good evening
How can I display the timeline of a page?
I wan to add some test, like discribtion before showing Fanpage FB but I dont know how to, please help!
]]>After installing this plugin for the first time and adding a widget to my sidebar, SOME pages would fail with this error:
Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0
After I deactivated the plugin the error did not occur and all pages were displayed properly.
Simply removing the widget from the sidebar did not help – I had to deactivate the plugin. Note that this error only occurred on a few pages, but not all – at least one Post and at least one Page
Here are two pages which displayed the error
Are there any suggestions to solve this? It seems like a great plugin and I would love to use it so I hope that there is a solution.
P.S. have my wordpress and all other plugins up to date and running this test in Chrome browser.
]]>My Facebook Page not showing on website
]]>Hello Dylan. Very nice plugin you have, thanks for making it. I’ve been using it a few years, it’s simple but elegant and does exactly what I need. Recently however I’ve been having some trouble with it, perhaps this started after the last update of my theme (Enfold).
When I enlarge or shrink an image with my fingers on mobile my site crashes. Here’s a screencast of my phone showing this:
As you can see when I load my site and scroll down to the gallery images and after clicking on an image and loading the larger image from the lightbox, when enlarging and shrinking the image the following error message occurs: “This webpage was reloaded because a problem occurred.”
When the site reloads and I do it again the site crashes and the following message appears: “A problem repeatedly occurred on…”, and at the top of the browser tab it says “Webpage Crashed.”
I’m using an iPhone X and safari browser and I’ve tested it on 2 different phones. I went plugin by plugin deactivating each and the issue only occurs when the Simple Facebook Plugin is activated.
Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to successfully install and publish the facebook feed on my other website [ redundant link removed ] However, on my new site, it does not show up .
I checked the HTML code and in Chrome inspector and the code is there but now on the browser. I’ve also turned off all my other plugins and still does not show up. Can you please help me get the feed to show up on my site?
Thank you
]]>does this plugin work without the need to generate tokens via the facebook developer apps?
]]>Hi everyone,
I try to activate the plugin 1.6.0 with WP 5.0.2 and get the error “Parse error:syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘, expecting ‘)’ on …../simple-facebook-page-plugin.php line 52”
I edited the file and changed by hand starting on line 52 all [ ] for array( …) and finally works.
However, I want to know if this error is due to my php 5.0.3 version and maybe it’s time to migrate to php7 …
Thanks in advance and I hope that this be useful to someone
Happy new year 2019!
Since the 1.5 update plugin activation causes absolute file path links to be set in the options table for “fs_accounts”. For example “C:/wamp/www/<site_name>/wp-content/plugins/simple-facebook-twitter-widget/simple-facebook-page-plugin.php”. This should be a relative link to avoid problems migrating the site.
]]>Hello Dylan
First of all congratulations for developing such an astounding and much needed WP plugin for Facebook, specialy at the young age you started it.
The help I need today is because I have tested several configurations of the plugin and they do not show our own Facebook page.
In our testing they show the standard FB page with the shortcode which comes in the documentation, either this one: [facebook-page href=”” tabs=”timeline”]
or this one:
[facebook-page href=”” width=”300″ height=”800″ tabs=”timeline, events, messages” show_cta=”true” small_header=”true” align=”left” hide_cover=”false” show_facepile=”true”]
But when I substitute the FB address of the sample with our own FB url:
[facebook-page href=”” tabs=”timeline”]
it does not show correctly.
The following two pages have four codes installed, two with the sample shortcode and two with our FB url. Only the plugin with your shortcode can be seen.
I have two test pages,
the first page using the shortcode is this one:
The second, using the widget is this one:
This is the url of our organization Facebook Page url:
Your plugin blocks the display of the Boxtal module in my Woocommerce settings. I identified your plugin after disabling the plugins one by one.
WordPress Version : 4.9.7
Woocommerce version: 3.4.3
Boxtal version: 2.1.16
I have contacted the boxtal support that send me back to you to be able to use the module correctly.
They tell me that the Caldera Forms module prevents the woocommerce_loaded hook from expressing itself correctly.
Thank you in advance
]]>This does not work in Firefox, but works in Chrome.
I’m using the plugin for a business that has reviews, but I haven’t been able to either include Reviews as a tab OR point the plugin to the Reviews page.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
Hello, do you plan PHP 7.2 compatibility updates?
PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated
I’ve tried getting the short code to work on the page referenced above and have checked with both the latest versions Firefox and Chrome. I can see the short code when viewing source but I don’t see the facebook feed rendered on the page.
I don’t think I missed a step but I’m not sure what else to try either.
Thanks in advance!
I’m trying to remove the white border-bottom line. Is that even possible?
Thank you for your help!
The plugin seems to work beautifully, except: when I insert any value(s) for tabs, nothing is displayed except the FB Page’s cover image, with the “liked” and “share” buttons. No posts, etc.
For bonus points: can we force the displayed feed to inherit the width of its parent container?
Thanks in advance – if already answered, I couldn’t find it and will appreciate a pointer.
]]>Is there a way to set a limit on the character length of FB Posts displayed? Similar to an RSS feed where each article is capped at 30 words and one must link to the article site (or Facebook Page) to read the rest?
Secondly, I noticed another person had slow loading of this plugin. I also have an https: address. This is the last plugin to load after 30 sec. delay. Is there a fix?
Otherwise do like the display in my sidebar.
Lon K
]]>Using the widget to feed from to
I (page admin) and 1 editor do most of the posting. When I post on fb as admin, it doesn’t feed into the widget. When the editor posts on fb, it does feed into the widget.
I tried the jetpack fb widget as well, and that gives the same result. Editor’s posts feed into the widget, admin’s posts don’t. Is there a solution/workaround to this issue, so that all the page posts feed into the widget?
]]>I have found that the plugin was loaded very slow while enable SSL/HTTPS. Is it normally or any way to solve this problem?
]]>Hello, Dylan!
I am setting up our new wordpress page and would like to add your widget to front page via shortcode. I have tried different shortcodes from your plugin introduction and currently I am using this one: [facebook-page href=”” tabs=”timeline”]
I even downloaded shortcode generator widget and tried that as well, but needless to say, it didn’t work.
Our page:
I don’t have any ad blockers and I checked it from other browers too.
I am logged in Facebook at all times.
Thank you for your help!
Trying to use <img code there instead of text but it disappears when saved. Is there a fix?
]]>I have installed this plugin on a website: on the contact page. It works on Chrome and Safari but not on Firefox, I dont know why.
]]>issue: I use the widget-version and it worked just fine! Now the widget container is blank.
In another threat you advised to hit the save button in the plugin-options and I tried that, but that did not work.
The only change I made was the install of the “sidebar login” plugin. I deactivated this, but no luck.
It would be great if you could help!
]]>I would really like to take the background color and borders off this widget. I have tried to apply styles to the _2lqg class but they are not taking. I have also placed !important at the end of the styles. I tried looking in the plugins code and could not find anything that would help me. Seems like the style sheet is being linked in and can not be accessed.
]]>Since show_posts is now deprecated, is hiding the posts via CSS my only option? (I’m using the widget via a shortcode and not using the Appearance->Widgets area)
]]>Hi there,
Great plugin!
How do I configure your plugin so it looks like this in terms of width and height (no scroll but just one entry feed)? I tried adjusting the height and width in the widget area but without any like. Mine looks really tiny width-wise and the height is too long. I need to add the width but reduce the height.
My url is
]]>Hi ‘
I just installed this plugin , however which facebook URL I put in instead of the default one ends up with a ” facebook URL link error ” .
did i missed something ?
I’ve installed the widget in the footer of my website – but it isn’t shown although i am logged in to facebook
Need some assistance
]]>your plugin used to display nicely,
i may have updated it.
Now it shows in half width !!