Cze??, mam problem z sekcj? “w?asny kod” w wersjach 2.2.0, 2.2.1 i 2.2.2. Wklejenie kodu (akurat w moim wypadku tag managera) i zapisanie zmian skutkuje usuni?ciem wklejonej zawarto?ci – pola pozostaj? puste. W wersji 2.1.0 ta funkcja dzia?a normalnie.
]]>How can we move other SEO here or how can we use its features other than SEO? Is it possible to turn off only the SEO part?
]]>Or is this an SEO in itself? Does this Simple SEO Improvements work with any other SEO plugin, SEOPress? What exactly does this plugin do?
]]>The latest update breaks my wordpress installation.
Error message as follows:
[06-Nov-2023 08:34:34 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/data/web/e129920/html/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/web/e129920/html/ on line 124
[06-Nov-2023 08:34:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/data/web/e129920/html/' (include_path='.') in /data/web/e129920/html/
Stack trace:
#0 /data/web/e129920/html/ iworks_simple_seo_improvements->__construct()
#1 /data/web/e129920/html/ include_once('/data/web/e1299...')
#2 /data/web/e129920/html/ require_once('/data/web/e1299...')
#3 /data/web/e129920/html/ require_once('/data/web/e1299...')
#4 /data/web/e129920/html/ require_once('/data/web/e1299...')
#5 /data/web/e129920/html/ require('/data/web/e1299...')
#6 {main}
thrown in /data/web/e129920/html/ on line 124
I tried adding the following to the Header Code section of Simple SEO Improvements Configuration about 5 days ago, but social media feeds still pick up an image I don’t want. Can you help me make sure the image I want is used when any page of my site( is posted in social media posts?
<meta property=”og:image” content=””/>
Mam problem z jedn? funkcj? we wtyczce. W Google Search Console dosta?am komunikat, ?e niemal 1000 zdj?? nie zosta?o zaindeksowanych — to wydarzy?o si? po zainstalowaniu wtyczki. Gdy próbuj? odznaczy? opcj? “noindex” w zak?adce media, wyskakuje b??d 403. Jak mog? sobie z tym poradzi?? Chc? mie? zaindeksowane zdj?cia w przegl?darce ??
]]>I really like the simplicity of this plugin but unfortunately it just won’t re-write titles. Descriptions are working fine – but titles remain unchanged. I’m using a pretty ancient theme. Maybe that’s the problem? The theme uses <?php wp_title(); ?>
]]>Can I edit a lot of pages in a once in just one page? Does it have bulk edition for pages, posts and products? Tks! ??