from the original username that was entered. Any ideas?
]]>i use this plugin
Twitter Handle:
now plugin are not running on the browser.It is warning show
Warning: domdocument::domdocument() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in D:\xampp\htdocs\bloggersweb.net\wp-content\plugins\simple-twitter-feed\simple-twitter-feed.php on line 123
Fatal error: Call to undefined method domdocument::loadXML() in D:\xampp\htdocs\bloggersweb.net\wp-content\plugins\simple-twitter-feed\simple-twitter-feed.php on line 124
please give me its solutions.