$args = array(
'label' => __('Q&A', 'simple-qa'),
'labels' => $labels,
'public' => false,
'can_export' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'menu_position' => 21+$x-1,
'_builtin' => false,
'capability_type' => 'post',
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-format-chat',
'hierarchical' => false,
'rewrite' => array( "slug" => "qa".$x."" ),
'supports'=> array('title', 'editor', 'comments'),
'show_in_nav_menus' => true
Looks like “21+$x-1” is bad format in PHP8.x any idea how to fix this?
]]>Добрый день, Евгений!
Мне понравился ваш плагин – простой и легкий. Есть только небольшая проблема: когда на почту приходит уведомление – то в письме содержится только сам “вопрос”, а имени и e-mail задающего – нет.
Подскажите, как можно (и в каком файле, что изменить) реализовать “передачу” указанных полей в e-mail письме?
]]>1. Add some category
2. publish on fornt page quastion
3. add some stuff to be full Q&A
Hi Evgeniy,
Thanks for making the plugin, it’s perfect for my website. I just noticed that the email notification does not work for qa2, qa3 etc. When I reply a question in another Q&A than [qa], the one posting does not receive the automatic email notification that the message has been replied. Is this an error in the default php? If you maybe have the php code to adjust it, would be awesome! And also if you can let me know where I can adjust the font color of the pagination buttons. They’re black now, and I would like to change them to white. Thanks in advance!
I just downloaded and installed the Simple Q & A plugin. I am not a techie so I am having some difficulty with the CSS code. I want the plugin to inherit the exact same font and size used in my theme. Please see this page where I have set up the Q & A plugin:
I want the text to be same, font size to be same (only it should be bold in the question and normal in the answer and the line-spacing also has to be the same..
Also one small other help. I want more gap after the submit button so that the first question box is not touching the submit button.
If you can please help me with the CSS code, also please tell me if I should just past it into the CSS box on the plugin settings page?
Thanks so much in advance,
Shobha Ponnappa
After Simple Q&A 1.4 update, suddenly the reCaptcha is always returning verification error after clicking “submit”, even though the reCaptcha itself shows that verification was successful before clicking “submit”
Thank you