Great plugin and I’m using in in the sidebar.
I would like the images link to a larger version in the main content, is this possible?
I installed the “simple image grabber” but I am struggling where I should put the code: <?php images( ‘1’, ‘150’, ‘113’, ‘alignleft’, false ); ?>
I looked in search.php and found the following code in the “loop”:
/* Start the Loop */
while (have_posts()) {
get_template_part('content', 'search');
But no matter where I place the code of yours, I keep getting errors. Where should I place it?
I hope you can explain me what I am doing wrong ??
]]>im using the simple image grabber plugin and it works great.
im using it to pull images and put them in different div’s around my website, and hiding the original images…. all’s good so far.
it now turns out that i need a light box function for my images. the problem im having is that ‘simple image grabber’ only has the option to remove the image link altogether or add a link to the post, it doesn’t allow a url link to the image. neither of these options allow lightbox fuctions.
any ideas?
I would like instead of linking the image to the post, to link the image to its original version (to use with fancybox), anyone has an idea on how to do this ‘cuz I’m a bit lost :/
]]>Good plugin! i’ve got it to pull the first image from my posts and show it in the archives.php, makes it look a bit prettier ??
What I am trying to do now is a little more complicated.
I have a post category called Reviews and I want to pull the images from the latest 5 posts onto the sidebar so it looks like this
Image1 (200×50)
Image2 (200×50)
Image3 (200×50)
Can this be achieved using the images php script aswell as using the wordpress php sidebar widget (
I would just like to report some feedback about this ‘simple-image-grabber’ plugin.
I hav just downloaded and installed it.. It does everything it says.
Nice thanks..
But after installing i found out my WordPress site wasn’t valid anymore. Just because some very small details.
if($width) { $size = ' width="'.$width.'px"'; }
if($height) { $size .= ' height="'.$height.'px"'; }
should be:
if($width) { $size = ' width="'.$width.'"'; }
if($height) { $size .= ' height="'.$height.'"'; }
just delete the px behind width and height.
Else you will get this in your html:
<div class="two green-bg"><img width="290px" height="193px" src="https://localhost:8888/wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/file.jpg" alt="file" /></div>
And it should be:
<div class="two web-bg"><img width="290" height="193" src="https://localhost:8888/wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/file.jpg" alt="file" /></div>
To make it valid.
Also i see you start the ‘simple-image-grabber.php’ file with a <?php but this never closes i don’t know if thats okay?
Quote -beginning of file:
Plugin Name: Simple Image Grabber
Plugin URI:
Description: Grabs an image from a post and displays it.
Author: c.bavota
Version: 1.0.2
Author URI:
function images($num = 1, $width = null, $height = null, $class = ‘alignleft’, $displayLink = true) {
global $more;
Quote -ending of file:
if(stristr($image[$num],'<img’)) {
$theImage = str_replace(‘<img’, ‘<img’.$size.$class, $image[$num]);
echo $link.$theImage.$linkend;
$more = 0;
(no closing php here)
]]>Since images() doesn’t crop or maintain aspect ratios, I am trying to use this in combination with timthumb. Is there a trick for how to do this? I don’t think the timthumb src recognizes the images() specified.