The ginvenName and sn LDAP attributes are used to retrieve the user’s name and surname, when the user is saved in WordPress user database (after a correct LDAP authentication logon).
The source code has an error when it retrieves these values, at section
// Create new users automatically, if configured
If you want to retrieve the correct givenName and sn, you have to change the line 184:
$result = @ldap_search($ldap, $base_dn, $uid_filter,
$result = @ldap_search($ldap, $ldap_user, $uid_filter,
This change will cause the correct attributes passing.
I’ve created this patch to allow updates of role affiliation upon login using LDAP authentication, if possible please add upstreams.
--- simple-ldap-authentication.php.old 2012-06-18 23:41:44.000000000 +0200
+++ simple-ldap-authentication.php 2012-06-18 23:41:15.000000000 +0200
@@ -201,8 +201,12 @@
return new WP_Error('invalid_username', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This user exists in LDAP, but has not been granted access to this installation of WordPress.', $this->ldap_auth_domain));
+ } else {
+ $user_role = $this->_get_user_role_equiv($ldap, $username);
+ $user_id = username_exists($username);
+ wp_update_user( array('ID' => $user_id, 'role' => $user_role));
]]>I’m making use of this plugin but I think I’ve run into a bug.
If a user has any ” or ‘ characters in their password then authentication will always fail irrespective of whether the password entered is correct or not.
]]>I had this plugin working perfectly on WP 3.0.3 on my Mac OS X client machine. I then installed WP 3.0.4 on a Mac OS X Server, and now I have a very odd situation – LDAP authentication works perfectly for the first user, but when I try to authenticate the next one I get a message saying “Error creating user!”. Not sure if it’s a php, WP or SQL error, but there are no traces of the user in the SQL table afterwards.
Any tips? Other than the new machine running the server OS, all settings, SQL versions etc. seem identical.
]]>The plugin works well on single site but not on multi-sites setup.
User’s role will be updated (e.g. from Author to Subscriber) when logging in to another site.
I cannot quite get the logic of how the bug goes wrong.
]]>I have successfully configured this plugin to works: login, create account, map group to role, etc.
Everything are fine except one.
Sometimes when I click the “Log Out” at upper-right-hand-corner of admin system (back-end), the system will redirect me to “/wp-login.php?loggedout=true” and showing “Error creating user” message on a blank screen. This error doesn’t show when I logout from the blog (front-end).
And sometimes when I go to “/wp-login.php”, either by typing the address or click the “log in” link at blog (front-end), the same message show up again.
Refreshing the screen can help me to get to login form.
Anyone have the similar experience?
]]>I’m trying to set up a weblog service for our community, and Simple LDAP Authentication works for the authentication and creation of new users fine.
The problem I see, it’s that when a registered user logins, he can view the Settings option for the plugin in his Options menú.
The config values for the network does’nt appear, but I don’t know what would happen if the user fills the info with other LDAP settings.
It would be nice if this option did’nt appear in the options menú for the non-superadmin users in the network…