Installed the plugin on WP 4.5.1 using Atahualpa Version: 3.7.24. When I set a parent category to private the rest of the menus no longer display as sub menus to the parent categories. I can set sub menu page to private without this issue, but I have too many to set all of them manually.
]]>I can’t see any responses to any support requests so it looks like this plugin is obsolete, I hope it isn’t as that the plugin is great for its simplicity and I would be happy to pay for it.
However we are finding an issue in that if members log-in a second time they reach the WP admin (or a pared-down version of it). If that user then logs out (top right option in the admin area) then the next time they login they are directed to the correct page.
I am not sure why this is happening, if anyone has any ideas I would really welcome any feedback.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello. I’m not finding Simple Members area as simple as I should…
I think I’ve done what the instructions say: created a page which I declare private and make this page the “landing page” for my members all identified in the Users section with username and password and the default access page. The access to this page is from a primary page in the public part of my site – a button link.
If the page is public they just go straight to it without being asked for a username and password. If I make the page private it just becomes “unfindable”.
I should say that the built-in WordPress “protected by a password” doesn’t work for this page either…
Any help gratefully accepted
Thanks in advance
Keith Braithwaite
I know you have not updated this plugin for a while so I’m not sure if you are supporting it any longer.
When I first started using it several months ago I created a private page with other private pages as child pages so my client could log into the parent and link to the children. Worked great.
Now however it is broken and I see I can not create child pages from the private parent. ??
Thanks. I do love the plugin. I worked great. Hope you take a look at it and tweak this functionality.
thanks, ernie
I was wondering if there is a way to keep members logged in after they navigate away from their private page.
thanks in advance.