Hi SedLex,
Thanks for the good work, I love your plugin.
But since I’be changed to WP 4.0 and changed my theme too, I have a display bug on small devices :
– the quotes appear below the primary menu on large screens (good :)) but above the primary menu on small screens (not good ?? – on screens under 1080px wide more or less)
– this makes my primary menu look bad (it breaks and is displayed on two lines)
– on small devices, if the quote is larger than the width of the screen, it disappears and only the author name is displayed.
Here are a few screens :
– Wide screen, normal display : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011621546040.jpg
– Smaller screen, bug with the place where quotes are displayed : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011621296709.jpg
– Even smaller screen, bug with the place where the quotes are displayed, and with the menu : https://www.casimages.com/i/14100201162125655.jpg
– Smallest screen, the 3 bugs occur : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011620785061.jpg
– Plugin configuration : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011621648380.jpg
– Without the plugin, display on the small screens : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011620725393.jpg
– Without the plugin, display on the smallest screens : https://www.casimages.com/i/141002011620671291.jpg
Thanks a lot for your help and support !
WP version used : 4.0
Simple Quotation version used : the last one
Theme used : Anew by Alxmedia
Website url : https://www.amitabha-sat.com/ (password : default)
Hi, I wonder if anyone has mentioned categories? I’d like to store multiple categories and have different one displayed on different widgets throughout the site.
Also, I think your upload file should be a CSV file so we can edit and upload spreadsheet type data.
]]>Hello there,
how is it possible to refresh quotes, once a day only.
I have to put a “refresh” (window.setInterval (“refresh ()”, 1200000)) on my blog and suddenly citations also change.
]]>I manage a multisite. Is it possible to manage the quotations db from somewhere central in the db so that everyone draws from that same list?
]]>[Edit : Sorry for the moderators, I didn’t know I had to post in English. To summerize quickly, the fact is that I can’t add any quotes, as I am redirected on an error 404 when I try to. Just look at the two screens below.
Sorry again, I’ll post my next messages in English !]
Je vous contacte car je viens d’installer votre plugin, mais que sa fonctionnalité principale (l’ajout de citations) ne semble pas fonctionner.
En effet, lorsque j’appuie sur le bouton “Ajouter une citation” (voir image 1 ; bouton entouré en rouge), cela me renvoie vers une page introuvable (voir image 2 ; bout de code dans l’URL qui apparemment n’a pas pris entouré en rouge).
Ci-après les deux images en question :
Image 1 : https://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/906131SimpleQuotationAmitabhaSatWordPressGoogleChrome.jpg
Image 2 : https://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/276829PagenontrouveAmitabhaSatGoogleChrome.jpg
Merci d’avance pour votre aide, et de répondre à ce message ??
Bien cordialement,
from wp_quotation to wp_pluginSL_quotation was not helpful! It wasn’t that hard to figure out, but a lot of users might not be capable.