Looks like you need to add an error check for the Document Height and Download Button Text fields on the plugin settings page.
If you don’t then after upgrading to PHP version 7.1 or higher you get something similar to the following error
"Warning: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php on line 486"
Hi there,
Will there be any support for usage with the Block Editor?
When I use a pdf with size 3.37 MB, I can’t see it.
But with a pdf with size 300 KB or lower there is not problem.
What I need? Version Pro?
]]>Hello. How can I hide the “Open in a new window” button? Thank you.
]]>The Plugin generates an error at the WP Backend after activation.
empty string to a string offset in *wp-path*/wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php on line 426
]]>The get_option doesn’t allow to refer as array -> you must split the function in two steps
$tmp = get_option(‘s_pdf_options’);
$s_pgf_docw = $tmp[‘doc_width’];
$s_pgf_docw_percent = $tmp[‘doc_width_percent’];
$s_pgf_doch = $tmp[‘doc_height’];
$s_pgf_bttn = $tmp[‘bttn_text’];
$s_pgf_bttn_color = $tmp[‘bttn_color’];
]]>Widgets doesn’t clickable, VE changes formatting, some pages dont editable.
]]>Visual Editor not working after update of Simple PDF Viewer
]]>PDF File ca. 35 MB
]]>I love your plugin, but it loads the pdf viewer hardcoded via http. Since my webpage is https only, there is an error in console. If you change line 82 from:
$s_pdf_doc_viewer = 'https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=';
$s_pdf_doc_viewer = '//docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=';
it would load over http or https without any problem.
]]>[googlepdf url=”URL GOES HERE”]
]]>Would be nice to have the short code some place where it could be copied instead of on a picture, just a suggestion. Thanks.