How do i make the plugin show redirect link back to the full site… thanks
]]>If you had http site you made https with plugin like “Really Simple SSL” and you get redirect loop for mobile users when you uncheck “only redirect once” you need to set mobile page URL with http prefix, not https, do not know why this works, but it works.
Maybe plugin owner can fix this behavior. Oh, please! Much thanks.
]]>If you use the “Simple Mobile URL Redirect Plugin”, the previously created mobile page will be used for tablets and for smartphones. But I would like to use the same page on the tablet as on the desktop. How can I set this with the URL Redirect Plugin? Thanks for your help and best regards Stefan
I’m having difficulty getting the plugin to work. I checked or selected “Enable Redirect” and provided the Redirect Url but to no avail.
Help is appreciated.
in the changelog 1.7.1 says “Removed tablet option and moved entirely to wp_is_mobile() function”.
Would it be possible to have the tablet option back again? I really need it to different the devices.
Thanks in advance,
I’m a little confused about the latest version. It shows 1.7.1 on the plugin page.
My site shows version 1.9 is installed.
Is this plugin still being maintained?
]]>I can’t see the tablet option as it is in description? I would like to not redirect tablet traffic. Otherwise this is a great plugin, easy to set up and works great.
I see that the plugin has not been updated for many months now, and I was wondering if it will get any future updates and be maintained with new features, and most importantly new security updates.
Since many hack attacks rely on holes and vulnerabilities of plugins, using outdated plugins could be a a big risk for getting your site hacked.
Please let me know.
Hi Sir,
I hope everything is good with you.
I have the following url:
Please, I need your help to know how can i redirect this url to another url:
when i view this page on the mobile devices? please
please let me know if there any configuration I have to do in order to redirect users who use chrome or mozilla from their mobile devices.
]]>I installed the Simple Mobile URL Redirect plugin and configured it with the direct URL:
Redirect mode is set to 301, “Only Redirect Homepage” and “Redirect Once” are not checked because I don’t need those two.
But when I try to surf to I just come out on the homepage instead of the mobile subdomain. I tried this using my Samsung Galaxy S6 with Google Chrome.
I already tried changing the mode from 301 to 302, but this doesn’t work either.
]]>This is a feature suggestion:
Why don’t redirect to different pages for different devices (for example ios/android)?
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way to disable tablet redirect? I only want my site to redirect on mobile phones not on tablets.
]]>My mobile site isn’t working properly. I was told my the developer to use the new redirect below. I tried it and it still doesn’t work. I am in the mobile redirect in plug-ins. Help!
var mobile_domain = ‘’;
var mobile_domain = ‘’;
]]>My mobile site isn’t working properly. I was told my the developer to use the new redirect below. I tried it and it still doesn’t work. I am in the mobile redirect in plug-ins. Help!
var mobile_domain = ‘’;
var mobile_domain = ‘’;
]]>Good Morning,
I have activated DEBUG, i can see this one:
Notice: Undefined index: query in /home/xxxx/public_html/carpeta/wp-content/plugins/simple-mobile-url-redirect/mobile-redirect.php on line 134
function: begin in line 132
// Check if the request is json type of request and cancel the redirect.
$url = parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]);
$query = wp_parse_args($url[‘query’]);
if (isset($query[‘json’]))
return false;
if(preg_match(‘/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone)/i’, strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]))) {
if((strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT’]),’application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml’)>0) or ((isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE’]) or isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_PROFILE’])))) {
$mobile_ua = strtolower(substr($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’],0,4));
$mobile_agents = array(
‘w3c ‘,’acs-‘,’alav’,’alca’,’amoi’,’audi’,’avan’,’andr’,’benq’,’bird’,’blac’,
if(in_array($mobile_ua,$mobile_agents)) {
if (isset($_SERVER[‘ALL_HTTP’]) && strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[‘ALL_HTTP’]),’OperaMini’)>0) {
if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]),’mobile safari’)>0) {
Thanks in advance.
]]>i want my mobile homepage to be redirected to another static page.
this works when visiting the site, but when you click on the logo of the homepage,
the normal (desktop) homepage is displayed.
the only way to let the redirect work again is to hard refresh the site.
wp 4.4.2
mobile redirect settings:
301, only redirect homepage checked, redirect once not checked.
known problem or am i missing something?
]]>Sometimes the plugin will appropriately redirect my mobile traffic, and sometimes it will not. No rhyme or reason that I can think of.
Have tried emptying the cache on both server-side and mobile browser. Have also tried other devices, and results are consistent. In other words, the plugin is only redirecting at certain times.
Any thoughts?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Will there be an update for WordPress 4.4.2 soon? This is the note I am getting when trying to intall: “The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
Positive reviews, lots of downloads, all the indicators of a great plugin!.. but apparently not getting any replies by the developer.
I’m going to try it out anyway, but what a shame that the developer of such a well reviewed plugin seems to have no interest in replying to questions, and is not keeping it updated to be certified with new WP versions..
Ahh well, at least the code is open source..
]]>What a user-friendly plugin you’ve created! One thing that I hoping to do with it is to specify a width (e.g.: max-width: 496px) so that certain small devices will still see the non-mobile (desktop) version, while the screens under 496px will see the mobile version.
I’m not using separate sites for desktop and mobile, just a different page. I.e.:
Your thoughts?
]]>Hi sir,
I get the following message on my mobile :
safari can’t open page ,because two many redirects occurred.
Please, What must i do ?
]]>Hi sir,
Is your plugin working only on the ios devices?
]]>Hi SIR,
Please, about :
If Redirect Once is checked, a cookie will be set for the user to prevent them from being continually redirected to the same page. This cookie will expire by default after 7 days. Setting to zero or less is effectively the same as unchecking Redirect Once.
I don’t understand what is mean, Please, can do explain more?
Best regards
]]>hello does this plugin have a way where you could enter in a URL that would bypass the mobile site? That would allow us to have a button on the mobile site that would take the user to the non-mobile site. Let me know. Thanks!
]]>Hello ,
What does the Only redirect Homepage means?
Will it redirect to and not internal pages like to or both ?
]]>Hello ,
I am not a expert , But i want to know what does it mean exactly ?
” Redirect Once
Redirect Once Cookie Expiry:
If Redirect Once is checked, a cookie will be set for the user to prevent them from being continually redirected to the same page. This cookie will expire by default after 7 days. Setting to zero or less is effectively the same as unchecking Redirect Once ”
What does this redirect once and redirect cookie means?
]]>It worked for a few times and even passed Google’s Mobile-Friendly test once, but failed the second time since it did not redirect but instead showed the desktop site. I used chrome first and then IE. Same results in IE — it test Good once and then failed, showing the desktop site.
After that it worked sometimes, and sometimes did not.
My redirection was working fine with another script until the site was updated to WP 4.1.1.
I have tried all those that I found on that claimed to work on ver. 4.1.1 but none gave consistent results.
My WordPress site uses a Thesis theme.
Site link:
It should redirect to a mobile friendly site that was built and hosted on Lime Cellular’s platform. The mobile friendly version can also be seen at and
I like the mobile site because its backend gives me great stats on conversions.
I hope you can help me with the inconsistent results.
John Wilson
]]>Redirected for 3 or 4 tests and then would NOT redirect. Instead it showed the full desktop site. I was redirecting to the same domain name but with .mobi extension.